I amerika finnes mange merkelige skapninger, som Mothman, som du kan finne i Point Pleasant i west virginia på gamle broer.

dette har ikke så mye med tordenfuglen å gjøre, men er et spennende vesen.

Mothman er fantastisk @Flatman, er også laget en del filmer om han.
Noen mener han er en superhelt (for de som tror på superhelter da)

God oppdatering på en skapning jeg hadde glemt i farta :)



han kan hvertfall fly som en superhelt.
da må du se Mountain Monsters, det programmet har ikke bare med big foot å gjøre, også andre skapninger, tror episoden om mothman er i sesong 1, ellers har de også om sheepsquach, wampus beast, grafton monster, yahoo og mange fler

Black Swift of Kenya :

A large all-black martinet has been observed in the Marsabit Mountains of Kenya. We could think rather of an unknown species of pseudolangrayen (of the genus Pseudochelidon), these birds are known in Asia and Africa, they have a plumage all black, can be of big size and have red eyes. It may be that we are dealing with a form adapted to the mountain.

Thank you for givings us good stuff about other cryptozoology themes @Redouanemez

klappe hender.jpg

Kindest regards

The elephant of the Atlas (Morocco) :

The elephant of the Atlas, formerly a tame and domesticated species, no longer exists today. It is supposed that it was these animals that allowed Hannibal and his Carthaginians to cross the Alps in 219 BC.

The elephant of North Africa (Loxodonta pharaoensis or Loxodonta cyclotis pharaoensis or Loxodonta africana pharaoensis), is an elephant disappeared today which fed the troops of Carthage in elephants of war during the Roman antiquity. A possible subspecies of the African savannah elephant or the African forest elephant or a full species of the genus Loxodonta, the North African elephant is not recognized by taxonomy.

Ancient writers, especially Polybius and Appian, mention the presence of war elephants in the Punic armies. Elephants are reported in North Africa, particularly in the eastern part of Tingitane, by Pliny the Elder (V, 18) and Herodotus (IV, 191) in particular. They were found especially at the foot of the Atlas and in the region of Cape Soloeis, in the vicinity of the columns of Hercules, the Strait of Gibraltar.

Ancient traces

Numidia would have hosted it according to Pliny the Elder (V, VIII, 31) and Polybius (XII, 3, 5). Appian (African book, IX, 34) states that when the Carthaginians learned that Scipio the African was preparing to go to Africa, they sent Hasdrubal to drive the elephant in Numidia. Pliny the Elder describes the North African elephant as an animal capable of withstanding the thirst and ardor of the sun in the deserts of Libya where the Garamantes gave chase, ie to Fezzan. These indications prove that the elephants employed by Hannibal did not come from the East.

Climate change, hunting and their use in circus games have probably caused the gradual disappearance of elephants in North Africa.

Unlike the Asian elephant, which has a regularly convex back, the North African elephant had a characteristic silhouette with a saddle on the back of the head. Smaller than his Asian cousin, he did not exceed the 2.50m at the withers, a modest size that did not allow them to wear this tower which they are sometimes decked out on some paintings or drawings.

An elephant used as a weapon of war

The role of the fighting elephant was not negligible. He was the second animal, after the horse, used by Hannibal in his wars. It is even more often mentioned by historical sources. The Carthaginians have aligned a large number to carry out their various enterprises; 140 during the Second Punic War. By his formidable impact force for the enemy infantry lines, this animal gave Hannibal's infantry lines the solidity they lacked.

The elephants of the Atlas were protected by metal plates and they carried a bell designed to excite them in combat. This subspecies was decimated during the first century of the Roman conquest, a population survived the Sudan until the 19th century.

This was very interesting @Redouanemez
If you have more intersting cryptozoology animals from Morocco feel fre to post them here so we also can learn somthing new. Very good work.


Kidnest regards

Thank you,
Ok I will try to post more intersting cryptozoology animals from Morocco.

Best Regards,

Since the late 19th century, many such birds have been seen in the United States. By the way, many Indian legends refer to such flying animals

In 1947, a giant bird ravaged many herds in the Ramore area of ​​Canada.

According to the breeders, he had huge greenhouses, a curved bill, yellow eyes and black plumage.

A few months later, in January 1948, a gray-green bird with huge wings was reported several times in the state of Illinois.

On April 4, a retired soldier, Walter Siegmund, saw "a bird of an unusual size" at high altitude.

A few days later, the same bird was reported over St. Louis, where most of the witnesses took it first for a plane.

Hi @redouanemez

That'a a cool story.
Pretty big the one one the last image in your post too.
Something is going on in Illinois.

Best regards @erlendgroseth
for @onebitnews

Thank you !
yes it happened in Illinois, the city of birds.
Best Regards,

The only Thunderbird I have come in contact with was a car that I rebuilt the carburetor on! It looked like this one.

Hehe, I like your Thunderbird better than the legend @Tbnfl4sun
Especially, if it comes with two real mechanics as in the picture :)

have a great day.jpg

Kindest regards

Har ikkje erfaringar med abnormale dyr, so lenge ein ser vekk frå søstrene mine. Men ein morgon i barndomen, då eg stod og venta på skulebussen såg eg ein ufo. Altså, ikkje nødvendigvis ein flygande tallerken, men noko uforklarleg. Eit objekt dukka opp bak ei sky laaaangt vekke. Lite og kvitt/blankt. Eg kan ikkje sei kva form det hadde sidan det var så langt vekke. Men det bevega seg ekstremt raskt, stod so i ro ei stund, skaut fart i ein annan retning, vart ståande igjen og forsvann so bak skya att og vart vekke. Det kan ikkje ha vore eit dyr og ikkje eit køyretøy (framleis den dag i dag kan ikkje noko flygande vi kjenner til bevege seg slik). Dette har fascinert meg sidan den gong.

Det må jo ha vært spennende @Driftnerd
Selv har jeg også en dragning mot det ukjente univers, liv i verdesrommet, romreiser osv.
Kan nok hende vi kommer til å ta med dette i magasinet fremover :)

ufo 1.jpg


The Atlas bear really existed :

Officially, there are no bears in Africa, which is also the subtitle of Babs Murdock's book (there are no bears in Africa). However, from antiquity to the end of the nineteenth century, it has been reported the presence in North Africa of an incongruous bear that has been called "Atlas bear".

Its existence until the historical period has been, and still remains, fiercely debated, even if reputable zoologists more or less admit the past existence of this bear, although it does not have a single body in any museum of the world.

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