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RE: Keiser Report: Never-ending Greek bailout (E1068)

in #news7 years ago

Greece should sell some real estate.
Or perhaps a big corp like Apple or Disney could buy the whole country.
Imagine what they could do with it.


Greece should refuse to pay interests on predatory loans, should step out of the euro zone and reinstate drachma again, or they will die like slaves can do that too.
default on your debt.
see how that works out for you.

Fortunately I don't have any debt. But speaking of debt, personal debt and state debt are not comparable. It's all different ballgame.

I always wondered about that.
Why is it legal, and supposedly moral
for a group of people (the state) to do what is not legal, (or moral) for individuals to do?

Hate to say "I told you so." but I will
I was in Greece in the seventies...on Crete
1976 until 1980...
I think that socialist came to power about then
socialism ruins everything it touches.
it was only a matter of time.
Venezuela today is an example.

Im Greek also live in Greece, and im 100% in to go back to drachma's ! but these &*$@#@# politician's dont allowed it because they have sell their souls !

Or should I say eDrachma? :)

Bitcoin is fine! i hated that hype of country coins ^^

Thanks brother @rouketas, I wish you Greeks get rid of your scum politicians

Many thanks from my heart for your wish! I hope some day we manage to do that, but as our story tells since 1821 every leader he was looking for his "ass"

In 1821 we didn't have blockchain! 😊

exactly ! back in 1821 we didn't have/knewlots of things ! and still things where so freaking complicated ! i believe the problem is on human nature back then they wanted the lands just for their ego, now the want the renewal energy resources at ice age the wanted the mammouth's and the cozy caves with water nearby ! heh

Greece is selling real estate but they are selling it for pennys over night.. they sold the Greek train company , where it covers all Greece for 45million euros... black friday price right ??

no clue.
from observation i'd say you guys are facing an existential crisis.
Too much socialism for too long tends to kill a country.
I liked it when I was there.
I wish you luck

Thank you very much my friend!

Greece was never socialist. This situation is caused by neoliberal capitalism imposed through EU integration and predatory loans, mainly from German and France banks (Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas are greatest creditors of Greece)

call it what you will.
I lived there for four years.
what I observed certainly wasn't a free market.
who held a gun to their heads and forced them to take those loans?

Nobody held a gun, they were deceived with the help of their dirty politicians, puppets of plutocrats. Here is the movie that explains everything:

which brings to mind a question
back when i was a young the sixties.
After the Kennedy assanation...
Jackie Kennedy married some dude name of Onassis?
wasn't he fairly well to do?
A greek perhaps?
Wasn't greece fairly well off back then?
what changed?

There is an explanation in the movie.

which I havn't watched, and won't.
I'm paranoid..but am I paranoid ENOUGH?
I watch VERY few movies, videos and NO TV.
I prefer text.

I don't need to see the movie.
I'm sure that was the first time in history anyone has ever been deceived by dirty polliticians or pluto the puppet.
It wasn't their fault. It was a unique situation, how could they have possibly known?

So, why does Americans allow the same deceit on them? Are they also socialists?

The democrats are, yeah. They've been running the place since Roosevelt or before. You'd a thought the Greeks would have noticed our mistakes and taken heed..

But you're not asking the right question. The economy of about the same as Denver which isn't even in the top ten of our most well to do cities. as a matter of fact it's number eighteen
And yeah...we do have some CITIES that have done just about the same thing Greece has. Detroit for example. It's gone bankrupt...for much the same reasons...

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