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RE: Steemit Openmic Week 84: J.S. Bach Suite No.3 "Prelude" Live Performance @senzenfrenz

in #openmic6 years ago

Thank you for your response. I think what you've done is great and fantastic for musicians like I have stated in some of my comments / posts, it's not that I don't appreciate what you are doing, it's more to do with the frustrations of my talents being overlooked. Just because I have upvoted a few of my posts, does not mean you and I have completley different points of view. I don't have anywhere near as much voting power as you do and that's understandable through the time you have been using this platform. I'd also like to share with you that I am autistic and have asperges syndrome and ADHD and its extremely difficult a lot of the times with dealing with my emotions. I am a very sensitive / expressive soul and not afraid to showcase my feelings (even if it means putting things at jepordy which is a shame but is something that I need to work on so I don't react in certain ways that will eventually affect my life in a negative way). Anyways, once again, thank you for taking the time to respond like you have, I do have respect for your guys but please understand that equally, have respect for my own reasons as to why I may be slightly aggressive with my approach if it's something I feel that (in my head) is of an insulting nature. I shall continue with this platform as you have taken the time to give me a bit more of an insight and depth of how the openmic structure works.



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