French generals shout "treason" while Merkel reveals truth behind "non-binding" UN migration pact

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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The Global Compact for Migration was signed by 164 nations (including France) one week ago in Morocco, not surprisingly at exactly the moment when we were all focused on yellow vests in Paris. The agreement aims to facilitate the expansion of immigration worldwide while controlling the way in which the media reports on this. It is pitched as being legally non-binding, yet when challenged on this a few days ago, Germany's Angela Merkel revealed a very different picture.

Knowing full well the problems immigration has created in France, a group of high ranking military (mostly generals) have accused Macron of being “guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation” by signing this pact.


With the police force already wavering in their support of the government, could this be a sign that if called upon, the military will not take arms against their own people?

A curious choice of words

The definition of migrate is to move, like birds in the winter. Yet the people who emigrate (leave their home country) will not, like the birds, be returning in the Spring, making them immigrants. So I am confused why they are consistently referred to as migrants?

Looking at a breakdown, the first thing which jumped out at me was this:

The agreement makes no distinction between illegal and legal migrants. source

No matter if they enter the country through illegal means, their status will be the same as those who enter through official channels. Unlimited migration is to be treated as a human right, while extra effort will be made to protect them, keeping families together, ensuring that countries "hold 'culinary festivals' to celebrate multiculturalism".

Media manipulation

The agreement calls for governments to "educate" journalists, including directives on "terminology" media professionals are to use. source

Obviously they wouldn't want those pesky journalists using negative terminology about any of this, so rather ask the people how they feel about accelerated migration, they just quietly tighten up the regulations around so called free speech so that any criticism of migration can be criminalised as hate speech.

Here you can see scale of this agreement.
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Looking at the close-up of Europe we can see how many countries have not yet signed.

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Wikipedia takes the time to list all the red countries along with the reason why they haven't signed, so coupled with the idea that the agreement is non-binding anyway, you would be forgiven for thinking this is no big deal.

Majority decision-making

The above maps and focus of attention on the countries who haven't yet signed is just another distraction from the reality that once a majority vote is established the pact will be valid for ALL members of the UN, which is every country marked in green below.


According to British MEP Janice Atkinson, the UN pact would lead to Europe being flooded with 59 million new immigrants within the next 6 years. source

Can you see how they are intentionally softening the boarders between us?

Examining this recent exchange between Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and Mr. Hebner of the AfD we are able to see deeper into this.

Mr. Hebner asks:

“You can see for yourself clearly that during the conference, the spokesperson for Morocco emphasised that the agreement was legally binding. He said clearly, in a literal sense, that there is a corresponding legal bond for all nations taking part as well as an obligation of implementation. You and your delegation did not raise a single word of objection to that statement but idly accepted it. I would like to emphasise that the parliamentary motion was not presented at the conference.” Hebner

Merkel does not deny the allegation and goes on to explain how the final decision effects everyone.

“So then, during the UN General Assembly next week, the pact will once again be up for debate and a decision will be made on whether to accept it. At this time, a member state can demand a vote. When two-thirds of the represented countries agree then it is valid for all. That’s how majority decision-making works.” Merkel

Jump to 2mins 5sec to see the exchange for yourself:

French generals on the war path

Understanding the wider implications of the Global Compact, a letter written by General Antoine Martinez (signed by ten other generals, an admiral, a colonel and the former French Minister of Defense Charles Millon) warns Macron that the move strips France of more sovereignty and provides an additional reason for “an already battered people” to “revolt”.

In the letter they accuse Macron of being “guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation” for signing the pact without first putting it to the people.

“The French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures, who have regrouped in the last forty years in areas that no longer submit to the laws of the Republic,” source

You can read the full letter in this article.


General Antoine Martinez with Macron

Order Out of Chaos

After spending years building up the boarders between us there appears to be a reversal now in which these boarders are being dissolved, the effects of which are being felt worldwide.

I encourage you for one moment to consider this 140,000 strong group of Muslims gathered here for Ramadan in Birmingham UK, June 2018.

Once this pact goes through it will not be long before Muslims outnumber the British in Birmingham. Please don't misunderstand me here, I am not racist and have a respect for all religions, but I simply don't see how an intentional dilution of cultures will result in anything except chaos.

I would not be able to forgive myself if I didn't point out in this moment that (according to basic Illuminati or higher Masonic dogma) the full scope of the New World Order will be revealed to us after a period of choreographed chaos. The end goal is a boarder-less world, one government to rule it with one supreme (digital) currency which rises from the ashes of the old ways.


It doesn't matter which fiat connected market you are looking at, all the indicators say STRONG SELL in this moment because the end game has already begun.

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While Bitcoin on the other can is up 10% and the rest of the crypto market has exploded with huge gains today.

The Merkels, Macrons & Mays of this world are not really in charge, but are instead the punchbag puppets for those who are and the Globalist Agenda has nothing to do with the will of the people.

Living here amongst the French it feels to me like they can see this now.

How long will it be before the rest of us see this too?

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He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

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The politicians are puppets who have probably been promised a place in the upper echelons once a one world government is in place. If all goes to plan this is going to be a far less populated world. Mass famine should be the order of the day. The poorest will be the most affected by conversion to digital currency. Have you seen @iceagefarmer's videos? Crop loss will help the famines along. Africa is the largest producer of food and currently farms are being seized, destroyed and abandoned in several countries there.

