
One day in 2015,

I began by listening to Carrie & Lowell a bit by mistake, without paying much attention, as sometimes the radio is turned on to fill the void in a room too large, to surround himself with a reassuring presence. Sufjan Stevens' new album had just been released, I was going to give it a distracted ear and then, if, as often with the American, one or two folk pearls emerge themselves from a somewhat baroque and vaguely magma indigestible in length, I would isolate them, as I had isolated Chicago or Futile devices on its previous LP. I had launched the album and kept going (I'm going a lot) to my business.

But from the first steps, I felt something weird, a strange feeling that emanated without my being able to put my finger on it. A calm, an absolute absence of artifice, a unity, a melancholy too. Phrases, random songs rather minimalist, stood out behind the guitar often in arpeggios, the banjo and the ultra soft voice of Sufjan Stevens. "You'll never see us gain," "We're all gonna die," "When I was three, three maybe four, She left us at that video store." Lourdes, very Lourdes phrases that hid behind falsely light melodies.

I did not know, before listening carefully this time, that Carrie & Lowell was an album of mourning. A bit like Lou Reed's Magic and Loss, the album was inhabited by an absence. Sufjan Stevens, who lost his mother in 2012, wanted to tell this absence through eleven songs some of which are absolutely overwhelming. A word, a note that comes off, a tablecloth synth at the end of a song. A presence floats around a disc that we absolutely can not listen with a distracted ear and especially not while going. Fourth of July, the heart of the album, poignant masterpiece of absolute lacrimal power, has the gift of you to stick a blow of phenomenal blues and to undermine the most assertive virility of the males supposedly insensitive. I bite my lower lip and I do not do it.

Takk skal du ha for enda en vakker opplevelse med musikkens klang. Fått meg ny spille liste nå.

Noen mennesker er rett og slett bare begavet, sammensettingen av musikken. Det høres ut som frie skjeler som danser på nattehimmelen.

Takk for god tilbakemelding, deilig med musikk utenfor mainstream segmentet:)

Allow me to introduce today a great British singer, musician and songwriter born July 21, 1948 in London.

Cat Stevens:

Steven becomes Cat. The son of a Greek Cypriot restaurateur and a Swede, Steven Demetre Georgiou was born in July 1948 in London. As a child, he studies in a Catholic school. "I also studied Buddhism, Taoism, explains the artist. I know they all have the same source, "says, full of wisdom, the one who once advocated a rather radical Islam. Teenager, he plays piano and guitar and performs in bars with some success. This is where fans call him Cat for his cat eyes. And when a producer asks him to record his songs, he says, "My name is Steven, but my name is Cat. "It's a nickname that suits me, he admits again today. Like the cat, I am very independent. If they annoy me, I run away. "

An international star. Very prolific, Cat Stevens released several singles in 1967 and two albums in one year, in 1969 and 1970. A triumphal decade begins. From her passionate relationship with the actress Patti D'Arbanville will be born her two greatest hits: the love song "Lady d'Arbanville" and "Wild World". An inspired composer and lyricist ("Father and Son", "Peace Train", "Morning Has Broken"), a pacifist and everlasting eccentric, he becomes one of the idols of the hippie generation. Until a bathing accident occurs in 1975 in Malibu. He asks for God's help and is miraculously saved from drowning. His brother lends him a Koran and it is the click: in 1977, he converted to Islam, changed his name in 1978 for Yusuf Islam, sells his guitars for charity and opens a Koranic school in the suburbs. London

I am familiar with the exciting story of Cat Stevens, thanks for a good summary of this fascinating story. It makes me think of what we have missed after his conversion to Islam.

Det er aldri feil med banjo. Denne sangen minna meg litt om nokon norske eg ikkje hugsar namnet på... hmmm... Roleg og sval musikk, rett og slett øyreterapi. Trur eg må lage meg ei Onebitnews-speleliste på spotify med alle tipsa dykkar. Takk!

Hyggelig at du finner glede i Sufjan, det er i lete og oppdagelses fasen jeg finner glede i musikken, og spesielt når jeg finner gull på veien.

The Scorpions group :

Rudolf Schenker (born in 1948) forms a first version of the Scorpions in 1965 in Hanover. A rhythm guitarist and singer, he is accompanied by Karl Heinz Follmer as lead guitarist, Lothar Heimberg as bassist and drummer Wolfgang Dziony. They are soon joined by Michael Schenker, younger brother of Rudolf, incisive solo guitarist and Klaus Meine who became the band's singer in 1970. On January 1, 1971, the group made its debut under the official name of Scorpions, in his hometown. They recorded their first album Lonesome Crow, which appeared in 1972. But the artistic and commercial failure is the rendezvous for this very pale copy of the standards of the genre.

I present you the most beautiful song for me sung by this famous band : Hotel California :

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