Video by Shoebat: Trump Declares That He Will Totally Destroy North Korea, North Korea Now Plans On Firing Nuclear Missile Over The Pacific Ocean. Japan Will Be Using This Situation To Empower Its Military And Revive Its Empire

in #northkorea7 years ago (edited)

Please watch this video and share. More buildup of the Military Industrial Complex. All by Design, World's A Stage.

Trump vs. Crazy Fat Kid (Rocket Man, Madman)

Japan wants to rule the seas. Seeking to resurrect their Militarism.
Japan and China have been competing over fish.
Every country wants to rule the world.
USA controls the seas of the Earth.
America is enabling Japan to go back into Militarism.

The World Is Heading Towards Armageddon As The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Prepare For War. Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, And The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Are All Preparing For World War Three

Doesn't this surprise you that North Korea is another distraction, fear mongering tactics, increase in military industrial complex real enemy is illuminati/deep state for NWO Agenda

Iran is allied with Turkey Announces It Has Infiltrated American Command Control Centers And Is Going To Now Test A Massive Bomb, if this were true then False Flags, Civil Unrest, still Arms Race heading towards War

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