
Musikk er et universelt språk, du kan kommunisere på tvers av kulturelle og språklige grenser på måter du ikke kan med vanlige språk som engelsk eller norsk

Det har du rett i, dette er nok grunnen til at budskapet i denne treffer meg så sterkt, og gir meg positive frysninger.

I think that the messages contained in this type of music is very constructive and often has a positive impact on people and especially young people.

I think also that the trend of young people is to listen to rap music, which for them is more constructive than other types of music because of the message they bring through the words that directly affect the spiritual of young people better than others.
I sometimes listen to Moroccan and Arab rappers, I think they could touch the hearts of young Arabs.

I chose this video of a song of a Tunisian rapper "Guito'n" who could transmit a great message for everyone through this song.

The title of the song is "the proof"

The translation of the lyrics into English is provided below.

This is a message for Apostates Also for the Jews and the Christians We believe in god but every one of us has his religion We should talk to get to the certainty You ask a Jews he says my religion is correct You ask a Christian he says my religion is correct That's why we need an explanation To show you that my religion is the correct one With all do respects for all the religions Islam is the right religion and I have the proof The first proof is the miracles in the Coran Before you question it go ask the scientists Ask Kith Moor about how humans were created Ask him what made you believe in the Coran Read the books and dig in the Research Ask about the Atmospheric and about the 7 skys About the big explosion about the beginnings And read the verse 47 of "el Dhariyet" It's all there in the Coran, people How would Mohamed (PBUOH) know that mountains are like? How do you say that our prophet wrote these verses? While he lived in a era of Ignorance and darkness Be objective, brother, and think for once with sense Our prophet was illiterate and there were no sciences at that time And he never went out of the Arab Peninsula Every time science advances the truth gets more revealed The book that was revealed 1400 years ago How would he understand the air Pressure and the gravity? How would he describe the universe precisely 14 centuries ago? Because Coran was delivered to him by Gabriel With the testimony of Quraish our prophet was honest He was an idol for others before the Revelation and the call for Islam .. I want to address to the Christians in particular To show you that your book is missing a lot of parts The contradiction in the bible is clear since the beginning 24000 copies and every copy says something different from the other You should know the rule Saying that one mistake in a religious book makes it not trustworthy Then how about a lot of mistakes?! 32 of some of your biggest scientists said that Because if your book was correct, We would find only one bible without any rectifications Brother, be once frank since you believe in Jesus Then why you are divided into churches???!! A lot of contradictions; see for yourself James's bible is different from the Catholic's Don't try to find excuses and relate it to the translations Because translations never change the number of verses And to be sure that the bible was distorted Why in the first page you find according to the Saint?! Matta, Lucas, Morcos or according to Johan!! Shill because I only believe in the bible according to Jesus Brother, wait and see for the contradiction in your book Once Jesus the son and once you say he has relatives After you named 66 of his antecedents Didn't you say he's the son of god, please explain for me I don't understand Let's open Bible together before we discuss Let's read Johan's gospel from part 3 to 16 God forgive it is written that God gave birth to Jesus And then you say Bible is correct! Don't argue with me with beliefs, give me a proof As long as you question that "Allah did not give birth to anyone and was not given birth by anyone " And you blasphemed more by not believing in the monotheism of God You believed in God, the Holy Spirit and his only child Which means Jesus is a god according to you Although you saw him getting crucified in front of your eyes That's why I need you to wake up from this falsification As it appeared that the Jews are more powerful than your fake god God forgive because our master Jesus was only a prophet And not a god as you claimed and the proof that you say he Was murdered Read Johan part 28 Jesus told you all his miracles were by the praise of Allah only And also a lot of things that does not belong to a religious book Like for example Ezekiel part 23 I challenge you to read it in front of your parents God forgive it's like you'ree describing an erotic movie With these words I challenge every Christian in the world Because it turned to a call for pornography and nudity That's why that in many copies these verses were rectified Ask and look for yourself and you'll find all what I said correct.

Thank's for your high quality contribution, and for sharing an artist I have never listended to. I liked it, and sharing artists and giving high quality feedback is the main focus of Music Corner, keep up the good work.

I’m not a rap listener. Maybe because there is usually vulgar words in its lyrics. But when a rap song comes with a rich load of positive messages, like the “I’m not racist” song, I took my hot off to the singer. I can’t tell you what I think about Joyner Lucas because I don’t know anything about him. But I’m going to tell you what happened to me recently with my 7-year-old daughter about this kind of music : after returning to home from school, she asked me to search on YouTube for a rap song that she heard children singing in the school bus. She tells me that the title of the song is “ya lili ya lila”. “what?! A rap song?!” I said. But when I listen to it, I liked its melody, the theme that treats, and lyrics.

Listen to it you will like it too:

You shuld listen to Your daughter, when it comes to Music she has good taste. Thanks for feedback musical contribution.

It was nice to see a happy ending in the first video,It was a nice message and a good way to learn about each other!

Music is such a powerful way to spread a message.

The second video with the old lady rapping was funny but the lyrics remind me why I don't usually listen to rap.

At the beginning of the 90s, it is the real birth of rap in the more demanding spirit where the texts take on a capital importance. The musical style is also evolving and we are witnessing the birth of sacred monsters such as the Wu-Tang Clan, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, NWA.

I really like rap especially rap which has a positive meaning.
I share with you @onebitnews this video

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Tupac is a legend and he is considered one of the best artists of several magazines including Rolling Stone. To bad he left us way to early, we have missed great artist end a lot of good Music.

I like music, especially objective songs. Songs that convey a message and human values.
I allowed myself to share with you an old POP song from pop king michael Jackson.

Hope you'll like it.

After a week of work and fatigue, I think everyone like me is looking for some rest :)

Music is a very important factor that helps a lot to let off steam and relax, I chose for you this weekend soft Turkish music.

Enjoy it:

"I'm not racist": rapper Joyner Lucas's punch clip

American rapper Joyner Lucas tackles a hot topic: racial tensions in the United States. In "I'm Not Racist", the artist alternately embodies a white man from a popular layer, a supporter of Donald Trump, and a black man who wants to make his point of view heard.

The words of Joyner Lucas illustrate in turn the accepted ideas that whites associate negatively with African-Americans, and the precise answers of the latter on each of the points mentioned. A hard, frontal but necessary discussion that the artist manages to transcribe very precisely.

Se der ja, nå har Rap Battling komt ut på et album.
Nesten som å se Skeez TV

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