Are the dates of 'terror' events predictable by analysing numerology used by secret societies?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Many researchers have put a lot of work into exposing the way that many if not most of the 'terror' events the world has been forced to endure are, in fact, organised by factions within the very governments who are tasked with protecting the victims. This type of 'false flag' attack is generally used to drum up support for policy changes that generally generate profits for arms corporations, extend the limits of state/government control and reduce the liberty of the populations involved. Unsurpringly, here's evidence of a move to do exactly that from Theresa May in Britain as a result of the recent Manchester event and also to extend the 'state of emergency' in France that give the government extended powers. Further evidence for this pattern is already well documented and can be found in ureka and elsewhere. I will embed some videos that cover this in more detail further down this page - for now though i want to focus on a specific topic... numbers.

As you can see from the image on this page, 6 of the more recent alleged terrorist attacks fell on the 22nd of the month and they shared the same 3 months. If we examine the full list of terrorist events globally during the last few years we see that there are so many that it might seem that the significance of these 6 falling on these days is not particularly important. However, what these 6 share that the vast majority of others (which mostly occurred in middle eastern countries and africa) do not share is that they were given massive coverage by mainstream media and used as leverage to attempt to motivate a change of opinion regarding the military/political posture of western nations on key topics. Is it possible that a group or groups are creating these events in a co-ordinated way to attempt to manifest some kind of plan on Earth? This is the claim of many researchers and here I am going to go through and analyse the probability that such a theory is correct. Also note that 22 people died in Manchester (excluding the alleged attacker) and the alleged attacker was 22 years old. Do you remember how the US world trade center attack occurred on 911, the number for 'emergency' calls in america? The ancient art of numerology (working symbolically with numbers of significance) could well be being applied here.. let's find out:

There are an average of 30 days in a month, which means that if there is no coherent pattern that is being applied consciously to 'terror' attacks globally, then there should be something of a random spread of days of the month that these events occur on. It is likely that it should take roughly 30 of these terror events before we find 2 that share the same day of the month. However, that is not what we find when we look at the dates of many of the bombings and mass shootings that have occurred in recent years. In fact, quite a few of them fall on the 22nd of the month and further, all 6 of the ones listed in the image above here fall on either the 3rd, 5th or 7th month. While there have been several hundred such bombings and shootings in recent years, i will only be focusing on the ones that occurred in 'western' countries and which involved significant media coverage, since it is these which are the highest candidates for having been deliberately created by western groups for propaganda purposes. It's been a while since i did any probability maths, but let's see what we can see (feel free to correct or improve on these calculations if you can):

The chance of 1 terror event falling on any one specific day of a month is roughly 1 in 30, since there are an average of 30 days in a month.

The chance of 1 terror event falling on a specific month of the year is 1 in 12 or (1 / 12).

The chance of 1 terror event falling on a specific day of a specific month is, for the purpose of this calculation - roughly - 1 in 360 (based on the average of 30 days in a month).

What is the chance of 2 terror attacks sharing the same month?

That would be calculated by multiplying the probability of each event by each other, so: (1 / 12 * 1 / 12) = (1 / 144).

What is the chance of 2 terror attacks sharing the same day of the month?

(1 / 30) * (1 / 30) = (1 / 900)

What is the chance of 2 terror attacks sharing the same day and month?

(1 / 900) * (1 / 144) = (1 / 129600)

What is the chance of 6 terror attacks sharing the same day of the month?

(1 / 30) * (1 / 30) * (1 / 30) * (1 / 30) * (1 / 30) * (1 / 30) = (1 / 729,000,000)

What is the chance of 1 terror attack occurring on a specific day in the month and in one of only 3 months out of 12?

(1 / 30) * (3 / 12) = (3 / 360) or (1 / 120)

What is the chance of 6 terror attacks sharing the same day of the month and also the same 3 months out of the 12 possible?

(1 / 120) * (1 / 120) * (1 / 120) * (1 / 120) * (1 / 120) * (1 / 120) = 2.985984×10¹²

2.985984×10¹² = 2,985,984,000,000

So the overall chances of 6 'random' events falling on the same day of the month within the same 3 months of the year is around 3 TRILLION to 1!

CLEARLY there is more than just 'random chance' going on here and since these calculations don't even take into consideration the similarity of the events involved, the actual probability of these events occurring by 'chance' in this way may be much lower than 3 trillion to 1.

So.. What could be the cause of the date patterns?

If the terror events were truly only the work of islamic extremists, then we should look to the isamic calendar for clues.. I am far from a scholar of islamic issues, so i turn to the basic wikipedia page on the topic:

The problem with this idea is that the islamic calendar has a totally different number of DAYS in it to the western 'gregorian' calendar - which means that it is probably almost impossible for such a repeating pattern that is meaningful in the gregorian system to also have meaning in the islamic system.

