Big Pharma have changed the definition of high blood pressure!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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They have done this to increase the sale of statin drugs.

These cholesterol-lowering drugs are already amongst the biggest-selling 'medicines' in the world, generating billions for pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Merck & Britain's second-biggest drug company, AstraZeneca.

The American College of Cardiology & American Heart Association recently released a 114 page summary which basically declares that around half the population of the U.S. will now need to take statin drugs to treat their 'disease'.

Prior to this highly anticipated announcement, normal blood pressure was stated to be anything below 140/90. Today anyone with blood pressure over 120/80 will now be advised by their doctors to start taking statins.

Here are the new guidelines around blood pressure, as listed by Christina Sarish
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The Cholesterol Scam

Cholesterol has become a buzz word in the medical industry over the last few years. It has been redefined in the subconscious of the masses by adding the word 'high' to it with the suggestion that drugs are the solution to this 'problem'. This tactic has proven itself to be highly successful and the sales of statin drugs around the world have soared as a consequence.


The cholesterol myth has been debunked by many doctors & naturopaths and the HYPOTHETICAL link between high levels of total cholesterol and heart disease has never actually been proven.

If you are concerned about your cholesterol levels I suggest you recreate the drink you can see above. Add some natural sweetener (not sugar!) if it is too bitter for you. Drink it on a daily basis & get out into nature: take off your shoes and get your body moving in whatever way feels most enjoyable to you. Exercise and nutrition are the key to a healthy life! Not drugs.

Dr. Stephen Sinatra, author of The Great Cholesterol Myth makes the following points:

  • Cholesterol levels are a poor predictor of heart attacks. Only about 50% of heart attack victims have high cholesterol levels, and 50% of people who have high cholesterol do not have heart disease.

  • Recent studies suggest statin drugs are associated with a higher risk of diabetes, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.


Big Pharma are now applying the same tactic to blood pressure.

CNN said it very clearly one week ago:

Nearly half of Americans now have high blood pressure, based on new guidelines

The change in tactic

In the face of growing awareness around the negative effects of such drugs they have done this with a clear intention to increase the fears of normal healthy people. People who may not be aware of the Pig Pharma problem.

Instead of seeking to offer a more diverse or 'effective' range of drugs to address the symptoms of various illnesses, they have simply changed the guidelines around our understanding of when we are sick.

Looking at this pie chart showing the potential side effects of statin drugs it is clear to see who stands to gain from the sale of further drugs to address this huge list of medical problems.

There are a few other potential side-effects not mentioned here which include mental confusion, memory loss, high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes.

Statin medications work by blocking the action of the liver enzyme which is responsible for producing cholesterol in the cells and the end result is a highly unnatural process which certainly will have the effect of lowering the production of cholesterol in the cells, but at what cost?

Be aware!

If your doctor advises you to take statins due to your 'high' blood pressure or 'high' cholesterol levels, thank them for their advice and do your own research.

We live in an age now where the answers are readily available to us. But there is so much faith in the word of trained medical professionals that this research is rarely done.

Know that the medial industry seeks only to cure the symptoms and not the cause, leading almost always to side effects which require more drugs... whilst guaranteeing their customers keep coming back.

The cure to the actual problem is almost always the same thing: better nutrition & more exercise/body movement.

Stay informed and stay safe my friends 🌱

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world.

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There is a new field of medicine called Functional Medicine that focuses more on Vitamins and other Holistic concepts. You have to get a medical MD degree plus other certifications after you graduate to practice.

The Functional Medicine doctors still have the ability to prescribe pharmaceutical meds but are more reserved on prescribing them. Functional Medicine focus on using therapeutical dosages or (medical grade) of vitamins to treat diseases that is not accessible by normal means.

Also hadn't heard of this. Sounds great. You should start a steemit medical service. Many people here would love to communicate with a person like yourself I am sure.

I have no problem answering medical questions but I would like to be anonymous.

Seeing that you are in Indonesia you may have problem finding a Functional Medicine doctor.
You don't have to dependent on a Functional Medicine doctor to use vitamins correctly. Here is a good video to use vitamins at therapeutic dosages to treat diseases.

I have tested some of the dosages and they can be very effective.

Please share it with everyone.

This is really eye opening, I will call it scam. Thanks for sharing! Upvoted!

For sure it is a scam.

I don't trust the medical profession at all, I have seen to much to ever trust them again, regards Gez

You are right to be wary. Though as @denmarkguy pointed out in these comments, there are still doctors out there who will look at natural solutions before resorting to pharma products.

Yes I agree but there should be a data base of these Doctors as I would rather see them than those indoctrinated by the pharmaceutical industry, this is a belief system just like many others that brain wash the public.

If only such a database could exist without it being the perfect place for Big Pharma to collect the names of the dissenters and deal with them as they see fit.

:) :) yes you know!

Informative and educative post, thanks

We have to double check every info mainstream media gives us, in this case big pharma.

You are absolutely right. That which is stated as 'fact' must be checked up on these days.

I have had to re-earn EVERYTHING I was taught in my so called 'quality' UK education.

Hi @samstonehill!

I'm happy to include this post in the CTR Crossword Puzzle No.-10. This post will be linked in all related CTR Crossword posts . All participants for this puzzle will land on this post to find their answers to it

Thank you for creating awesome content which is just perfect for our participants!


Readers of this post, if they want to participate in this contest, they have a slight edge over others as they have already read this post. All are welcome to participate and have fun. The Crossword Puzzle post is now up. Rush here

Thanks for the inclusion. Appreciated :)

Hi Sam, I resonate very much with what you write and what you do. I am currently preparing an online conference on truth seeking, new earth philosophies and models for a new world. That's also the reason why don't have any time to post on steemit anymore. Time is rare and since I know you're doing power napping I wanted to ask you if you could help me establish a power napping routine without feeling exhausted, tired and messed up. Are you interested and would you like to write some posts about this topic? Or you could text me privately via facebook. I know you don't like it but I can give you my personal email address there!
Love, Unity & Abundance

Hello there! Your online conference sounds great. Interesting that you chose the same name as my current 'mega post' series on steemit. Seems we are a little connected :)

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As for my polyphasic sleeping, for now I am back to monophasic. If you want to learn more about my experience with this I wrote an article around a year ago:

Happy to chat further if you like. Do you have a account?

Thank you for bringing this conspiracy into limelight. Good job!

My pleasure. I felt it to be my duty the moment I learned this information this morning.

Yeah, there's a huge amount of misinformation out there. At my lat health check, my doctor started talking statins to me because my triglycerides are high... but she was also cool with me trying for a natural reduction before throwing drugs at me.

Excellent to hear there are doctors out there who still look at a natural system before the pharma system. Sounds like you have chosen wisely there. Hope all your levels are doing okay now?

I am a licensed medical professional. I treat patients almost every day.

I predicted this when I was in med school 15 years ago about how pharmaceutical companies will try to lower the norm every 15 years or so to medicate more people. I saw this trend when comparing the norm in medical standards throughout history as the norm changes.

I suggest you read Dr. Graveline articles on his website,

Many thanks for the pointer. If only I had more time I would read these articles immediately.

Great that you are actively treating people. With a more rounded view of our current situation.

I hope you are able to keep doing what you are doing without any trouble. The only sensible sounding doctor we could find for our first child in the south of france had been stripped of her licence and was practicing from her home.

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