Steemit Openmic Original Week 63 A Lost Paradigm...

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Hey there, this one is about empire and their inevitable fates...This one is run by a cabal that goes way back!

But nevermind...There's a ball game on!

Anyway, this is a finished track for a protest album called, "My Guitars Are My Guns"

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soo cool! really rocked this out... major Rocked out

Schucks, thank-you! I'm too old for this shite...Give me some Miles:)

Ok, I'm pausing Xavier Rudd's Spirit Bird just to listen to you. This looks acid lol. Good luck 😊

I guess I have some googling to do!
This one will probably ruffle the feathers of more than a few snowflakes!
For the record, I view the Canadian State as Corporate Despotism.
I'll send you a buck of Steempower if one ANCAP upvotes and comments on this. It's non-stop with those guys about​ the evils of the State but they'll go get all offended and warped if you tell the truth about Amerika in a song--Jer-USA-Lem! Snowflake ANCAPS!

I've been using that snowflakes term that I just learned here on steemit. I even had a loyal follower commented: "I am not a snowflake", so maybe he is really a snowflake ancap lol. Enjoy that nobody notices yet or you'll get trolls in time.

Rudd's pretty cool! I get it, I think...At least I hope I do:) And he has great hair to boot!

As you know, its all about the hair! :P

Loved this, man! Awesome! Damn, I wish I could go back in time... "Free & Independent" till the day I die, brother - till the day I die... as I hope everyone else will be as well...

Thanks, man! I think you and I may be a little bit like Heston in Soylent Green...We remember how it was not that long ago. One could almost cross the border legally without I.D.
Now, sure, that's stretching it but what I'm seeing is de-evolution no matter how much the elites insist otherwise.

Props, brother! Entropy is the order of the day for the "old guard." Just a-hopin' and a-prayin' that the new guard gets it right! Much love, brother! I'm hearin' you loud and clear!


You know what happens to snowflakes when they see Luzcyher, right? They melt.

Sweetie pies always melt hearts:) Here's one to take the edge off any frustrations you may have encountered during all the evil shit that went on today! I know! Not more listening...
Well, like the boys said, Back in the USSR!

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