One Song - One Theme Contest Results 5/29/2018

Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest this week!
I received many more submissions than I have in the past, so I think I am going to keep this format moving forward.
The winner this week is @warpedpoetic. Congrats on your 2 SBD prize.
I feel that @warpedpoetic did the best job of holding true to the intent and rules of the contest.
@cizzo came in at a close second and I am going to send an consolation prize of .5 SBD to them.
Thanks again to everyone who participated. Keep your eyes out for the next edition of One Song - One Theme sometime later this week.
Hopefully we will get to see some more great submissions!
Many of my posts have been featured in The STEEMEngine and Steemrepair, check them out:

Thank you for the consolation prize @bozz
I hope you do more of these, it's cool to check out artists I might not really have given a chance before through the comments :)