Beautiful day, saw dust and Steem power ups.. oh my!

in #newsteem5 years ago


Today was a beautiful day, a bit warm but with no 7.0 earthquakes in sight, I’ll take it!

I spent the day working on the construction of my house.. after a long day and a hair full of sawdust, I poured myself a big cup of coffee in my favorite mug. Yes.. my dear European friends.. that is a giant American sized mug and I love it.. deal with it 😛

Steem is such a wonderful place, not just the blockchain.. but the community. Together we are doing big things! Here we are doing the daily grind, selfies included 😉, just working towards the future in sight.

We just show up everyday and enjoy the place! The beauty of a social blockchain 🙌🏼

I even powered up some STEEM today. Wahoo! Beautiful day indeed. And with all the new changes and updates I am fully embracing the #newsteem, and the awesome initiative behind it. I’m going to be trying to share more and help spread the word. Let’s show the world our mug, and what makes this place so special!

I hope your Steem day was as good as mine! What’d you do today?

Full disclosure.. saw dust fell into my coffee when taking this photo.. and I didn’t notice until I took a sip after .. and then I violently started spitting it out as I didn’t know what was in my mouth. Too bad I didn’t get that on video.. would have made a great post!

Much Love and Steem on,

Justine (aka, NuStine)

Whew, careful little guy.. don’t run too fast!

And donut ever give up!



Vacation is over and back to work... I'm depressed as my vicarious vacationing is over also...Now I'm vicariously building a house! 😁

Full disclosure: I really would like to have seen photos of sawdust-spitting, video even more so! 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah don’t be depressed! We had so much fun didn’t we?? And yes the house building is a bit less relaxing and more trying not to die while balancing on rafters but hey, still pretty cool experience for you to being doing 😉

Lol, oh man.. it was the most dramatic thing ever.. you would of thought I died. I just need a film crew to follow me around to catch my extremely graceful moments and then post them on the internet. Mainstream here we come!!

Hope you’re doing well and that the kangaroos haven’t come back to plot their revenge yet. ❤️

The kangaroo's all know not to mess with me now Justine. They're smart like that. ☺️

Posted using Partiko Android

Keep posting simple selfies and don't question anything ever... Pretty soon you will be a Steem Leader. ;)

I'm glad there were no big earthquakes today. I lost 2 glasses of iced tea here in Santa Monica in the last two days. I'm an adult drinking out of sippy cups just in case lol. Steem on!

Haha! I'm not there and couldn't relate to how it all must feel until the tea and sippy cup brought it home for me.

Lol! Oh no! Not the tea! Oh man.. as scary as it all is.. I do have to say that all the videos of the pools splashing and the jokes from the rest of the world that came after was pretty comical.

Honestly maybe we should just start a new trend of adult sippy cups 🤔 These could be pretty beneficial if you think about it.

Steem on 😉

😁 I’m reclaiming the word.. we shall now fully embrace mugshots. Get on it acid, embrace the mugs. 😜

Neosteem FTW! I was thinking only Keanu or McAfee could be our poster/spokesperson but now that I've seen your beautiful mug I think the choice is clear.

My last Earthquake was a 5.5 or so a few years back and it was definitely surreal and unforgettable..

Seriously, though I'm staring at my Ikea coffee cup and thinking of tossing it off the balcony, murrica!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, my first SPS is Justine for the face of steem for the brains, brawn, beauty. Triple B BBB You and the mug plastered with steem on the 101 🤔

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Lol 😂 oh gawd.. my mug does not need to be on any billboards lol. But thanks, you know how to sweet talk a girl 😜

And yes it’s an ‘murican tradition to throw our mugs after finishing our coffee. Get on it!

The quake was pretty crazy, luckily it was centered in a rural area but yeah, it was pretty interesting to say the least.

Have a good weekend and #newsteem on 😉

Let’s show the world our mug

Showing the world our mug.. name of my next indie rawk band.

Nice! That would look great on a t-shirt 🙃

Man I miss indie rock.. I need to dig some old music out ❤️

You beautiful miss

Posted using Partiko Android

Original sawdust infused content right here!

Maybe a Steem first? 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ 😜

I'm sure.

2 thumbs up tomorrow please - not sure how you will hold the mug also but I want you to try 👍☕👍

Two thumbs and a mug?! Sheesh.. you people are impossible to please...

I’ll do my best 🙂

I love your chill posts. Im happy that your day was good. I'm also a coffee lover and I use a really big mug , I'm talking a massive one. Lol
I'm also really happy that the platform is getting better with all this new exciting projects like palnet and steemleo.

Big things are coming for us, lets enjoy the ride.

Thank you! Hahaha the big coffee mugs are just fun.. something about needing to hold your coffee with both hands really makes it special 😉

Yes lots of exciting things happening! Hope you are having a good weekend!

Thank you so very much for the great sawdust in the coffee sidebar. I'm also curious... akin to Derek Zoolander formerly not being an ambi-turner until saving the Prime Minister of Malaysia, do you ever smirk right?

^^^^ I’m Awkward

I never smirk right.. you should know this 😂

You? Nooooo... With looks like Blue Goat, Le Llama, and Caballo, I won't ever give up hope that your next look smirking right will save Steem at SteemFest4 in Thailand.

😂😂 I’m gonna need to work on it I guess then.

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