Keiser Report: Never-ending Greek bailout (E1068)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

[Este episodio en Español] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss pledging more austerity in exchange for the never-ending Greek bailout. And can Bitcoin finally help them to avoid disaster? But that's just a start!

Recurring theme would be a BRexit. This time Max is explaining the case of extreme greed of British, which will have some serious consequences. Will it be a hard ending like Puerto Rico bankruptcy? Probably not, cause Puerto Rico is a colony, while UK is former Metropola. Anyway, Puerto Rico case is more that educational… especially for a debt ridden EU countries. Will they be able to see a “superhero” before they go bust? Bitcoin to the rescue!

The Bailout Business

In the second half, Max interviews Sol Trumbo Vila about a report he co-authored entitled The Bailout Business. They discuss the Big Four audit firms and how bailout consultants are raking in big bucks from the bailout business.

Sol Trumbo Vila works as a researcher, organizer and communicator at TNI since 2012. As a political activist engaged in the square movements and their evolutions since 2011, he has worked in particular to strengthen international perspectives and practices. His publications have been focused on EU Economic Governance and Corporate Power, in particular about who benefits and how from the privatisation and bail-out programmes in the EU.

Earlier episodes of Keiser Report:

[e1067] Shareholders Getting Leftovers (ft. Paul Craig Roberts)
[e1066] All Talk, No Action (ft. Mark O’Byrne)
[e1065] Post-Brexit World (ft. Alasdair Macleod)
[e1064] America-China Financial Wars (ft. Alasdair Macleod)
[e1063] Fed Balancing Sheet (ft. Dan Collins)
[e1062] Silicon Valley Destruction (ft. Dan Collins)
[e1061] End of Easy Money? (ft. Mike Maloney)
[e1060] Russian Connection (ft. Reggie Middleton)
[e1059] High Rent Blight (ft. Roy Sebag)
[e1058] Horrible Advice for Generation X (ft. Christopher Whalen)
[e1057] Hashtag KushnerAtWar (ft. Tyson Slocum)
[e1056] What is Wrong with America? (ft. Lee Camp)
[e1055] 'Powerful KeiserPepe' (ft. Tyson Slocum)
[e1054] Killing Web Privacy for Measly $1M (ft. Jaromil)
[e1053] Go Viral or Die Trying (ft. Jaromil)
[e1052] Pension Crisis (ft. Dr. Bob Gill)
[e1051] Lethal Economic Shocks (ft. Prof. John Mill Ackerman)
[e1050] ‘The New Detroit’ (ft. Prof. John Mill Ackerman)
[e1049] Trail of ‘American carnage’
[e1048] Heading for Global War (ft. JP Sottile)
[e1047] Health Care Hard Choices (ft. Gerald Celente)
[e1046] Economic Populism (ft. Mish Shedlock)
[e1045] Jon Corzine’s Big, Bad Bond Bet (ft. Charles Hugh Smith)
[e1044] Bloodletting Among Retailers (ft. Wolf Richter)
[e1043] Rise of the Machines (ft. Wolf Richter)
[e1042] Neoliberalism is Junk (ft. Prof. Steve Keen)
[e1041] Big Money in Space Junk (ft. Tim Pool)
[e1040] Cognitive Dissonance in US Stock Markets (ft. Dr. Chris Martenson)
[e1039] Financial Toxicity in the US (ft. Dr. Chris Martenson)
[e1038] Breakdown in Liberal Ideology (ft. Michael Krieger)
[e1037] Greek Final Reckoning (ft. Tim Shorrock)
[e1036] China-US Trade War (ft. Dan Collins)
[e1035] Ingredients for a New Global Crisis (ft. Nomi Prins)
[e1034] Trump Implosion That Wasn’t (ft. Nomi Prins)
[e1033] Trump’s First Hundred Hours (ft. Dr. Michael Hudson)
[e1032] Financial illusionism, crocodiles feasting (ft. Trond Andresen)

More at: and YouTube channel Max Keiser TV



This is an abstract from «The Bail Out Business» report, which is very useful:

Since the 2008 financial crisis, European citizens have become familiar with the idea that public money can be used to rescue fi nancial institutions from bankruptcy. Until 2017, more than €200 billion of EU taxpayers’ money has been permanently lost as a result of the various rescue packages or bail outs, which is equivalent to the GDP of Finland and Luxembourg combined.

