
My great aunt lived alone on her little farm after her hysband died. She had indoor plumbing but built an outhouse for herself near the pasture. One day at lunch she made the comment about sitting and watching the cars go by on the road out front. One of her daughters was shocked and said, but mom you have to close the door when you use the out house!. Her response was 'if those people don't have anymore to keep them occupied than watching some old lady sitting in an outhouse, that's their problem, not mine'!

Haha, I feel the same way. Mine has windows on three sides so the door is only to keep the cold and out. I don't know what it is, but every time I go in there, all of the sudden all four dogs need me. The door comes in handy for avoiding them too. They are just like kids.

4 dogs! I must say it all sounds heavenly!

Smallest one is a German Shepherd. They are a delight (most of the time).

My most recent dog was a Shepherd. She was very attached to my partner, and I am rather glad she died before he did. She would not have done well without hin. He was definitively the leader of her pack! I dont have any critters right now. First time ever. Its kind of a relief, for the moment at least!

I love mine terribly, but if I didn't have them I could travel all willy nilly at a whim. I miss that.

I often dog sit for friends and neighbors so they can go traveling and it gives me my animal fix. Then I get to send them home...kind of like grandkids. Plus they slways pay me something, so that is a bonus!

I'm currently watching my grand dogs for a week while the kiddo is on vacation. I love it.

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