Today's Show Host Matt Lauer Fired For Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

in #news7 years ago

Matt Lauer, a face known to many has always graced us with his warmth on the Today Show, but after recent allegations, his termination was publicly aired.

The Today Show has been on air for over 60 years, and Matt Lauer gave them 20 plus years of his life and even though this is the first of accusation against him, NBC decided to terminate him.

This story is fairly new and it is being covered on all news outlets. I myself have been a great fan of the Today Show and Matt Lauer. When I read about this story I just couldn't' believe it but then again so much has come to light that makes you wonder. Even his former co hosts were emotionally affected by it and his termination.

I am extremely happy that NBC did the right thing by terminating such a high profile individual and by doing so they sent a strong message about inappropriate sexual behaviour. NO ONE should be exempt from punishment. Not even the infamous " p***y grabber " and current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Like I stated earlier, this story is new and not much detail has been released but I will update when more on this story has been released.

Link to the Washington Post down below.


All these network types are phony assholes anyways, can't really expect anything from them, except their egos.

I am starting to get a little leary of the sudden increase in finger pointing as regards sexual mis-conduct. Are they setting us up to be blaize when the real dirt gets exposed? Why all of a sudden are some of the "icons" being sacrificed? Just weird. I am getting doubtful about who to trust.

I have a vision of the political class trying to escape in a hot air balloon. They are tossing out celebs to create a distraction and gain some altitude. Meanwhile they are laughing their asses off as we examine their droppings like anthropologists.

We are one the same page even the guy from npr got fired the other day since Cosby just been a downward spiral.

I'm a bit on your side on this one, windrockswater

@windrockswater, it is very alarming. Major outbreak of cases.

The un-named accuser has to be the lady who quit the network. I think her name was Ann Curry. Think about it, at the time she said he was being difficult to work with. She would have feared for her own carear at that time if she included the words sexual harrasment. Now women can take a stand without fear and I love it. I hope every jerk in power gets weeded out. If you are in a position of power you should still be held accountable to the same rules as everyone.

Interesting theory... I agree with almost everything. Let's make it known that men too are being sexually harassed, and it's starting to come to light. Some women think it's okay to grab men and feel on them because they maybe think that we only think with our private parts rather than our own brains. Right is right and wrong is wrong. No matter the sex @dinodog1

I agree with your comments, it does seem today that many accusations against him are coming to light. I normally don't pay attention to mainstream media figures but my wife loves the show so much she is following the story.

Well, seems like these incidents are spreading like wildfire. Who's next? LeBron James?

Garrison Keillor accusations freaked me out more. Sheesh, this guy should have had his picture by "homespun" in the dictionary. At least, that's what everybody thought.

These days I think everyone is guilty of harassment at one point or another in their lives. I don't wanna live in this world anymore :/

This increasing sexual abuse cases from famous people in the U.S is really getting alarming. What is the matter?

It's not increasing but rather women are now getting more support to speak out. In the past you (women) were dismissed and then stigmatized for being 'trouble'. It would be career ending. So the difference is now that the accusations are being granted weight, making it safer to speak up when a guy - almost always a guy - behaves unprofessionally.

@yaanivapeji, I couldn't agree with you more.

It all starts at the top....then trickles down.

I think it always happened. Women are getting the courage to step up now. Hopefully, this is just the storm that clears the dirt away.

Sorry to say, @joseph, I never cared much for Matt, finding him smug and overrated... Something is definitely in the air, however, and women are making it known, loud and clear, that they are fed up with 'boys being boys'. The rules of the jungle no longer apply...

More shocked to learn of the fall of personal heroes, such as: Garrison Keillor, Russell Simmons, and Charlie Rose. But, as French thinker, Blaise Pascal, pointed out in the 1600's: Great men's heads may be higher than ours, but their feet are just as low.

Men are subjects of sexual harassment as well. Let's keep that in mind. Terry Crews happens to be one of the men who bravely came out and stated that he was sexually harassed not long ago. Everyone should have their personal space respected as well as their person @yahialababidi

So many more questions, what will happen, what’s next, will he make a statement? I wonder if his home ignoring or watching it all go down

when will the real truth come out about Kelly?

I loved the subject
I'll keep it if you allow?

@qassamed1, I don't understand. forgive me..

@joseph I want you to vote on my comment, "I'm joking"
I liked the article and wanted to keep it

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