We Are Thinking Of Making Some Changes To The Rewards For Steemit Open Mic

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

We are thinking of changing the reward payouts for the Steemit Open Mic contest and want your feedback first.

Currently the rewards are 420 Steem each week paid out as follows.

  • 1st place gets 150 Steem
  • 2nd place gets 75 Steem
  • 3rd place gets 75 Steem
  • 120 Steem divided equally to qualified original compositions.

What we are considering changing it to is as follows.

  • 1st place 100 Steem
  • 2nd place 50 Steem
  • 3rd place 50 Steem
  • 4th place 50 Steem
  • 5th place 50 Steem
  • 120 Steem divided equally to qualified original compositions.

or how about this:

  • 1st place 100 Steem
  • 2nd place 80 Steem
  • 3rd place 60 Steem
  • 4th place 40 Steem
  • 5th place 20 Steem
  • 120 Steem divided equally to qualified original compositions.

Steemit Open Mic is growing so fast with close to 100 entries per week and these proposed changes would allow us to reward more of the talented people entering.


Please let us know in the comments below what you think about these changes. Thanks.

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That's a great job Luzcypher, I hope Openmic Grows more and more then all the artists can win, win-win, no looser, you know your work in steemit is really great, even if I don't like to do a race for music or producing or writing a song, because then that song can't be from a heart or it's just for winning, I mean then point and goal of writing a song will change but Openmic had many good things for me and also for any other artists who were tired of other sites and no income, well even if it's cents or 2 dollar, it's better than nothing, some artists has no side works, so this can help them much ... some artists don't have good equipment so this will help them. this new rule also made me happy!!! thanks :) <3
I hope this Openmic continue to be a great place for any artists who is in a bad situation to start and grow and I hope these payments in steemit and also this contest grow more and more to give every artist enough to let them continue in the way of music and singing and producing and writing. ( I know that you are doing all of these with your kind hearts, and this is not your duty to pay us or ... ) so I am really glad and happy for the opportunities which you and all the sponsors and support teams of Openmic gave us.
I also saw that you post another contest which gave a guitar, and it's really great, but again I say I don't like racing when it's music and well also if I join that contest . it's one winner then it can't be me :))))) .

this part is not about your post but something to talk about it with you my good friend :) :
all I know about music and to be an artists in these years( but not only these years even from the past there was many great artists but nobody heard them but everyone heard Beethoven or Mozart because they were rich enough to keep doing their music works), is to pay for yourself, it means we pay for everything but we don't pay for ourselves, we have to know that if we don't give a value to ourselves and our works then nobody will give a value to our work and to us. I have seen this brother :) I have felt it and it's also true, just look at the youtube ... you will see, those who paid the advertisement will be the winner, will be at the top list ...

think If I produce a Hollywood movie with all FXs and great musics and ... , then think that I paid much for doing all of that but when it's about releasing it , I just post it for example on youtube, without paying anything for advertisement, well then I will see that only around 1 to 100 people saw my movie or my movie trailer.
these are the rules of the system, we can't change it and I know that you know them better than me.

I hope we can grow more and more with steemit. I hope this place can continue more years and never go down, and we can count on it till 10 , 20 , or more years .... . even while right now I am disappointed of working on USA sites or investing, but I am just continuing, after a trade market from USA took our money ( thousands of people's money from Iranian and disabling our accounts and banning Iran IP), I understood that there is no way to trust these, you know it's USA Government rules which says : No American Company should let Iranian join and use and make money with them. ( I only hope people can win and Governments will lose sooner and all can live free together )

so I hope Steemit will stand against that Government rule. I know it's not easy but I hope.

and at the end I say : all you do is great, and you do all of these with your kind heart so we don't have to say anything :))))) I really mean it :) cause I know you are a human like us and you are the great one who care about Musicians! + all the sponsors of the competition that you started it.

Totally agree with you sir @davidfar even here insteemit I got a bunch of cents hehehe but when I joined open mic, I started loving this music community hosted by sir @luzcypher and the rest of the open mic team they embrace ordinary people ordinary musician with all of their heart.

I think this is the right idea. Slight adjustment to the numbers since second place should stand out from the pack a little more:

1st place 100 Steem
2nd place 70 Steem
3rd place 50 Steem
4th place 40 Steem
5th place 40 Steem

I sort of like your idea here @steemmatt. It still spreads more of the love while giving a modestly appropriate amount of extra recognition for the 2nd and 3rd runners up.

