Knowledge Framing Trio: ONO, Facebook, Steemit and the melody of my life

in #ono6 years ago (edited)

There is this room in between

You can’t see it, you only can feel it and hear that something super important happened.

Sometimes this room we are entering is too new, we are not even able to verbalize when using traditional language, sometimes we have to lend words from different spheres to express our feelings, to explain our decisions, the paths we have chosen. When historians try to put the unutterable moments into words, they in practice use expressions like “the echoes of an era”, “this article is a symphony” or “face the music”. Emotions are closely merged with our most logic decisions:

At the end of the day we are still human.


Picture inspired by Schubert's Piano Trio in E-flat major, 2nd mvt.

Do you know, what you could have known when your frame had been different?

We are not only human, we’re also to an uncertain extend the sum of our interhuman experiences within our uniquely interwoven personal bonds. Knowledge is relational. We are defined by others and we define ourselves consciously or unconsciously through others. Some would say that science happens only when knowledge is published, reviewed and discussed by others. Yes and No. Yes, because science is an incessantly iridescence between competition and cooperation. No because this definition is blind for the unspoken happening, before we publish, the room in-between. The structure how we write is imbued with the intention of who will read it, who shall read it. This process can be presented as logical or carefully described as emotional.

An Example

Frequently when scrolling down on facebook and finding myself minutes later in the ultimate act of posting, I caught myself in thoughts of: “She will read it, she will understand what I mean. He will know it, he will for sure help out to complete my incomplete knowledge”

And finally, I’m always caught by surprise, when someone else I never expected out of my facebook pool (“friends”) continues my thoughts, creates new links of my posting. This is how my thought travels through our mind, the life of others and sometimes triggers associations we never expected, like with music. It can change the future of a whole world in the same or a different way.

Steemit is not famous for having the power over that kind of qualified pool like facebook has. What do I mean? Well, one reason why transferring a group from one social medium to another is back-breaking work, because it originates from the history of social media and our deeply entrenched needs to digitalize ourselves in any form whatsoever. Whereas my facebook not only consists of the so called organic relations, but of a history of personal bonds, my Steemit evolved out of making friends on a digital level, which includes a different kind of valuation and awareness for aesthetics. The sentence “Hey are you on facebook, yeah cool, let us see you there” is more likely to happen than with steemit. And the problem is, there's nothing really cool: the deep facebookfall into a system, probably the most unfair social medium the world has worked on had happened. Steemit promised to reframe facebook’s problems:

Steem is an experiment designed to address challenges in the cryptocurrency and social media industries by combining the best aspects from both. Steem presents earning opportunities to content creators and internet readers in ways that have not existed within the social media industry. Within Steem, individuals earn real rewards online that are directly correlated to their contributions. Those rewards may have dollar value due to the market price discovery and liquidity of Steem, and the people who hold Steem may have more exclusive earning powers than those who do not. Steemit whitepaper, pp.31/32

With exclusivity a new unfair system with flaws has emerged. Facebook and Steemit have their pitfalls. Whereas facebook is the puppeteer playing us till game over (we never should be aware of or reflect on), Steemit is forcing us to search for exposed personalities with high Steem Power (revenue over veracity), so called whales to support, to upvote us, to make our content at least worth something. Usually whales already have their favorites and darlings and getting one’s name into their auto-upvote-services or Steemdunks won’t probably happen, especially when we’ve not been there from beginning on or when we won’t chum up with the Western World and its first world problems. Becoming the naive unicorn of the never-ending story, hoping for an upvote by a whale makes our thinking and writing anything but free or valuable or independent. As professional not getting an upvote at the end of the day, only because weather was not good or bad enough makes Steemit a smart exploitation system. At least for those who not comply to whales' mainstream or are not willing to sell their (minnow) soul. How thankful we can be we escaped facebook and stopped feeding it with our valuable data. Knock, knock? Humanity are you there? (cynicism off). Yes, it is, but whereas facebook now barely starts its discussions from in- and outside pressure, a new star is entering the stage. It is an hONOr for me to quote the white paper within this posting the very first time. It’s time to become aware of how valuable our intellectual property really is, it is time for a change, time to play the melody of our life:

A social network, along with its purpose and significance, is not a simple developer tool or a chat software—just as we say in the economic system, it is a gold mine for human culture; it bears people’s non-material culture’s intangible assets, producing a long-lasting and deep impact effect for humanity. (ONO Whitepaper, p.71) […] Recognize that human labor is not only about material output, but also about the long term and far-reaching impact of human intelligence generated by intellectual achievements, which is of considerable value. (ONO Whitepaper, p.52)

ONO cares, ONO empowers you

ONO as a whole new system learning from the past and living a completely different philosophy should not be compared to facebook or Steemit. Nevertheless, the question within sciencevienna network came up. To claim that Steemit works like wordpress, reddit, youtube combined in an cryptoecosystem and ONO is functioning like telegram, twitter and kind of affiliate platform would be just wrong, not capturing the spirit, the room in-between that makes ONO lifelike natural and so attractive.


ONO, which provides a different – I would say a more sensitive – approach, has great potential in meeting those needs to digitalize ourselves and at the same time giving power back to us, we have lost when hopping from facebook to Steemit. ONO cares in protecting consumer privacy:

The content posted by users [in the ONO social network] can be set as private content, open content or content that is only visible to friends. Once the content is released, no one can delete it, but the creator or judgment executor has the right to collapse it. […] All content in ONO will be encrypted. The creator has the right to amend the levels of permissions. The encryption algorithm guarantees that only the users with the corresponding permissions can view the content. (ONO Whitepaper, p.20)

The novelty can be found in one’s own knowledge creation, once again: Knowledge is relational. We are defined by others and we define ourselves consciously or unconsciously through others, i.e. knowing when something goes forever public on the blockchain (Steemit) or into a sophisticated system of seen or not seen (ONO) has an impact on what we are writing, how we are writing, how we come to our thoughts and how safe we can feel:

Hierarchical social networks decide the flow of user’s information and data feeds through an algorithm which is too centralized and not diverse enough. The software algorithms that determine what you see on social media sites prioritize revenue over veracity. It directly affects the gap between the rich and the poor in the real world and extracts an excessive amount of value from creators and users. This is generally known as the Matthew effect of the platform. In these cases, decentralization of power has the ability to make the network healthier. (ONO whitepaper, p.39)

However the trio will evolve, the exposition just started and ONO’s melody is enchanting, I just can’t stop listening and compose this new world with all of you.

Yours @sciencevienna

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ONO White Paper:

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

ONO Official Links

Official website:
Telegram Chinese:
Telegram English:
Sina Weibo:
WeChat official account: onogogo
English Version App Demo:
App demo created by @rubenalexander


Nice one! @sciencevienna

Interesting analysis. Doesn't have ono a reward system as well, how will it work differently from steem?

The payout will be after 24 hours

There won't be a division like @steemit in SP Steem and Steemdollars, just ONOTS

Thanks for pointing this out! so how is this improving on the issues we know from steem?

Beautifully written and almost lyrical in how it was composed.

ONOlove <3


Interessanter Artikel. Wann geht ONO online?

In China haben sie schon gelaunched, Mai ist für die international version vorgesehen

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