Once @tippy is Finished I'll Be Releasing a Simplified Open Sourced Tip Bot for Upcoming Communities!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

( A screencap from the top secret cool kids Steemit slack with @clayop inspiring me )

It's no secret that I'm a nerdy code mercenary who creates unique and complex services for our STEEM network. When @steemitqa approached me with the idea to develop a text to tip service I loved the idea and immediately began planning it. While initially python 3.5 and the python-steem was initially used recently it was ported over to NodeJS utilizing steem.js as the workhorse behind it. Javascript is far more fluent for me than Python and the switch over to NodeJS has made the build far less difficult!

No dealing with account keys or having to go into your wallet to send STEEM or SBD once the @tippy service launches in the next few weeks. It'll be as simple as send your STEEM / SBD to the @tippy account and it will be automatically added to your @tippy account balance. With a positive balance you will be able to send tips via the "@tippy tip user 0.001 STEEM" or "@tippy tip user 0.001 SBD" commands quickly without ever having to leave the post!

Currently working on this project, having got the following systems implemented:

  • Deposits
  • Tips
  • Balances
  • Statistics
  • Information

Will create a post when we get closer to launch with a better explaination of how to use it.

Please don't deposit yet! Any deposits will likely be lost and will be considered donations!


A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada

Thank you for your votes, the opportunity and support!

( STEEM.GLOBAL is ONLINE! Get a Fauceteer Subscription Today! )

Great to see you found a ways to integrate these ideas as well. Opensourcing it, is great for it to grow and become flexible on its own, each community can use their own copy/version with different languages, settings etc... Keep up the good work!

Thanks man! The idea was originally for a changetip like clone but your post does have a pretty similar design vibe for sure. :D

For sure, we all through some bits out there and all that matters is actual work and something that you can touch and see it in action... By looks of it, you are really close. Keep it up, brother! ;)

btw, Have you seen this post ? Opensourcing solution is best way to avoid this kind of situations..

GK, your work is always so great man, I have not told you in awhile!

Thanks Barry! Appreciate that, you doing great yourself, nonstop, active, I see you bringing awareness everywhere I look, YouTube, forums, chats... How do you manage all that, I am amazed 😊

I am very honoured by your comments to me on this!


To be noticed by such a busy and successful account as yours while I just minnow along is really something encouraging for me, for anyone really, thanks a lot!!!!!

Oh and I would be honoured and so would others if you drop by....

Was at the nursing home visiting a friend and taking her Mother's Day goodies and a gift I made. Just got home...


Week 2 is up, why don't you stop by, share the post or let people know w that hashtag?

Can we beat last weekend's successful community engagement and comments?

I've asked @papa-pepper to stop by with his hot peppers and have fun with the group around the fire!

Remember this post runs all weekend, every weekend!!!

Thanks for sharing the god news of it actually happening. I had been waiting for it for a while since it had been mentioned a while ago. Good for us all! Namaste :)

Started in Febuary.. Should be done in the next week or 2!

@Klye man, my first comment out of 2 is simply this:

I am honestly super happy to see you earning big money here these days, every post, not just this beauty of a post here now way over $500

If anyone deserves it on here, with everything you do in this community, which covers a LOT of things you do and some things you DON'T do -- it is most certainly you.

You must be very encouraged these days and we are called to do that for one another.

I am pretty happy for you man, most sincerely your friend,

You have just been




<3 Thank you for the kind words, support and generally kick assery that is you Barry.

It's been a year of growth and learning. Glad to be of service to a community that takes care of me

Thou art

The Man!

I had noticed a few days ago in a post, you chattering away on this project and think I commented, I cannot remember now Captain.

I think this is overdue, and your work as always, on projects and useful stuff is really really nice my man.

I have nothing technical to add, you know me LOL.

Code Mercenary

+1 for that right there, you are always so creative in your wording every day.

All good sir! The cheering on is technical enough for me!

An hour too early Barry. Need to get the functions and stats working on it as well as fix a few things in regards to how it calculates and stores things. :)

It'll be up and running tonight while I do some more work on it.

I am hours behind in replies, I hope you were able to see in my 900 post today for followers, that I spent a portion of that, naming you and hope it helps you as you have helped me on here bro.

I invited the IonlySaymeep account, to the #SteemitCampfire lol, I hope they show up and meep everyone there all nite hahahahaha

Love that account, classy! not spammy hahahahaha

And the secret's out ... "nerdy code mercenary"... Keep up all the great work and have fun!

If I'm not doing it for the lulz I'm doing it because it's a challenge and some demand is there.. :D

Yes value and purpose. Challenges and demands are good to fulfill. :D

Keep the ball rolling!!! I like people that accept challenges!!

I made note of the @klye wording today here too LOL, he is such a beaut.

Hi! You can look on special donation bot called dobrobot. It works for more than a week in Golos network. It differs a little in its mechanics to regular bots (as in Reddit) because it gives autotips each time you cast a vote for somebody. More than 15 people are using this bot right now in Golos, which is shown on special statistics page with personal balances.

Disclaimer: I'm not a developer of dobrobot. @ropox is. I'm just an author of the idea.

Thanks man!

Was invited personally by Ned after he extended support for my development endevours.. :D

May man! Congrats are in order :)

Hope you complete this project soon ...
All the Best ...

It's very complicated to get it right.. :P

This is great! Does it mean that we can then give a tip to anybody in the community while chatting with them?

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