Eye Witness to Police Execution. No Judge, No Jury, Just Bullets!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

A dozen Portland Police offices Murdered John Andrew Elifritz Inside a Homeless Shelter on April 7, 2018. Just going from the information that can be seen in this video along with the original shooting video...It's the opinion of Film The Police Portland This was a Cold Blooded Murder!

The video evidence clearly shows Elifritz not making any aggressive movements towards officers as Multiple shots were fired at the victim through a long rifles Killing Him.

The only movements towards officers occurred after
He started falling to the floor after being riddled with Bullets!
FTP Portland will be following this story closely and I will be posting updates as time goes on.

Here is a link to one of the corporate news version of this story.


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If you're not smashing those Upvote----Re steem------Follow Buttons.....
A huge Fucking Meteor is going to crash into your house tonight!
You Have Been Warned!

And the Lord Thy God Sent forth the Pigs
Converting human misery and misfortune
into revenue by divine mandate.
" I'm here to steal from you, God Sent me!"
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As always, I bring an Anarchist perspective to cop watching.
Yes this is my video. I'm the actual real Mike BlueHair.
Look in the info Section of my video on youtube for a link back to this steemit account.

So...you're interested in keeping law-enforcement accountable where you live, Hit me up through steemit or Youtube and I'll walk you through the process of starting your very own film the police / FTP chapter in your city.
More info about my police accountability work linked here.


The Awesome Steemit Promo Animation Creator Carlos Cabeza linked here

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They mustve been in a hurry to get to a donut sale.
They just went ahead and executed him.

As sad as this story is, your comment made me actualy "lol" 😁

Maybe they were routing around someone's backyard for truffles? I heard they like jamming their pig snouts into steaming piles dog shit in people's back lawns.

F'n morons.
Is there any push back from the locals?

there was a rather large rally today at waterfront Park about the shooting. The cop watchers are pissed. If a grand jury determines these officers or not at fault I'm going to shit myself!

You know they will, they cant find enough psychos to be cops as it is.
Start putting them in jail for being psychos and they will go back to being plumbers and just abuse their children.

Sure thing Brother. thanx for you're interest in my work. You and a few others are one of the Reasons I'm sticking with Steemit. there will be more follow up from me as this story develops.

Unincorporate Portland and you just killed every cop in town without having to shed one drop of blood.

Yeah, good luck getting the zombie masses of order followers to go Along with that agenda! It would be really awesome though!

Great information, nice post & good sharing

One day people are gonna look back at this and wonder what the hell were those people doing......or at least I hope that will be the case.

Agreed. Sometimes I wonder what cultural anthropologist a hundred years from now we'll be saying about alternative media.

Only in America..
Sad, thanks for sharing

Agreed @cryptocatz Yes, police tactics here in the US tends to lean towards the use of lethal weapons over de-escalation.
Thank you for commenting and being a real human being rather than a bot here on statement. My followers list smells way too much like dead minnows and bots. lol

Hard to find "real" people nowadays,
in general.. ✌

yeah, in other countries when the cops kill people nobody hears about it.

I don't know about that, all I know
here in Europe they don't shoot, and if needed not "shoot to kill" even Anders Breivik was caught alive

So was Nick Cruz.
What other sort of shooting is there besides shooting to kill?

A shot in the leg, obviously 😐

Here in America that would be illegal, if you can't justify killing someone you can't justify shooting them. Shooting someone is deadly force.

Yes police tactics here tends to lean towards the use of lethal weapons over de-escalation.
Thank you for commenting and being a real human being rather than a bot here on statement. My followers list smells way too much like dead minnows and bots. lol

What was the pre-history to this? Was there any preceding violence reported/committed by the victim of the shooting?

As more information comes out about the story I will be sharing it here on steemit. According to the associated Press story I read on this.... this guy was approached by police earlier in the evening and held a knife to his throat and the police decided for some reason not to pursue it any further and let him be. The police are also reporting that he is a person of interest in a carjacking earlier in that evening. I've also interviewed some of his family members. they have told me as well as the corporate press that he's had a history of drug abuse that he was currently seeking treatment for. Methamphetamine was the drug that he had problems with. Looks like he may have ditched the car near the homeless shelter and ran inside. We do know that the weapon he was holding was a box cutter with about a 1 1/2 to 2 inch blade. The Police response to the sort of weapon and this guy's behavior is not warranted in my opinion. This looks to me to be a clear miss use of force to the point of it being a murderous. Here's a link to more information about the story from the Associated Press http://www.theindependent.com/news/national/police-got-calls-before-man-killed-at-homeless-shelter/article_d2ccb0ae-0e0a-5673-9ffa-0f24078d7487.html

Thanks for a great response. Yes, typical hysterical (basically) police response.

I mean I have little doubt the victim was a danger to be dealt - but I also have little doubt that he could be taken into custody fairly safely with use of non-lethal means. When law enforcers are this risk averse, that is entirely unacceptable.

yeah man. im just happy to get people asking real questions! I'm sick of the. "follow me I followed you" aka "nice post" people on here!

Of course sometimes eyewitnesses say the guy had his hands up when he didn't

I agree eyewitness testimony sometimes tends to be unreliable. That said, there is a very clear video that I posted here and statement showing this man made no aggressive moves towards police as they shot him to death. I'm very familiar with tactics and the use of force policy of the Portland police Bureau. as I live in this community and I'm a police accountability activists here I view it as somewhat my responsibility to hold them accountable. The actions of these officers were outside the Portland police Bureau's use of force policy. If anyone else in our society would've killed someone in this manner they would've been charged with murder. Thank you for your interest and commenting on this very contentious subject. It's refreshing to have comments from real people instead of the bullshit bots that usually comment on my stuff. What should've been done according to Portland police Bureau policy as they should've cordoned off the perimeter to isolate this guy and then called in for our CRT crisis response team these are officers that are trained in de-escalation/hostage negotiation and on how to use force if necessary! FYI we have now learned that the weapon and this man had was a box cutter.

I'll have to take your word for it, I can't watch anymore snuff videos.

I completely understand the stuff is hard to watch man.

snuff films used to be the most offensive form of pornography, now they are the 6 o clock news.

Wow! that's an awesome statement! I'm going to meme the shit out of that or maybe even do a T-shirt!

I only ask 15% of the profits and I accept SBD ;)

tee hee. yeah I'll get you back, when I become a big fat whale throwing my blubber around!

oh fuh! man...

Oh yeah, just another day in the police state/ creep show totalitarian nightmare!

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