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RE: Keiser Report: Never-ending Greek bailout (E1068)

in #news7 years ago

Greece should refuse to pay interests on predatory loans, should step out of the euro zone and reinstate drachma again, or they will die like slaves

Sort: can do that too.
default on your debt.
see how that works out for you.

Fortunately I don't have any debt. But speaking of debt, personal debt and state debt are not comparable. It's all different ballgame.

I always wondered about that.
Why is it legal, and supposedly moral
for a group of people (the state) to do what is not legal, (or moral) for individuals to do?

Hate to say "I told you so." but I will
I was in Greece in the seventies...on Crete
1976 until 1980...
I think that socialist came to power about then
socialism ruins everything it touches.
it was only a matter of time.
Venezuela today is an example.

Im Greek also live in Greece, and im 100% in to go back to drachma's ! but these &*$@#@# politician's dont allowed it because they have sell their souls !

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