World War Three Is Imminent And #INoLongerComply

in #news6 years ago

We are on the brink of world war three and that is not an exaggeration!

It seems that Donald Trump and the deep state are dead set on a Syrian invasion and they will go in there at any costs! But they can’t do it without the support of the American people hence an intense propaganda campaigned aimed at pinning the blame for an alleged chemical attack on the Assad regime. The Russians are now saying they have irrefutable evidence that the UK staged the chemical attack in what amounts to no less than a false flag attack!

In this video

Dan Dicks breaks down the latest news as the war drums continue to beat louder and louder.

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We need to rid ourselves of all those in power or we will become extinct.

That is not correct, see the Milgram experiments and then tell me again that the problem is people in power and not those who mindlessly/unthinkingly follow through with whatever they are told Okay, if you say so Sir.

You just assumed that you understood everything I've ever written in 50+ years from one sentence. Of course blind obedience is also a problem. I never said it wasn't. But the power structure is ALSO the problem.

Doesn't it follow that the problem are those who are willing to do their bidding? Why is the structure itself the problem? Why did I assume ANYTHING first-of-all though, least that bullshit that I need or care to click through for?

You never said that it was the problem, or that the power structure is Also the problem.

The bigger problem here is your arrogance. I'll address that first because in any intellectual community, that needs to be solved first or everything you'll argue for will be for naught. You will end up turning everyone else away even when you are right.

It isn't "bullshit that I need or care to click through". Your attitude says that everyone is below you in ability to think while at the same time you don't seem to have the ability to do your homework first to make sure. Then you contradict your self when you say "Why did I assume ANYTHING first-of-all though" and then call the link bullshit first without checking which shows that you made an assumption.

Nobody should expect a protreptic sentence to contain the whole argument, especially in political issues which nearly always contain multiple reasons and not "THE" reason.

Maybe you're just sick of spam and assumed that I'm not a serious scholar. Better check who you're talking to first next time.

It isn't "bullshit that I need or care to click through". Your attitude says that everyone is below you in ability to think while at the same time you don't seem to have the ability to do your homework first to make sure.

The subject was never my abilities, or yours. Check yourself before you wreck yourself fool.

"Why did I assume ANYTHING first-of-all though" and then call the link bullshit first without checking which shows that you made an assumption.

It's a question, which despite the words I chose to refer to your linked crap, doesn't change it's meaning. Why did I assume anything? Can you answer that?

Nobody should expect a protreptic sentence to contain the whole argument, especially in political issues which nearly always contain multiple reasons and not "THE" reason.

Whatever you think people should and shouldn't expect, minus the reasoning behind that, Hashtag.

Maybe you're just sick of spam and assumed that I'm not a serious scholar. Better check who you're talking to first next time.

Blah Blah blah, I assumed again? Why?

Here's more questions that you haven't answered:

Why is the structure itself the problem?
Doesn't it follow that the problem are those who are willing to do their bidding?


Could you explain how your post hoc reasoning answers the first of all question I made?

Yes, when Sky News starts bringing out Tony Blair again you know the war drums are beating. However, I expect and hope for a public outcry this time. People's bullshit meter is much more sensitive now than they were pre Iraq.

It falls on all of us to spread this message.

Thanks Dan for all your great work!

Do you know how Vietnam was stopped by one singular individual?

Hi @baah no I don't but would be keen to learn more. Care to share?

I know that it's going to sound cryptic but google for Sir No Sir. The version that is only 45 some minutes is only half the length of the original documentary, so go to Amazon and read some reviews about it and decide if you want to rent the full length or you can go to and search there, there's a torrent I started downloading last night, not that the documentary isn't worth the few dollars it cost but nothing beats getting it for free.and yes, indeed you'll find out how it was one singular person that stopped the war, not that the numerous enlisted who revolted didn't help, but without that one individual it probably wouldn't have stopped, like Iraq/Afghanistan today, we have had plenty of enlisted speak out but where are the officers? No guts, no glory.

ok thanks, I'll check it out.

I am not behind my country at this point. If I don't burn my passport, I will fly back and march against Trump for the first time. There is no motive for Syria to attack and stop the pull out of illegal US forces. Same day we announced the pull out. Thank you.

#notpayingtaxes #inolongercomply

Talk about the censorship on steemit yet?

You cannot censor on steemit, or steem, plus you are the last person that can bring up censorship, post much of other people's work and pass it off as your own, or even better threaten people with your horrible grammar and spelling and gay porn spam and then make Play by Play posts of your Gay Porn spam that you consider Self Defense if they don't remove their flags. Coerce Much?

You cannot censor on steemit, or steem, plus you are the last person that can bring up censorship,

Censorship is Forcing people to Remove their Flags, it's the freedom of expression which you abuse, you idiot, the person has every right to flag you even without motive or reason and you have NO right to threaten people with gay porn spam for expressing themselves. Freedom of expression doesn't give you the right to Threaten and coerce people.

it's the freedom of expression which you abuse, you idiot, the person has every right to flag you even without motive or reason

By that logic punching people for saying stuff you dont like is "freedom of expression".

I did not force anyone to do anything, you have no shame when it comes to telling this same lie over and over when you supply links showing how your wrong.
telling people you will defend yourself if they continue to attack is not making threats.
and the 2 memes you keep trying to say are gay porn are not gay porn no matter how much you claim they are.

Have fun acting a fool.

all you have is add homn and attempts at charcter assisanation. i have facts and evidence to back everything up. i hope everyone looks at the links you provide and look at the whole thing in context because proving you wrong every other week on the same lie over and over for like a year now is getting stale as fuck.

Dont expect a reply on this chain, you already left me a shit ton of others on all my posts and to everyone that commented to me or when i commented back to (like you do every time) and although you think its cute i would prefer not to have the comment section of my posts taken over by the shit show known as baah.

Go back to tagging other peoples names in like all the other times, i dont think they want shit to do with you either.


I’m in! Time to empty out the bank account and stop paying taxes to these criminals! WWIII has begun, the US, UK, and France just began bombing Syria today, we better join together to topple these oligarchs that think they have control over us!

Ok but the thing is do you believe Russia? Wouldn't it be better to not believe anyone? I would think Russia would also be in on the conspiracy. What I really doubt is the Central Bank theory, how do you know it is independent and that the banks in other countries aren't? Or are you just basing this on what you think, no facts?
I think that right now by bombing a few installations in Syria the US and its coalition save face, the Russians save face if no Russians are killed and this thing ends like that, Russia, Iran and Turkey continue in Syria and the US pulls out and pretends they are heroes, Trump looks like a great leader, i think that is how the media will play it out. I think it is dumb to stop the killing of people with chemical weapons by killing them with bombs.

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