Posted using Partiko Android

I haven't seen @iceagefarmer's videos. But will check out today!

Yes indeed, I believe I have been preparing for this since I was seven years old when I got my hands on the SAS Survival Handbook. For many years I was obsessed with developing survival skills, despite living a very comfortable kind of English life.

While I cannot condone what is being done it feels like inevitability now and the thought of living without any modern conveniences for a few years is a welcome one.

We certainly looks like we may have some very interesting times ahead of us.

You're not wrong there. How lucky we are!

I appreciate you putting me on to this subject. I have examined it in detail now:

I think you have just summarised the key thing that barely anyone here on Steemit seems to get:

"the full scope of the New World Order will be revealed to us after a period of choreographed chaos. The end goal is a boarder-less world, one government to rule it with one supreme (digital) currency which rises from the ashes of the old ways"

I felt a bit wary of this particular sentence, not wanting to freak people out, but it had to be said in light of what I can see happening now. Thank you for your ongoing support here.

Especially on Steemit where saying cryptos are part of a zionist money control agenda is verboten. But sadly, while I do think we can potentially use them for our own aims and profits, I must say that these days I think using cryptos is playing with fire and I'm now doing so with my eyes open.

Quite right. I wouldn't be at all surprised is Satoshi and the birth of BTC was part of the NWO plan. Like I said in my previous news article, there is very little in this arena which has not been choreographed.

My eyes are open also, but I am still expecting to get filthy rich ;)

Me too!

Two years ago I was a new crypto believer, and even at today's prices I'm actually still ahead - but now I'm a jaded cynic looking to ride the manipulations up but hopefully not down.

And I still envy your sale of Steem - that was genius!

It is not that nobody gets it, or nobody has seen it, even arfurgrafo was writing about it, it is more some people are trying to challenge it, and not on steemit!

The big question is whether protesting the existing French government is really challenging the zionist plan or actually assisting it - what is the true purpose of a zionist puppet president - piss people off, cause a riot and get France split into segments and later ruled by a one world government?

I think putting totally incompetant leaders in charge of key countries is all part of the plan. We got one out of nowhere here in NZ last year, and in just one year she has screwed our economy. I don't think any of this is an accident.

So if the plan is to create chaos, how are people challenging that? So far very few people seem to see the plan...

Every time I talk about people making their own money at a local level and self rule, I further our plan, every time people talk about the above, it furthers their plan. Which you prefer?

I'm with you on this - but like an itch that I need to scratch, I talk about it anyway - if everyone was saying what you are saying I would move beyond it in an instant - but I think grasping all the parts of the plan and choosing to move above it only works when done knowingly.

This stuff is really complex and could self rule ever be done by people who think they actually have vote in the current system?

Is Steemit an example of self rule? (really, I'm still trying to work that one out!)

I will outline my thoughts, plan, rationale in a post broskie.

Living in Italy and having more than 50 years, it is clear to me that any politician is a simple puppet in command of more or less hidden powers.

Thanks for your beautiful article, Sam... I'll read it later more deeply.

A huge hug from @amico!

Big hugs back to you in Italy!

REsteemed with pleasure, I love to see a different view of things, and I think you just nailed it.

Well... time will tell and I don't want to scare anyone, but sometimes when the writing is so evidently on the wall, it needs to be said.

Appreciate your support ;)

I reckon people vastly underestimate the French letter to Macron. It is a promise, not a threat.

I also see that this global compact is an act of war on all European nations and peoples. No matter what the Macrons, Merkels, and Mays say or do, war is the human response to invasion, and this is an invasion no matter what it's called. I believe that's why it's being done.

War is immensely profitable, and few wars have been more profitable of late than European wars.

I also know it is not reasonable to consider such immigration as has happened in France to dilute the culture there. Marseille is not really France anymore, because it's some kind of racial/cultural autonomous region. It's not the only place in France like that either.

Such immigration isn't dilution. It's pitting the new against the old. In the 70s, Portuguese and Algerian immigrants integrated, despite some ethnic slurs and general bigotry. This isn't happening today, with Muslim immigrants, and I am confident that the intention to integrate was never more than rhetoric, intended to lull the French into acceptance.

They are no longer lulled.


Even here in Perpignan, the city has been split into quarters, each one represented by a different culture and violence between the quarters is a regular thing.

Organised chaos. But will the guilty be held accountable?


When I lived in France there were similar segregations, although far more minor. There are communities throughout the world that are successfully segregated - until someone pits the sides against each other, as is happening in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, etc., today, for profit.

The EU is the primary vector for this invasive immigration, and there is currently no little attempt to hold them accountable. Brexit, Frexit, Polexit, all seem to have substantial support, for starters, and were the EU to continue to impose this invasion particularly, I would be astounded were the EU to survive - absent a shooting war which subjugated these European nations to the EU empire.

Since that's the plan, and has always been, IMHO, either the Yellow Vests succeed, or the peoples of Europe will face war rather than riots on the streets.

This is the promise the French Generals have made to Macron. I bet he takes it seriously, and is being assured by his keepers that everything is going to plan.

I think we both believe that meatbags isn't all we are, and my confidence that we are more also depends on that more eventually effecting justice. Perhaps not today. Perhaps not for a thousand years.

But, when it does happen, it will be truly just.

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