Steemit OpenMic Week 67 - "Right Place Right Time" - [Original Song Demo]

in #openmic7 years ago

Here's my dual submission for Open Mic & Songwriter's Challenge. The theme was "Right Place/Right Time."

For this one, I adopted a quasi-reggae (or even dance music groove), which I don't normally go for. At first it came out more as a country vibe. Of course there is also a bunch of classic jaybird stuff in there as well.

As per usual, by no means is this a perfect performance.

Hope you enjoy anyway!

Right Place Right Time – Jay Sussman - Jan 4 2018

V:It’s always been on my mind since we first moved
When I left it all behind just to be with you
Still it caught me by surprised when we fell through
Just wanted you

You say it’s only a matter of time till
I finally begin to forgive you
That I just can’t leave us behind cause it’s too soon
It’s still too soon

P:Oh I better leave before it kills me
Get in that car and just drive
We may not be in the right place
This may not be the right time

C:To say goodbye x3

V:Even though so much time has past
I know that you and I will always have
This push and pull that I can never break
Wish I could break

B:We may not be in the right place
This may not be the right time
But maybe if I leave this place
I can get u out of my mind
And say goodbye

And say goodbye x3

jaybird Steemit.jpg

jaybird ~


That high speed Cool talk in beginnings of your vids always hypes me. another great song @jaybird you have imprinted pretty solid in my brain, always inspiring. "to say goodbyee oh a ey" 😎

awesome JB! I actually loved that rhythm you had going, I thought it really worked. I think Ive missed a couple of your tunes because Ive been a bit absent from Steemit over the holiday period......strangely, because I thought I would have loads MORE time. Anyway, its nice to be catching up with everybody now.....gearing up for the final week of the challenge next week! Massive respect to you for pulling out song after song every week, I know how freaking hard it is! I feel like Im having some sort of cathartic music cleanse to wash away the bad blood and start fresh for the new year! Peace out bro, x basil

Thx B. It's all good I've missed a lot too, I believe everyone has in the last few weeks.

Ya final session should be a good one! Hope the theme doesn't suck lol.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone brings!

hopefully theyve already discussed an AWESOME theme weeks ago, and they ALL agree, lets save that for the last week! Fingers crossed its gonna be a doozy

Amazingly consistent, quality writing. Thank you! (one small tweak: I'd have had @dan-atstarlite come in with egg shaker for one of the choruses, but hey, everyone's a critic!)

Thank you Lloyd. I agree that might have really added. He wasn't around unfortunately/fortunately lol.

Appreciate you taking the time to check out my entries! I've been trying to ouput the best I can for each contest theme. Some of them were a real struggle tho...

You're so prolific, like a fountain of music.


I'm bopping to the music over here. Nice groove! :)

Nice, glad to hear it.

Great song keep going <3

love the ska vibe. sweet!

Yea, trying something a bit different ;) glad you likey!

You make me laugh that you play with your sunglasses on! I don't understand why people were sunnies when they record a video.
Anyway, great song and melody, thanks for sharing the lyric, I am Italian and I am shit at distinguishing words sometimes. Cheers.

Bc it makes us look cooler duh ;)

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it and np. I don't always sing the word correctly so... good to have em up there.

Pretty awesome song-structuring, and a catchy song, with an awesome strum! Good work, friend :)

Thx, there's some potential there for sure. I wish I didn't choke on my own voice in C1 lol, however it got the point across as a demo. I tend to write a lot of ABC style pop tunes lately.

  • My secret (although Absent from this one) is to usually say the crux of the song right off the top and then go ABC hahah. That's the trick to a good radio song these days IMO.

  • So if the chorus is like ahh: "hold on to glory & right your own story" (lol wow), I might say that line off the top an octave down. It acts as a real short intro, then I'd drop into either an instrumental set up or right into the verse from there.

  • Same with the ending. Pop that crux down the octave or even up right at the end to reiterate the main point so the listener leaves thinking "hmmm yes I understand."

lol so funny to me to see a strategist! I'm a purely intuitive songwriter. I just do what feels right until it clicks into place. But some things to think about :).

I am very much an intuitive for the initial idea(s). I usually just improv something when inspiration strikes and hopefully record it, or write it down close to conception.

Afterwards, I often sit there playing it over and over again trying to hone in on specific aspects like lyrics, chords, melody and song structure. That's where these strategies come in handy sometimes. Many of them have also emerged from imrpov or trial and error moments and I've just remembered how they can assist me when I get stuck or need to continue to work on a song in a very short time frame!

I'm also a composer and have been writing for as long as I've been playing music, so not all that uncommon to employ these kind of tactics especially when writing for specific purposes other than for music's sake. Sometimes the deadline is looming and you don't have the luxury of waiting for inspiration to come or to let an idea unfold at it's own pace ;)

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