
That is some pretty heavy music!
I like ZZ top!

Theyhave some big old country boy beards!

ZZ top is great music @tbnfl4sun

One Bit Music with @jeroll is a nice time, every time. Now when people engage it becomes a music place on Steemit.

About the Prize in this edition, just hand it over @jeroll
You can meet me at the next war. That is what my army girls tells you at the end of the video.

I enjoy life and @OneBitNews hope you all do the same.

The Best Video Prize is yours @fender
Prisen for beste Video er din @fender


The Upvote Cannon boat is coming your way to salute you!
Stemme kanonbåten kommer for å saluttere deg!

The great #Fender is back on Steemit at last

I finally understood who you are. Your first name starts with F.... and you live several months a year in Spain.
Am I right?

I love the way they mix humor with good musical craftsmanship.

ZZ is a solid band, my favourite is their first album 'Tres Hombres' from (1973), It doesn't get any better.

I love that one also @jeroll!

Beautiful music ! also the beauty of the girls adds value to the clip is not it ? ;)
But seriously, a funny song

Yes you are correct, the beauty of the girls always show up in their videos!

An exciting group to know! me about rock music I really like the Rush group :

In August 1968 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, guitarist and singer Geddy Lee formed the band Rush, with Alex Lifeson on guitar and drummer Neil Peart. The first album of this trio Cream way, released in 1974 and offers only a pale copy of the English Led Zeppelin. Fly by Night of 1975, continues to bode well for their career, another group that gives in a hard rock technique. Caress of Steel in September 1975 began to draw attention to Rush, with two long pieces stretched into suites, openly eyeing progressive rock. The revelation occurred in 1976 with 2112, doubt was no longer allowed. A great band was born, with 2112 it is amazing to see the ease with which Rush varies its tempos, passes from acoustics to symphonic, from progressive to heavy with a pluck of a pick. The icing on the cake, the group has with Geddy Lee a singer with the unique voice, between Roger Daltrey and Jon Anderson for the ability to tame the treble. Follow Farewell to Kings (1977), Hemispheres (1978), Permanent Waves (1981) and Moving Pictures (1981) who finish installing Rush among the greats of the rock music and the hard.Rush then shows a rare capacity, that of to renew. The band greets the arrival of the 80s by integrating synthesizers to its music with brio. Without falling into new wave tics, Rush puts a good dose of pop in his hard progressive with, Signals (1982), Grace Under Pressure (1984), Power Windows (1985) and Hold Your Fire (1987). Then Rush returns to fundamentals with the energetic Presto (1989). This intense period is followed by the least brilliant phase of the group. Rush is looking a little in the early 90s and Roll the Bones (1991), Counterparts (1993) and Test for Echo (1996) are simply average albums.

Thanks for the contribution, best Rush song ever.

That's great to know upvote and resteem.

Hørtes bra ut de 2 første sangene. Må la den hvile litt. Like best musikk uten vokal på jobben. Klarer ikke konsentrere meg når jeg hører på teksten :-/

Så på kontoret går det mest i elektronisk musikk ala:

Men har en spesiell en som du kan kose deg med. Russisk !!! Skjønner ikke et ord, men den svinger som bare f....

Najs :) Lenge siden eg har vert innom denne sjangeren. My favorite

Tool - Parabola

I love Tool, en especially their album "Ænima" from 1996 inspired by Armageddon.

Hope there are a new album around the corner :D

Enjoy the vote and reward!

Han karen der kunne glatt ha blitt sponsa av Repsils eller Ricola, for han må vel bli sliten av so mykje skrikesang? Eg blir jo hes berre etter eit par gaul til ungane.

Takk for tips, men eg satsar heller på at det kjem nokre italienske smørsangarar i neste utgåve :)

Man skal ikke undervurdere italienske smørsangere:)

Aldrig hørt om han, uvandt å høre på hehe🍺

Ja dette er musikk man må venne seg til.

Sant det @jeroll 😎😉

I dedicate this video to all those who love and love Rock:
I like to listen to it too much when I drive in my car

Very strange but it says this video was blocked in my country, so much for living in the land of the free!

Støyrock sjangeren har aldri helt vært min største lidenskap akkurat, men etter en gjennomgang er dette faktisk noe av det fetere jeg har hørt inne sjangeren. Har heller aldri hørt om Barkmarket før, så takk for tipset!

Er veldig glad i musikk, så dette må dere fortsette med.


Det å kunne inspirere andre til å lytte til ny musikk gjennom tips i denne bloggen gleder meg, det komme flere tips og vi skal innom de fleste sjangre.

Allow me to introduce the Gimmick album of this famous band,
BARKMARKET reminds me a lot of my father who listened to him too much :)

'87 er bra årgang, men dessverre ble dette litt for grumsete for min smak denne gangen. Men kult at dere ymter frempå med alternative sjangre!

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