What if we consider America’s gun problem as a spiritual disease?

in #news6 years ago (edited)

What if we were to regard all problems as, essentially, disturbances of our spirit, and that of the collective spirit?

What if, as mystic Rumi says, "Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots."

Is it possible that there is a greater, deeper societal disturbance that our children have intuited? After all, as we know, children learn not from what we say, but what we do.

Might young, impressionable, vulnerable, more pure souls, our children, have picked up on a profound violence in the air that they, in turn, internalize and respond to?

If America were one home, one family, might it be easier to ask: How are these children being raised that they behave this way? What damage has been inflicted upon their psyche, what examples have they been shown?

We hear a lot about mental illness, lately, another malady not without spiritual roots--and I am reminded of Nietzsche's half-joking remark: 'In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.'

Again, how is our collective insanity, as adults, affecting our children? We might turn to Martin Luther King Jr. wise words: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

We may ask ourselves, in this context, what injustice are we guilty of as a society, at home, abroad and in the world-at-large, that war has manifested itself in our streets, and erupted at schools? How are we breeding death, incubating spiritual dis-ease?

There is no lasting peace that can be built upon injustice, our conscience will not permit it, nor will existence. To quote MLK once again, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”

How, then, might we try to recover our collective peace, what spiritual truths must we try to remember and practice?

Mother Theresa offers this answer: "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

"Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."

(Images: Pixabay)
For an extended meditation on this, please, read Our Wounds Are Peepholes ... To See the World Wound — A Plea for Healing & Global Citizenship
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So much wisdom in this post. We need to look to the root of the issues, especially when they're as tragic and widespread as this topic. The Mother Theresa quote hits home for me, especially.

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

Thank you, for stopping by, Katrina, it’s gratifying to learn this post resonated with you.

The student movement, #neveragain is a source of encouragement and hope.

I appreciated your post on manual curation and am trying to practice some of your good advice 🙏🏼

I think even the word disease is referring to spirit- dis ease. And there is definitely a dis ease in this country.

"Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired." < Awesome quote :)

Yes, exactly, a deep-seated dis ease (I thought I had written that, above, but see that I have missed it). Thank you, for pointing it out and reading with an open heart <3

Mental Illnes. Collective insanity. Nietzsche's half-joking remark: 'In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.' Yes! And the Mother Teresa (now the third or more St. Theresa!) quote. and this: Is it possible that there is a greater, deeper societal disturbance that our children have intuited? After all, as we know, children learn not from what we say, but what we do.
Beautiful, kind, and gentle thoughts! Thank you for this.

Bless your big heart, Carol. There is a tyranny of fear that binds and blinds us, Blake called it "mind-forg'd manacles." But, if we are true and live well, we are not murderously insecure, greedy, nor wrong others. Something of all this madness, our sins, the children have inherited and, now, they are dying of it...

Here's to more desperately-needed Beauty, Kindness and Gentleness in our mutilated world. Only Love, Yahia

I guess you are right.

They have a really big problem with violence and anger/punshiment behaviour

Om Norway our system is the oposite of usa and Even the police here dont have guns normally. They have it in their cars.

It sounds like Norway has an enlightened set-up. I remember when I went to boarding school in England, the cops did not carry guns, either. So, I don't really understand this American insecurity / attachment to guns--despite the too high cost of this failed social experiment.

Another interesting case study is Australia where a bipartisan coalition passed sweeping gun legislation that effectively ended mass shootings (22 years ago!) dramatically reducing gun violence nationwide. So legislation works.

I think so. Funny thing is ok Norway their are more guns per person than USA. But not Attac weapons. Only hunting.

You should watch the movie with Roger moore thats named "where to invade next"

Its alot of the Norwegian prison system and other thing like school cantina food in french.

Guess you would enjoy it after your post.

I follow you and looking foreward to read more from you :)

Have a great weekend pal

Thank you, for your kind words. Yes, every country has it’s own background & national character.

What a movie title—invading others is part of the problem (will keep eyes out for it).

Enjoy weekend ✌🏼

It is ok Netflix.

Good laughs mixed with some food for toughts

The causes of most problems are at first visible to those who can stand outside of the situation. There is a tendency to deny a lot which misleads people trying to solve a problem: a blind spot, perhaps. the problem is spiritual, you are right I think. There is so much division in this society, and very little genuine community sense. It is ironic, because this particular society claims it is about 'equality'. To my own mind, equality requires an assumption that divisions are necessary and inevitable. I am more an egalitarian for this reason.

Hey, nice to meet your alter ego ;) Yes, we need distance to see—we cannot evaluate the play from the stage.

Fortunately, I’m twice removed -as artist/thinker & also foreigner.

America is young, very (in relation to ancient civilizations) and I think they’re going through rebellious teens.

Hope they grow up, soon, after Trump is booted!

upvote and follow @rikineng

Very nice article. I think you're right, that the gun issue is a symptom of a deeper disease. A disease of spirit, disconnection from each other and the source, Universe or God that dwells inside us all.

PS you may be interested in this book: http://www.harpercollins.com.au/9780732292171/

I interviewed the author recently. Here is an excerpt that you may like as well: https://steemit.com/spirituality/@positiveninja/8gln84fc

G’day, @positiveninja

I’m certainly intrigued by this book, and will read your interview with interest. Many thanks, for reading and sharing your thoughts and these links.

Here’s a Kafka quote that I often return to:

"...I consider the therapeutic part of psychoanalysis to be a hopeless error. All of these so-called illnesses, sad as they may appear, are matters of faith, efforts of souls in distress to find some moorings in maternal soil...
—Franz Kafka (Letters to Milena)

Also, a work of art that seems apt:


What amazes me is that people like you & I are coming to the same conclusion, at the same time... There must be an awakening occurring. Keep spreading the news my brother :-)

Oh yes, of course, we're not alone... I, too, believe there is an awakening taking place and the bloody mess we're witnessing is the birth pains of the new world and death throes of the old...

Onwards, upwards _/|_

Our final solution to all our spiritual problems need not be complicated.

Ban all non-medical male circumcision in America, absolutely no religious exceptions.

Almost all of society's ills will be quickly cured. The gun problem, the racism problem, the Trump problem, and a whole host of other problems will all wilt and go away, much like a plant whose roots have been cut.

O beautiful simplicity!

Your questions of probity and wisdom are a conviction of our times and our national idolatry of the gun

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