OCD curation: A look at the numbers as the project reaches 200 issues.

in #ocd7 years ago

At some point today, either before or after I finish writing this post, the OCD team will publish their two posts of curation highlights for the day. They will arrive at issue #142 of the original OCD DAILY and issue #58 of the its younger sibling, the OCD INTERNATIONAL DAILY. By my reckoning this makes 200 issues in total, through which they have highlighted some of the Steem blockchain's brightest content creators, with an emphasis on undervalued and original work.


It's a monumental achievement, backed up by large numbers. Since the very first issue came out on July 5, the OCD team have featured over 1,500 posts from more than 1,200 individual authors. There have been posts on a whole A-Z of topics, from animals and anarchy all the way through to zeitmanagement, with over 1,500 different tags represented. Post payouts on featured articles have surpassed $30,000, with significant contributions from the @ocd account and from team leader @acidyo.

There's another, less showy, but perhaps even more impressive figure. Being featured in the daily highlights and a surprise payout of $20 is a valuable boost for new users, many of whom may still be considering their place on the blockchain. An analysis of user retention shows that over 80% of users featured by OCD are still active on Steem (73% have posted within the last 14 days, 84% voted within the same time period). This is a huge percentage in comparison to the 10% user retention seen overall.

If you're more of an investor than a creator or reader (or perhaps you're all three) then the size of the curation rewards may be more the figure you want to see. The structure of OCD upvoting, with both the @ocd account and @acidyo delaying their upvotes, allows curators to frontrun these large votes and so benefit from increased curation rewards. There are possibilities for curation percentages of over 50% of upvote and upwards, representing a great opportunity to increase your own rewards whilst at the same time voting on posts that are of high quality.

Whether you're a creator, reader or curator, the above numbers suggest there are benefits to be found in the OCD structure. The project also improves user retention for creative newcomers, which helps generate more great content, which helps attract and retain more users. It's a virtuous circle that should contribute to the growth of the blockchain, to the benefit of us all. Long may it continue!

Top Featured Authors

The OCD team have featured over 1,500 posts from more than 1,200 individual authors. The vast majority of authors are featured only once but there are a lucky few who are repeat achievers. Here's a table of the most frequently seen faces, together with their main topic of posting. Go check out their work!

@bucho4fiction and poetry
@cizzo4short stories
@eonwarped4dogs and travel
@negativer4fiction and poetry
@rt3954science, travel, and japan
@steemit-foodie4food and coffee
@stortebeker4homesteading, sustainability and mexico
@derekrichardson5nature and travel photography
@kikka1903895photography and all things italian
@tinypaleokitchen5fiction and paleo nutrition
@lindahas6short sci-fi/fantsasy stories
@oendertuerk6science and mystery
@whatamidoing6life and community
@therovingreader7travel stories with a twist

If I've misrepresented anyone in the above, just let me know!

Top Tags

The OCD curators cover vast ground in their search for undiscovered talent. An analysis of the tags of featured posts results in over 1500 different topics: there really is something for everyone! The following chart shows the most popular tags (ignoring the less descriptive life, writing, blog and steemit tags) but there are many, many others.

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User Retention

An analysis of user retention shows that over 80% of users who have been featured by OCD are still active on Steem (73% have posted within the last 14 days, 84% voted within the same time period). This is a huge percentage in comparison to the 10% user retention seen overall.

Here are the figures for OCD curated authors:

Active in the last 14 days9518921026
Total Users121912191219

Curation percentages

For the curation study I've used the rewards from this absolutely fantastic post of manipulated photography by @bonaventurehoste. It's past payout now but still worth checking it out! It was featured in OCD Daily #134:

The chart shows the “curation reward / upvote value" ratio for each curator on the post as the orange diamonds (left hand axis). The upvote values are shown as blue columns (right hand axis - the larger upvotes are too tall for the chart). The x-axis shows the time in minutes of each of the curators by order of upvoting (this axis is not to scale).

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There's $2.10 of upvotes that took advantage of the curation rewards prior to the @ocd vote, with an average "curation reward / upvote value" percentage of 82%. Although the capacity isn't huge on each individual post, there are up towards 20 posts a day to vote on!

That's all for today, thanks for reading!
If you want any other figures on this or other subjects let me know in the comments.



Thanks for sharing. Nice to know the work myself and other ocd curators are doing are actually helping grow Steemit by retaining authors.

And thanks for all the work you do. I'm sure sifting through all those posts can't be easy!

It does take some time but you learn some tricks to make it a little faster along the way.

Awesome post about @ocd! I'm proud to be one of the original curators. The project is a great help to under valued authors!

I think it is a great help, and the numbers seem to back that up. And I think having someone come and say they really value your work is as big a factor in making people feel at home here as is the extra payout.

Congrats on being one of the originals and seeing it through all this time. It's a great project!

Nice report!
It looks nice this OCD project. Maybe I'll give a try with my next post, surely in my native language.

It's well worth checking out the International Daily in that case and having a look at the competition!

Yes, I did that right after my comment. Thank you!

I have been checking out the International Daily since your recommendation and gained confidence to publish a post in my native language using the #ocd-resteem tag.

Just published 1 hour ago... Thank you again! :)

Good luck! It's far from an easy thing to achieve - I've never been nominated myself for an OCD or a Curie myself - but you should at least get their attention! I will check out your post.

Thanks for your advice and your visit!
That's the idea, to try and see how it works.
Have a nice day :)

Hello.Great stats! It is always a pleasure to read the @ocd news. Keep on going!

Thank you! I'm not associated with OCD, just reporting on the figures at their milestone. But I agree, long may it continue!

I don't know why but sometimes I feel like everyone of us has a bit of OCD. Sometimes you just want that TV volume to be exactly at 10 or smth, maybie thats just me lol.

Ha! I think there's truth in that. For me anyway!

wonderful your post. i like your post

Thanks for educating on this important subject of curation and how to curate appropriately.

Woah! I loved the idea of @ocd before I ever one. I'm honored to be tied in second place for most nominations. I was actually wondering about a list like this. Thanks!

I was pleased to see you there especially as it was you who introduced me to @ocd. Well deserved I'd say from all your posts I've seen so far. Have yet to try it myself but will maybe try the tag one day. 😊

Just meet people in the chats, when they see you making friends they will scout out your posts and if they like them curate...or you can try the tag, though I never had, thanks for such a great compliment :-)

When you say the chats do you mean comments like these or something else?


Or discord chats which you can find links to all over steemit. One such discord chat is linked in the footer of all my posts :-)

OK. I'll make a note to check out the chats on Discord when I have more time. Thanks as always for your help!

Awesome post about @ocd! I'm proud to be one of the original curators. The project is a great help to under valued authors!

You've gained a flag. Your comment history appears to be just copying and pasting other people's comments. This will not go well for you. I suggest you change your ways.
One for @steemcleaners.

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