«The Bail Out Business» is the most comprehensive and thorough report outlining what steps have been undertaken since the 2008 crisis to understand who benefits from rescue packages in the EU. Above all, it highlights in a fresh and documented way the role of the Big Four (audit fi rms) and a small coterie of financial consultancy fi rms in the business of designing and implementing bail out programs in EU Member States.

The report explains the consequences of the Banking Union for the rescue business, and fi nally, it explores alternatives proposed by TNI, such as the promotion and creation of public banks.

Greece should sell some real estate.
Or perhaps a big corp like Apple or Disney could buy the whole country.
Imagine what they could do with it.

Greece should refuse to pay interests on predatory loans, should step out of the euro zone and reinstate drachma again, or they will die like slaves can do that too.
default on your debt.
see how that works out for you.

Fortunately I don't have any debt. But speaking of debt, personal debt and state debt are not comparable. It's all different ballgame.

I always wondered about that.
Why is it legal, and supposedly moral
for a group of people (the state) to do what is not legal, (or moral) for individuals to do?

Hate to say "I told you so." but I will
I was in Greece in the seventies...on Crete
1976 until 1980...
I think that socialist came to power about then
socialism ruins everything it touches.
it was only a matter of time.
Venezuela today is an example.

Im Greek also live in Greece, and im 100% in to go back to drachma's ! but these &*$@#@# politician's dont allowed it because they have sell their souls !

Or should I say eDrachma? :)

Bitcoin is fine! i hated that hype of country coins ^^

Thanks brother @rouketas, I wish you Greeks get rid of your scum politicians

Many thanks from my heart for your wish! I hope some day we manage to do that, but as our story tells since 1821 every leader he was looking for his "ass"

In 1821 we didn't have blockchain! 😊

exactly ! back in 1821 we didn't have/knewlots of things ! and still things where so freaking complicated ! i believe the problem is on human nature back then they wanted the lands just for their ego, now the want the renewal energy resources at ice age the wanted the mammouth's and the cozy caves with water nearby ! heh

Greece is selling real estate but they are selling it for pennys over night.. they sold the Greek train company , where it covers all Greece for 45million euros... black friday price right ??

no clue.
from observation i'd say you guys are facing an existential crisis.
Too much socialism for too long tends to kill a country.
I liked it when I was there.
I wish you luck

Thank you very much my friend!

Greece was never socialist. This situation is caused by neoliberal capitalism imposed through EU integration and predatory loans, mainly from German and France banks (Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas are greatest creditors of Greece)

call it what you will.
I lived there for four years.
what I observed certainly wasn't a free market.
who held a gun to their heads and forced them to take those loans?

Nobody held a gun, they were deceived with the help of their dirty politicians, puppets of plutocrats. Here is the movie that explains everything:

which brings to mind a question
back when i was a young the sixties.
After the Kennedy assanation...
Jackie Kennedy married some dude name of Onassis?
wasn't he fairly well to do?
A greek perhaps?
Wasn't greece fairly well off back then?
what changed?

There is an explanation in the movie.

I don't need to see the movie.
I'm sure that was the first time in history anyone has ever been deceived by dirty polliticians or pluto the puppet.
It wasn't their fault. It was a unique situation, how could they have possibly known?

So, why does Americans allow the same deceit on them? Are they also socialists?

The experiment started with Iceland or Cyprus? I think!!

Iceland has got out by jailing rotten banksters, but Cyprus didn't. Former offshore paradise has gone completely bust in 2013…

Oh, OK. So Iceland had drain the swamp!!

That's right. They have showed what has to be done, but MSM never mutterred a word on it. You can see everything in the wonderful documentary named “Inside Job”:

Thanks for posting this documentary :))

You are welcome, my friend. This one is also excellent if you didn't see it already:

Not that either. Thanks a lot. My weekend is booked now.

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