DTube Does Not Work For Entering Steemit Open Mic Or The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

The whole idea of a decentralized YouTube, especially with YouTube censoring many of my favorite channels for expressing views they don't agree with, is very appealing and I love the idea.

I support DTube, the decentralized video platform build on the Steem blockchain. However, if you enter the Steemit Open Mic contest DTube is not your friend.

There are 2 problems. Let me explain.


Problem #1

I listen to about 100 videos a week from people entering Open Mic and some people use DTube to host their videos for their entry. Every time I try to listen to a musical performance hosted on the DTube platform it doesn't work.

The video loads, then stops 3-seconds into the performance with a 20-second (or longer) pause while it loads some more, then it plays for 3-seconds more and stops for 20. This happens every time I try to watch a DTube video entry to Open Mic.

Some day they will have enough nodes to make this problem go away but until then it is not practical for entering the Open Mic contest. We just can't get a feel for the emotion in a performance with it stopping all the time.

That's the first problem. Now for problem number 2.

Problem #2

Some of the participants have uploaded their video to DTube and also on YouTube so they can add a YouTube link in the post too. This solves problem #1 and I can hear the video, but here's the next problem.

To upload to DTube the first tag must be dtube, not openmic.

Yes, the rules for Open Mic include using openmic as the first tag and while I can still find your post provided openmic is one of the tags, you miss out on a lot of upvotes if openmic is not the first tag. You see, there's a reason we have rules.

By choosing to use dtube, and as a result having dtube as the first tag, you won't receive any upvotes from the @openmic account when I upvote your post from my account @luzcypher, meaning you miss out on potential rewards for your performance.

The @openmic account is currently delegated with 21,600 Steem Power plus many other strong accounts also upvote what the @openmic account votes for.

If you don't care about those extra votes and rewards and want to use DTube in its current state, then know I cannot listen to your performance unless you add a YouTube video link in your post too.

Again, I like DTube and want to support it but in the case of using DTube for an Open Mic entry, you're just shooting yourself in the foot. It's not quite ready yet and you're missing getting more upvotes by not having openmic as the first tag.

So, just to recap.

  • Can't hear performances on DTube, yet. Stops every 2-3 seconds and leaves you hanging. Please add a YouTube link. This will eventually be resolved as more nodes come online for DTube

  • If openmic is not your first tag when entering openmic you miss out on rewards and upvotes. This problem will not go away if you use DTube for Open Mic even if you add a YouTube link too.

NOTE: Nothing against DTube, @dtube, or @heimindanger. I'm sure there will be more nodes eventually and problem #1 will go away. Problem #2 though, will not.

Here's me hanging with @heimindanger, the creator of DTube. No hard feeling @heimindanger and I know you'll get enough nodes to make DTube work smoother soon.




it's a big problem for users who shares videos. but it will be ok. it's because dtube is decentralized. it needs us to use more it in order to be faster faster faster and at last fastest


It will get there eventually.

You're right, I face the equivilant problems on dtube (loads then stucks). Also notice, that some Percent of your rewards are subtracted by default!

Yes, it's a one.man.show and he's working his ass off.
It says right on the site that 5% of your rewards go to the site.

I know, I like the idea but still has to be working little bit better;)

Unfortunately, I have yet to successfully watch a single video on Dtube. People keep switching over, and I'm like, "Guess I don't get to watch your videos anymore."

Me too. It's a shame because I really want to support it. It's just not ready yet. They need more nodes.

What needs to be done to get more nodes up?

-Gargles rocks in preparation for a soulful song.- Oh, wait, I don't sing. But I know what you mean about dtube. I love the idea of blockchain videos, but I get tired of the lagtime during the video. This is a shame, because I've got people that I watch on Youtube that I'd love to invite to steemit, but it won't do them any good unless they can get people to watch their videos and vote on them.
I don't know how to fix it, but it would be nice if we could.

DTube is still very new. As more nodes are added to the platform it will work better. It'll get there.

I did experience problem number one.
The video keeps stopping in between everyone now and than.
Guys at dtube needs to fix this glitch!

Dtube is a one man show, which makes the fact that it exists at all pretty damn impressive.

It is pretty amazing. I had a chance to talk with him about DTube at Steemfest and it's quite impressive what he is working on.

I was somewhat surprised, but mostly ecstatic when the first Dtube video I tried to watch actually loaded and played without hiccups. Too bad that's not always the case. Thanks for sharing about the limitations—I hope we see this all resolved soon!

Me too. Actually, come to think of it, the first time I loaded a DTube video it worked too, but every other instance it has not. Still, I believe in his project and trust it will get better as more nodes come online.

very interesting post....
really must be very important information have this post . . on steemit.
thnx for your information

Great to know!, I was going to try uploading my next entry that way, It would have complicated things! Thank you very much for this post!!

hey it's good to know ... because nowadays it is coincidentally my plans to upload a video for an openmic competition ... I already know how to make the post ... Thank you.

Look forward to hearing you

I recognized the situation with the first tag automatically being dtube, so I stopped using it for openmic.
A solution I noticed to make sure my videos play back smoothly on dtube is to upload them as an mp4.
Wmv files tend to bog down in playback and need to load.

Good to know.

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