Can we find anyone else who is linked in to these number patterns in some way?

Well, since the other prime candidate for being the true planners of these terror events is often thought to be members of the shadow governments of the western nations and the the western secret societies - such as Yale's exclusive and small 'Skull & Bones' society (which both George Bush Jr. and Sr. AND John Kerry were all members of).. Well, maybe we should look at their calendar and the way that they deal with numbers... Makes sense to me.

A quick refresher for those who may not know about bush, kerry and skull & bones:

and a quick insight as to what happens if you try to bring the issue up with john kerry in public:

Anyway, back to the numbers.. As it turns out, they appear to have a well defined numerical code, a system of numerology, that they apply to many aspects of their lives - even including the way they lay out photos of their group and the hints they drop through symbology and even architecture. In fact, the topic is so vast that it takes weeks just to even start to look into the full scale of the many examples of the number codes that appear to have been inserted into our world by this and related groups.

Marty Leeds is one of the best researchers i have found into these topics and he uses an approach that i also partially decoded long ago - but he has in some ways taken it further than I have and has found lots of interesting things with it. I'll let him give you a quick overview of just a small amount of the ways in which the skull and bones group use numbers and symbology:

We can see that this group definitely likes to encode numbers and symbols into their activities, but are they connected to 22, 3, 5 and 7 in some way? Well, we know their main number symbol is 322 - which is obviously 3 and 22 - so, yes, on the surface there is a symbolic connection.

To really do some useful analysis though, we need to go beyond hypothesis and just stick to known facts. Let's see what we can learn from what is known about numerology.

The numerology of these attacks

22 is the number of letters in the hebrew alphabet (and several other older alphabets) and also the the number of paths in the Jewish mystical Kaballah's Sephirot.

There are 22 tarot cards - the card system used by 'mystics' to call for psychic guidance.

There are 22 writable regular polygons in an Euclidiean circle: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 45, 60, 72, 90, 120, 180, 360. These are twenty-two of the twenty-four dividers of 360, the two first, 1 and 2, not defining polygons.

The head of the man is constituted of 22 bones: 8 for the cranium and 14 for the face.

22 in numerology is considered a 'master number' and is defined on as follows:

The 22 is the most powerful of all numbers, able to turn lofty dreams into realities. It is confident, pragmatic, ambitious and disciplined.

22 is double 11, which is also a master number

Remember: It doesn't matter if YOU believe in the validity of numerology, it only matters that SOME people believe in it enough to use it when carrying out their evil deeds.

So, it sure looks like someone might be attempting to manifest something using these terror events in a way that is to them using some kind of numerical method of 'magically' or 'metaphysically' empowering their actions.
But wait, there's more!

As it turns out, there are many more significant dates that also fall on the 22nd of the month (my thanks to the source for this image):

more 22

Are these also evidence of a numerologist connection? I leave it to you to decide!

Further viewing

As i mentioned before, there is a wealth of information on these subjects online already - here's a great insight into the numerological and related aspects of the 911 event from mark passio:

And here's James Corbett's classic short take on false flags:

A BBC documentary that exposed how NATO was caught organising false flag attacks against innocents:

A 1 trillion dollar lawsuit that alleged the Sandy Hook school shooting event was faked and staged - possibly to attempt to stimulate support for legislative changes intended to disarm the american population:



Thank you for the link to this old article in your latest post. The topic doesn't get old. Interesting how Marty Leeds has deleted or deactivated the video. He seems to play controlled opposition or deliberately pushes any conspiratorial ideas away from him and his Gematria research. He claims that all English ciphers are stupid and builds on the geometric Septenary cipher. That is an amazing cipher but the English ciphers are clearly connected to Geometry and much more and denying that as a Gematria researcher makes him suspicious in my opinion.

Have you looked into my, or rather Zachary Hubbard's research into August 11, 2019?

I don't listen to Marty much as he definitely does deny things and I don't have time for that. He tends to bow to criticism rather than just stick to the facts. It may just be that he has decided to 'play along' in order to not become an outcast or get shut down from youtube. I don't know.
I hadn't seen the posts about August 11, but I just read most of your post here - it's definitely a date to look out for!

Isn't there a NATO conference in the next few days? I thought I heard something about the U.S. looking for increased military support to fight terrorism.. Wink wink

i don't know - but they are always looking for money anyway! thanks for reminding me that NATO was caught causing false flags against innocents within NATO countries:

Numerology is the art of torturing the numbers until they confess what do you want. Fortunately the numbers do not suffer in the process, but my point is that you can prove whatever you want with that.

