How our relationship with Indigenous Australians can heal our soulssteemCreated with Sketch.

I had an enlightening conversation with Professor David Tacey about the plight of Indigenous Australians, what we can learn from their culture & connection with our great country, and how the aboriginals use of Dadirri may help with the scourge of mental health issues in modern life.

David has some controversial thoughts on this subject, but I can't help agree. I came across Dadirri whilst attending a mindfulness workshop in Brisbane. I did some research, and Dadirri is best translated as "deep listening". It's a practice that indigenous Australians used to connect with the land, and themselves. Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr is a well know advocate for the practice of Dadirri, and assisting young aboriginals to "walk in two worlds".

As I followed my journey in filming for my documentary on the connection between spirituality & mental health, one of my interviewees pointed me in the direction of Professor David Tacey, who is an academic in the field of spritiuality & psychology. It turns out that David was heavily influenced on his academic career, by early experiences with indigenous Australians, observing their connection with the land.

I'll let David speak for himself in the clip, but I will add my 2 cents. I think contemporary Australia can benefit by embracing the Indigenous Australian's respect and understanding for our country. And recognising that we are all one in a spiritual sense, healing the past injustices can only be a strong step forward for all Australians.

▶️ DTube

Great post, we cannot rule anything out without investigating its merits I believe.

Thanks - and sometimes the best ideas come from left field!

What a truly fascinating, sensitive and perceptive individual! Yes, respecting the indigenous person within and without is truly a remarkable way of putting it, since they are both reflections and extensions of our Soul 🙏🏼

Very happy you alerted me to this; it’s a pity it’s 2 days old and does not qualify for @curie as there is much to learn, here.

Perhaps, @ocd can help?

Good work, @positiveninja 🙏🏼

Thank you! I'm very glad that you enjoyed his perspective and wisdom.

What an interesting interview. The idea of the soul as the indigenous person inside us all is really cool. That resonates with me and I see a lot of truth in it. And that it is important to turn within for spirituality instead of exploiting aboriginal culture, and in turn, that this will allow a more genuine understanding and respect for aboriginal culture. That is pretty profound. Thanks so much for sharing this.

Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot" Gnash / @carlgnash

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I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a profound perspective, something for us all to consider. I'm glad the interview is starting to touch people :-)

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