My Second Ono Social T-Shirt!

in #ono6 years ago (edited)


Hi all, how is everyone doing? I have been away for a couple of days and not online much. As a matter of fact, I don't have a lot of time to devote to online activities because most of my time is well spent on art and family. Sometimes I kind of envy people who can be on Steemit almost all the time and even going for meetups with fellow Steemians regularly. But alas, that is not my life and I do have a life beyond Steemit LOL. It amused me when people have the impression that I hang-out with the "bad people" here on Steemit and seems to be a "side-kick" to some people, and that I have no mind of my own. Well, I know what I said doesn't make sense to a majority of the readers but to those who do, here's my message: no, I don't answer to anyone and I am on my own and no one's side-kick/servant/follower whatever you think I am. I dislike all kinds of drama and don't associate myself with them. I am here on Steemit to share what I love the most - art. I hate Steemit politics be it local or international. They are stupid and petty. If you think I am involved, it's because I am impartial and don't take sides. So, please go fly kite and leave me alone.

So there. Let it be the last time I ever said that. It's awkward and out of nowhere but I have been silent for a very long time.

Let's get back to the intention of this post. It's ONO Social t-shirt, of course!

I talked about the first t-shirt here: My First Ever Ono Social T-Shirt!. If you have never heard of ONO, I also briefly mentioned it in that post.

In the first t-shirt, I used a doodle design and for the second one, I used a watercolor design. I have been experimenting with stencil words and decided to use them here. I really love the outcome. This might not look as slick as digital art but I am proud of what I am doing.

Here are the progress photos of the design.







I still can't upload a transparent PNG file to my Redbubble store. I don't know why and it makes me quite upset. If this problem persists, I might have to look for a different platform for my art. CreativeUnited (Malaysia based POD company) is good but I want my art to be more affordable in terms of low shipping cost for the international community. Anyway, here's the link to my t-shirt: CreativeUnited. By the way, if you purchased this t-shirt, 10% of the sales will be donated to A Heart for A Heart donation campaign to help raise fund for children born with congenital heart defects.


Thank you for checking out my post!

My previous posts:

My First Ever Ono Social T-Shirt!

New Art Supplies In the House!

Art Tutor | A New Direction In My Art Career

I am selling some of my paintings over on Artfinder. Shipping is FREE worldwide. You can check them out here: ARTFINDER.
My gifts & merchandise available at REDBUBBLE (international), Printcious & CreativeUnited (Malaysia).

Thank you!


My avatar was illustrated by @pinstory


Those are some lovely designs! I love to wear one of those t-shirts. Are there some more?

Thank you @yuki-nee. Yes, I plan to design another one. Stay tuned.

Beautiful designs and meaningful message. You're drawing skill never fail to impress.

Thank you for the constant support @chrislyr. I love to experiment with different styles and techniques, though I don't often love the results LOL

You're welcome. Also, experimenting brings out your creative juices some more and not being satisfied with the results meant you pursue perfection for your craft. It's just that you'll use up your art materials rather quickly but that's how art is.

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