How about:

1st place 100 Steem
2nd place 80 Steem
3rd place 60 Steem
4th place 40 Steem
5th place 20 Steem

I think I like that breakdown even better @luzcypher...

How about 30 steem for fifth place and 20 steem for sixth place. Spread the love a little deeper...

How about:

1st place 100 Steem
2nd place 80 Steem
3rd place 60 Steem
4th place 40 Steem
5th place 20 Steem

This is also good!

That's perfectly fine too... all in the vicinity sending the same overall message. I never thought I could possibly earn ANY crypto with drumming, so it could be $1 for everyone and I'd be happy.

$1 is $1 more than Facebook ever paid me.

This looks good

How about
1st place 100 Steem
2nd place 80 Steem
3rd place 60 Steem
4th place 30 Steem
5th place 30 Steem

Because 2nd and 3rd always got the same amount for 75 steem each
and now with 4th and 5th being the bottom winners, they can also tie for the same amount
I think this is the best model amongst all of our suggestions combined
What do you think?

This is quit fine and lovely breakdown sir @luzcypher.

On one hand:

  • the prestigious prize of 150 Steem for winning Openmic is huge and it's one of the largest ongoing contest prizes that I know of on Steemit! So that is something to consider.

  • 75 for 2nd and 3rd is also a pretty sweet prize worthy of the effort it probably takes to do some of these entries. When I look back, some of my entries took more than 20 hours to get together lol.

On the other hand:

  • I also know the lack of rewards pain well having run Steemit Sandwich Contest for a measly 15 weeks.

  • Initially, I only had 2 prizes, that wasn't enough and even with 3 (currently) I still don't think it's enough lol... too many worthy entries come in and I feel so terrible that I can't reward them through the contest that I end up dishing out my own SBD sometimes to show them love.

  • So if that's similar to the feelings amongst all the judges, then perhaps including a 4th and 5th prize is the next step in Openmic evolution and a good idea...

I'm pretty sure this didn't help at all hahah ;)

Uh, what? I'll just have a beer.

How about:

1st place 100 Steem
2nd place 80 Steem
3rd place 60 Steem
4th place 40 Steem
5th place 20 Steem

Ha! Oddly enough, I understood every single thing @jaybird said! Ha-haaaa!

Me too actually, I'm just being a smart ass.


It would be great because more people.will get chance to win prizes and it will be more interesting now yay

I like the idea ! this is a nice incentive for more people to come join everybody here at the open mic , as long as there is more music , we all win :) . Cheers!

Exactly! The true beauty of music is that it connects people. It carries a message, and we, the musicians, are the messengers.

I think that's a nice idea! Gives people who are so close to the end a chance to shine and feel proud of themselves for the week! Good idea @luzcypher x

How about:

1st place 100 Steem
2nd place 80 Steem
3rd place 60 Steem
4th place 40 Steem
5th place 20 Steem

Definitely! I think it'll go down really well for you and the whole community!

I was thinking the same thing.

There are so many awesome performances every week... this makes sense for sure.

Thanks for adding your two cents.

Are you still in Berlin?

How about:

1st place 100 Steem
2nd place 80 Steem
3rd place 60 Steem
4th place 40 Steem
5th place 20 Steem
120 Steem divided equally to qualified original compositions.

Yeah, that might make more sense.

Just got back to Toronto yesterday... still resting up. Berlin was a blast

Nice, so was Lisbon, bro.

I've been away from my computer all day, but this was basically the breakdown I wanted to share with you... it's the one that makes the most sense... and here is the other thing to point out, that even thought the top price might be reducing we have a weekly winner on MSP of 20 SBD as well, which I will start to contribute to to make it even sweeter.

Me and Krystle even spoke about doing a separate radio show to bring on songwriters and talk about life and music. There is so many ideas right now that I don't know what to do with myself, but I'm excited... im pumped!!!!!

That's the spirit. It was cool talking on the radio show today. Here is a copy cued up to where I start pitching Open Mic.

Plugged your OpenMic Songwriters Challenge you are sponsoring @meno and it's about to kick off soon.

Nice interview @luzcypher! ...starts around the 42:00 minute mark - ... That website idea sounds awesome, man!

I think this changes can grow and improve the open mic community because there are more chances to get a reward, it's a nice idea

We were thinking alike.

Es una excelente idea, así podrás abarcar un poco más las recompensas a los participantes por su buen talento. Hace poco subí un concurso y también coloqué 5 personas a recompensar para apoyar a esos grandes artistas del dibujo. Saludos querido amigo.

La comunidad aquí es increíble

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