Steemit openmic week #67 - ORIGINAL SONG - The Right Place and/or The Right Time

in #openmic7 years ago

.....and heres a copy for the open mic. You will have to excuse my songwriters challenge ramblings, Im just a bit overcome by how incredible the challenge has been and how awesome EVERYONE who has been involved with it is....its been such an honour to be amongst so much quick fire creative songwriters and also just a really amazing challenge for me musically, creatively, and even emotionally. I thoroughly recommend to any of you who are interested to get involved for the final week or to at least come and check out all the amazing songs that are being written.....also some lucky, brilliant steemy is going to be winning a guitar by the end so that could be worth checking out as well! Its all exceptionally exciting....

For my original song post with written out lyrics, click this link:

Otherwise, heres my track for this week:

peace and love OpenMic Warriors
x I'll be back to give you all more attention after this crazy songwriters challenge is finished!
Much love


I played this again today... why do I like it so much? There are parts that sound as though the notes are falling apart, and everything is going into a disarray but maintains the musical integrity... im not a musician... so im describing it in my own visual way... Anyway, just sending a second wave of positive vibes. Hope you had a less stressful week so far.

wow. thankyou anka. Its a lovely feeling for me that you have been drawn back to this made me laugh that you said it sounds like its falling apart....I think it must be because It was turning in to more of an instrumental piece than a lyrical piece so I tried not to do what I USUALLY do which is stick to an obvious chord instead I threw an extra chord in to the instrumental section after the verse so that the sound feels uncomfortably drawn out when your ear is expecting it to resolve. In light of this, I could have called the song right chord, wrong time signature or wrong chord, what the hell? oh wait, thats better :)
Thanks for the extra vibes, its a lovely treat! And yes, this week i managed to make a start a bit earlier so hopefully it won't be such a struggle! You never know though.... x

exactly! the extra chord sounds very layered and slightly chaotic, and its my fav part.

Nice! Really cool song!
The very beginning got a really big chuckle out of me :)
Loved the end of the video, and I agree 100%, it's been a crazy crazy ride in the most wonderful way! :D

I loved it down to the last word of the monologue! The music, wow, you've put so much soul into it, it still resonates in my mind. Best of luck on the next week's challenge!

thankyou anka! Its been a crazy challenge, and last week will be the final push! :) Ive been a bit absent from steemit recently, but I hope to get some time to come and check out your artwork soon....I feel like Ive probably been missing out on loads of lovely stuff this last few weeks

sadly not nearly as much as you'd hope - i've also been absent... other than interacting with other steemies i barely posted anything in a while... but i do have new one fresh from the oven :)

SO GOOD! I just checked it out......You clearly have a really good eye for design. I might have need of your services someday.... :)

anytime! <3

I imagine, watching a mini concert and I am at the very front, good job bro @basilmarples

haha! Such is the joy of openmic :D we are all performing mini concerts for each other

hahaha exactly, the last few weeks there was a spike in participants I hope the better @basilmarples

Good luck next week! I think you should win, because you're everything in 1!
Funny, creative, dramatic, silly, serious and so on..

ah thanks betty :D Thats supersweet of you! Its nice to be offering such a complete package! haha, usually im just the silly part :P
I don't really know how the actual competition works but I imagine someone approximately 3 times as awesome as me will win it! Which is a good thing, because I can't play guitar very well, so it would just get dusty! x

this has a beautiful melody. I really like it. Quite dramatic. Well done. I'm just trying to get to grips with Steemit and this is the sort of thing I want to come accross. Thanks.

yeah, steemit definitely takes a while to work out....I was on and off it for a few weeks before I was even sure whether I really liked it.....I didnt like all the bots and the confusing crypto talk, but once I found a few creative people who I could really start to talk with and get inspired by, then I knew where I could fit in and have been feel really inspired by it all EVER since. Im still figuring some of it out though....its pretty complex this whole crypto malarky!

Oh no, it's almost over???
But that doesn't mean you're gonna stop, does it?
You have such a unique style!

I might take a bit of a break.....Ive probably written as many songs in the last 2 months as I have in the last 2 years! I need to get back to that bloody documentary before it ends up being an account of ancient history!

Yes, that's true. That's also very important!! :D

The number of albums for sure!
The collaborations that could happen with this group...

definitely....big things to come I reckon.....

Great master piece sir., I like the melody of your song.,

thanks G. Yu da Man!

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