The chance of 2 terrorist attacks share the same day of the year is number of total terrorist attacks/365 The chance of 6 terrorist attacks at the same day of the month is number of total terrorist attacks/(30*6), the other calculations are meaningless as you are introducing statistic bias.

i am not attempting to prove anything random using numerology, i am only pointing to the patterns that numerologists hold dear and asking if their interest in them is relevant to the patterns that arise. i am not looking at this as if i am hunting for a winning lottery number, rather i am just looking at the patterns to see if anything is really connected or not in the ways that some claim.
as far as i am aware, the calculation for combining the probabilities of multiple instances of an event which have their own independent probability is the one that i used, which involves multiplying the number of possible outcomes for each instance - as you can see in the 4th graphic down on this page:

I apologize for the misunderstanding about the author.

The probability of calculations is not correct because the author choosed the terrorist attacks whose dates were according to his theory. In probability the sample choosen for calculations must be random, doing otherwise is cheating.

the probability that has been calculated is to determine specifically the chance that any event which could occur at any time will occur on the days that these ones did occur. in other words, if we allow 6 truly random events to occur in a year, the chance that they will occur on dates with the same day number and in the same 3 months out of twelve, is as far as i am aware nearly 3 trillion to one.
it doesn't really make any difference how many other events occurred that did not fit that pattern and, in fact, the fact that there are other events which don't fit that pattern only affirms the low probability of such a pattern existing.
in short, if the calculation is correct in terms of the scope that it is intended to be relevant to, then the result is correct.

Let´s try with an example. In a daily lottery with numbers from 1 to 100 after 1000 days the number 13 won 7 times. With a 1% chance for every day seems reasonable, isn´t?

The probability for the number 13 for winning 7 times in a row is (1/100)* (1/100)* (1/100)* (1/100)* (1/100)* (1/100)* (1/100)= 1×1014. But I lie and tell you this is the probability for the number 13 to win 7 times along the 1000 days, so the lottery is flawed and you should not play. Would you believe me? Because this is the same the author did.

i am not following your logic here.
you stated the probability of a number winning 7 times in a row and made the claim that to lie and say that the resulting (low) probability is actually the probability of the number winning 7 times over 1000 days (instead of 7 days) is the same kind of mis-representation of the numbers as you are identifying in the calculations i, as author, made in the original post.
i think you might have misunderstood the intention of the calculations in the maths in the original post.
to clarify: the maths demonstrate the probability that any event (of any kind) will occur on specific days and in specific relationship to them IF they ARE random. so in other words, if there were no deliberate and conscious process involved in deciding the pattern of the dates then the odds of the particular pattern being as it has been shown to be with these terror events would be 1 in 3 trillion.
the point is that since the terror events DO fit this unlikely pattern, then there must be some motivating factor that is increasing the odds that these events fit this pattern - they cannot simply be random.
you already stated that they are not random and that is the point. what you appear to be missing though is that the nature of their non randomness is in question. you have stated that they are not random because they are all terror events that happen to fit a hypothesis (note that the hypothesis came AFTER the noticing that the number pattern existed and not before), but my point is that the DATES SHOULD be random if they are not following a predetermined pattern. I am only looking at the dates and nothing else, so why are the dates forming such a pattern that has such low probability?
are you claiming that the probability of such attacks falling on such a day is quite high?
if so, what is the probability of these attacks occurring on the dates that they have occurred on - according to your calculations?

My point is that it can´t be proved that the 6 chosen events were picked up at random, so the probabilities should be calculated with a bigger sample with the formulas I gave in the first comment. For example, all the terrorist attacks in Europe in the last 20 years, or all the terrorist attacks worldwide in the last 5 years.

we are approaching the data with different intentions and understandings about how to make the data useful.

Terrorist attacks are thought to be independent of each other in terms of their date within the year - so i am not sure exactly why it is necessary to include in other terrorist attacks to calculate the probability that a specific set of events are timed randomly or not in relation to each other.

i did consider using all of the available dates of terrorist attacks, but then the issue becomes very cloudy - since many of the attacks are just one guy stabbing one other guy.. so where do we draw the line? maybe some are genuinely terrorist in nature and some are not. from our position, we do not know for sure all of the details of every event.
for that and other reasons i chose the more general approach that i chose.

in any case, you wrote that:

"The chance of 2 terrorist attacks share the same day of the year is number of total terrorist attacks/365"

the formula for probability is generally:

probability = events / number of outcomes

so p = 2 (terror events) / 365
p = 0.0054794520547945
p = 0.54%

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