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RE: What if we consider America’s gun problem as a spiritual disease?

in #news6 years ago

Very nice article. I think you're right, that the gun issue is a symptom of a deeper disease. A disease of spirit, disconnection from each other and the source, Universe or God that dwells inside us all.


PS you may be interested in this book:

I interviewed the author recently. Here is an excerpt that you may like as well:

G’day, @positiveninja

I’m certainly intrigued by this book, and will read your interview with interest. Many thanks, for reading and sharing your thoughts and these links.

Here’s a Kafka quote that I often return to:

"...I consider the therapeutic part of psychoanalysis to be a hopeless error. All of these so-called illnesses, sad as they may appear, are matters of faith, efforts of souls in distress to find some moorings in maternal soil...
—Franz Kafka (Letters to Milena)

Also, a work of art that seems apt:


What amazes me is that people like you & I are coming to the same conclusion, at the same time... There must be an awakening occurring. Keep spreading the news my brother :-)

Oh yes, of course, we're not alone... I, too, believe there is an awakening taking place and the bloody mess we're witnessing is the birth pains of the new world and death throes of the old...

Onwards, upwards _/|_

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