New Doll Battles Sexism By Helping Girls Get Into Trash Collecting

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Female municipality official creates Trashie: The Garbage Woman to encourage girls get into trash collection

A leading female government employee, Kimberly Nylos based at the Kalinga Municipality has been involved in creating a new doll designed to encourage girls into waste collection.

——it is important to read the whole post until the end——

The Trash-Collector-Doll is described as a ‘pro-girl’ doll. The body is based on the proportions of a real life nine-year-old, practical night glowing clothes and no makeup or jewellery. Afterall, sexist accessories can only get in the way. Real women get dirty.

Dr Maren Baronos, senior lecturer in the Institute of Disposal and Sanitation, acted as the project’s ‘garbage consultant’, offering guidance and advice on the design of Trashie. In her own words: I was thrilled to be asked for input in creating this doll. I think it is extremely important to inspire the next generation of female waste collectors with creative ideas like this one, and I hope Trashie will serve as an inspiration to future trash collectors everywhere.

The doll is dressed in an orange night glowing jacket over a long sleeve gray hoodie and sturdy brown boots for those slimy nights. A yellow hat and scarf keep Trashie snug and warm— essential clothing for picking up filthy treasures outdoors on a cold night.

“This is indeed a great way to fight sexism” Susan Leroy, a local community feminist, pointed out. “A privileged masculine profession such as the one of the trash collector should be equally enjoyed by both sexes”.

The doll also includes a shovel and broom, as well as a set of sanitary spraying bottles. There is also an additional information sheet in the doll box featuring famous female waste collectors such as Mrs Nobody, Lady Nonexistent and Mrs Schrodinger.

Children can download supplemental materials from the website, including biographies of notable women in garbage and waste collection activities.

Max Bundy, co-founder and creative director, said:
“Dr. Maren is a real life role model for young women, so it has been an honour to have her valuable input on this project.

“She has provided Kimberly with ongoing guidance to make sure that the doll and packaging are based on government trash collecting specifications while keeping the feel of a toy.”

The toy, which has been created in collaboration with the European Waste Agency, was launched this week at the Royal Garbage Society. It will receive external funding so it can empower women all around the world. It is hoped that such initiatives will bring an end to ongoing sexist stereotypes and discrimination at the workplace.

Over the last decade or so, feminism and political correctness have saturated public perception when it comes to issues of so-called "equality". The truth is that some markets are dominated by women while some others by men. Nothing should be forced to be made equal just for the sake of political correctness.

EDIT: The Doll is not a real product. I made it up along with the news. The purpose of this post was to create satire in order to demonstrate the absurdity of pushing certain social stereotypes instead of others. For example reputable fields that are male dominated such as Astronomy, Physics, Engineering and Math are pushed extensively from feminists while others (like garbage collecting or military) are not. Modern Feminism aims for equality but only in respect to highly regarded areas of life—while purposely ignoring the ones that males are in great disadvantage. If you want to see the absurdity of the situation check this woman who actually designed a doll to push astronomy to young girls.


I can read the backlash headline now: Female Sanitation Specialists Angered at Being Called "Trashie" By Vocational Doll

I'm assuming the doll is a well-crafted joke that only seems highly plausible. The choice of the name "Trashie" reminds me of the Safe Place logo: an idea so bad only a committee could come up with it. While clearly intended to depict the comforting feeling of a child being held by an adult, the Safe Place logo definitely evokes abduction.
(Thank you for the thin excuse to share that observation.)

I enjoyed this fun post. :)


Indeed. I made the whole thing up to demonstrate how ridiculous feminism has become. A woman actually created an astronomy doll. I bet you though you won't see any plumber or construction worker dolls anytime soon

It really has become ridiculous. They make a pink microscope to entice girls to science and then someone gets pissed off because why does a girl need a pink microscope? Too many panties in too many bunches. This was a smart article and I admit I had to make sure it wasn't real before commenting. Well done!

Thank you. I tried to be as "smooth" as I could be since these are not easy issues to tackle. Reality and satire often mix in our world...

It's not feminism itself though it is weird antisocial people who latch onto a cause and take it too far because they have no common sense. They are in every subject and field and they spoil it for everyone.

indeed. it was my bad to label an abstract concept. I should say "4th wave feminists that target specific reputable male dominated fields"

I think they do have common sense. They are mostly envious though

I suppose some of them do but they have a lot of anger which they express through their cause and it makes them irrational.

Good article if it's meant to be joke. If it's real then it's really sick. Not article but whole project.


I put an edit to explain the though process behind it. A woman though actually created an astronomy doll

Thanks for explanation. The stargazer doll is even worse. Garbage collection is a least useful.

I was a tomboy growing up and never liked dolls. I was more about Tonka trucks (the metal ones) and lincoln logs...stuff like that. But this is a cool doll! I would have definitely had her operating the dump trucks in my mud pit.


The post was satire towards some feministic tendencies.

haha - autism...I didn't get the satire part of it. That being said though, stereotypes are absurd but I'm sure most of us have done it or been victim to it. Too bad the doll doesn't actually exist because sometimes it takes mainstreaming a different POV to get the masses to "open up" and move in a new direction - change perception. I would probably go wild if I saw swollen pregnant Barbie with bad hair and skin. Yeah. I would collect that one.

it is understandable but for most people such a barbie would not be desired

Does it come in other colors besides white trashie?

had me cracking up. 8D

Very funny. If you share anything on my posts again I will be flagging it. You are now MUTE. Bye.

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