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RE: French generals shout "treason" while Merkel reveals truth behind "non-binding" UN migration pact

in #news6 years ago (edited)

I reckon people vastly underestimate the French letter to Macron. It is a promise, not a threat.

I also see that this global compact is an act of war on all European nations and peoples. No matter what the Macrons, Merkels, and Mays say or do, war is the human response to invasion, and this is an invasion no matter what it's called. I believe that's why it's being done.

War is immensely profitable, and few wars have been more profitable of late than European wars.

I also know it is not reasonable to consider such immigration as has happened in France to dilute the culture there. Marseille is not really France anymore, because it's some kind of racial/cultural autonomous region. It's not the only place in France like that either.

Such immigration isn't dilution. It's pitting the new against the old. In the 70s, Portuguese and Algerian immigrants integrated, despite some ethnic slurs and general bigotry. This isn't happening today, with Muslim immigrants, and I am confident that the intention to integrate was never more than rhetoric, intended to lull the French into acceptance.

They are no longer lulled.



Even here in Perpignan, the city has been split into quarters, each one represented by a different culture and violence between the quarters is a regular thing.

Organised chaos. But will the guilty be held accountable?


When I lived in France there were similar segregations, although far more minor. There are communities throughout the world that are successfully segregated - until someone pits the sides against each other, as is happening in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, etc., today, for profit.

The EU is the primary vector for this invasive immigration, and there is currently no little attempt to hold them accountable. Brexit, Frexit, Polexit, all seem to have substantial support, for starters, and were the EU to continue to impose this invasion particularly, I would be astounded were the EU to survive - absent a shooting war which subjugated these European nations to the EU empire.

Since that's the plan, and has always been, IMHO, either the Yellow Vests succeed, or the peoples of Europe will face war rather than riots on the streets.

This is the promise the French Generals have made to Macron. I bet he takes it seriously, and is being assured by his keepers that everything is going to plan.

I think we both believe that meatbags isn't all we are, and my confidence that we are more also depends on that more eventually effecting justice. Perhaps not today. Perhaps not for a thousand years.

But, when it does happen, it will be truly just.

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