Witness Claims: George Soros (With Dutch Royals) Participated in Child Murder/Torture Rituals In Holland/Belgium

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I have long posted on the topic of child ritual torture, murder and abuse as it is not only one of the most horrific crimes imaginable, but it is also amazingly common on Earth today, it seems. I probably have hundreds of sources of testimony to this, including police officers, CIA agents, survivors and on and on...

The exposure of Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and others are still only scratching the surface of all of this and @pressfortruth have just covered a story, via the Daily Mail, of how a George Soros fund manager is alleged to have raped and tortured several women in a 'sex dungeon'.

On reading this, I feel compelled to remind my audience that a few years ago, I dutch woman named 'Anne Marie van Blijenburg', came forward to alert the world that her own husband formed part of a major criminal syndicate in Europe who were involved in child ritual sacrifice. She claims to have witnessed first hand members of the Dutch royal family, politicians and George Soros (among others) participating in the crimes of murdering children who had been taken from the orphanage system in Holland and who never returned.

anna marie

She states that the murders took place on the Dutch/Belgian border and the bodies were disposed of nearby. She says she reported this to the police but nothing was done.

Her testimony is below:


This topic is hard to stomach... But there will be no other way but to get to the bottom of it. I imagine you have seen conspiracy of silence? If not I highly recommend it, since you seem able to handle it.

Yes, I have seen that and just about every other publicly available (lengthy) video on the topic that stands up to examination. I first learnt about all this from reading 'Trance Formation of America' - which is so messed up that I didn't know what to do with it. Either the author was/is totally insane or 'the establishment' is totally and utterly insane and frankly there is more evidence for the insanity of the establishment than for the author.

Haven't read that book. This topic makes my blood boil like nothing else.
The depravity of those torturing children is beyond belief.

Keep up the courageous work!

The topic is about the wider picture of creating mind controlled slaves who then enter all walks of society to act according to the programmer's desires. There are parts that are so messed up that even I, with a very open mind, had difficulty accepting it was real.. However, I am fairly clear that the mind control programs were/are real - plus that those who run them are psychopaths... So, I remain open.
It certainly forced me to 'grow up'.

That's another difficult one. And most probably connected... I once did a lot of research on this and it was about the scariest stuff I have come by.

Thank you, @ura-soul. We need to get to the bottom of this and expose all of these f*ckers.

I do it most days, yes - it's a complicated and messy job - but so is wiping your butt sometimes.. and it's always better to do it than not!

Spoken like a poet :D

more in the open than this is impossible, this is what should spin the media 24/7

Blake Lively Gives Emotional Speech on Child Pornography

Whenever issues like this are discussed in terms of making system changes - such as rejecting people from jobs because their name is on a list - it is absolutely paramount to look at all the angles. In this case, false accusations of child abuse/pornography are EASY to make and the secret services definitely have software systems specifically designed to plant material remotely on people's computers. This makes such policies an extremely effective weapon in removing dissenters from society who threaten the real predators who may, themselves, be actively participating in the crimes.

It is an extremely twisted situation and I feel it is essential to understand that the governments and police forces are often highly infected with these abusers - so blindly trusting them to fix the problem is not good enough and may actually make things worse.

Here's just one example from this whistleblower series of a policeman from Britain whose job it was to protect such children finding out that his bosses were apparently in on the child trafficking and who then physically threatened him to stop investigating the cases.

Very Strange incident

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