City Bans Anarchy Symbol – Officials Call It “Hate Speech Similar To Swastika”

in #news6 years ago

 Ontario, Canada – Last week, officials with the City of Hamilton  legally ordered a local anarchist group to remove the anarchy symbol  from the front of their headquarters, under the pretense of fighting  against hate speech. 

According to CBC News,  city officials called the symbol “hate material similar to the  swastika,” citing property damage caused by an extreme group of  black-bloc anarchists during recent protests. 

“The anarchist symbol is considered hate material by the City of  Hamilton and Hamilton Police Services and as such, must be removed,” City spokesperson Marie Fitzpatrick told CBC News. 

Ironically enough, the anarchist headquarters that is being asked to  remove the symbol from their storefront was itself a victim of  vandalism, and the symbol in question is painted onto a piece of plywood  that is covering the shop’s broken window.

Surprisingly, the anarchists complied with the order not long after  they were asked to remove the symbol from the storefront. Still, many  experts feel that the local government is using the hate speech loophole  to suppress the free speech of political dissent. 

“Most anarchy groups in the past have been seen as anti-racist or anti-hate. They are pro-people and anti-government,” said Princewill Ogban, an anti-racism activist in Hamilton. 

Even the local police are a bit confused about this new hate speech  designation, saying that they see this as more of a “radical” symbol  than one representing hate. 

Const. Jerome Stewart of the Hamilton police said that this new order  from the local government does not line up with his training. 

“It does not meet the threshold of a hate crime. To the best of  our knowledge, it is classified as an extreme left sign. So I don’t know  where the direction came that Hamilton police have identified it as a  hate crime sign, because as per our hate crime co-ordinator, that is not  the case,” Stewart said. 

Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger defended the order on Wednesday in a statement to the Hamilton Spectator. 

“Certainly the anarchists that have locally presented themselves  have done things that would be considered to be inappropriate, so if you  tie the two of them together, I would say that’s a symbol of  destruction and mayhem and causing a crisis to a particular area. Is  that hateful? I think it is,” Eisenberger said.

 Unlike many flags and banners waved by different collectives, the  anarchy symbol does not represent some monolithic movement or  organization but instead represents a general idea that is a common  ground for people from a wide variety of cultural and political  backgrounds. Some anarchists are left-leaning or communist, others may  be more righting leaning and capitalist thinking, and there is a wide  spectrum of anti-authoritarian philosophies that fall in between, and  many of these groups are represented by the same anarchist symbol. 

The  “black-bloc” anarchists who are famous for rioting actually represent a  very small percentage of the people in the world who identify as  anarchists. 

This situation is a perfect example of the slippery slope that is  created with hate speech laws, showing how easily these laws can be used  to target people who are speaking out about injustices in the system.  

Although many of us agree that racism and bigotry is a horrible thing  that should be discouraged, in a democracy policies are shaped by the  whims of politicians, special interest groups, and the uninformed  masses. 

With that being said, when it is time to actually define “hate  speech” in a democracy, that definition will be determined by those  aforementioned groups, which could have many unintended consequences, as  we are seeing play out in Hamilton. 

Think about how Alt-right groups call Black Lives Matter a “terrorist  organization,” or how anti-gun activists use that exact same term when  referencing the NRA. 

Racism and bigotry may be objectively wrong, but  what classifies as “hate speech” is often subjective and determined by  people who cannot be trusted, which is why it is so dangerous to trust  the legal system to solve these types of social problems. 

As we have  seen recently with the racist New York lawyer who lost his office space after a public outburst or the woman who became a meme  after calling the police on a family having a picnic, the court of  public opinion handles these types of social issues far better than the  court of law. 


My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 


I think the best of the Anarchists are stupid, but this is an exaggeration.
Not so much for comparing it to swastikas, but for prohibiting them.
It gives anarchists the kind of advertisement that they do not deserve.
Should be left alone to run their parody.

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That's really weird...

The current group of politicos will NEVER see clearly and will move to make more and more stuff "hate speech".

Their empire is failing. Their old tricks aren't working. Their control on the narrative is slipping.

So, they will make as many things hate speech as a possible.
They will attempt to fill the Gulags.
There is no reasoning with these people.

Further, the politicos are being financially incentivized to do so. Money is flowing from those who own the MSM to make even more hate speech laws.

yup, it would be downright scary to live somewhere like the UK or Canada where you don't have the right to free speech, those countries are essentially lost. Might as well just join the Caliphate now.

In all fairness @johnvibes from the reports I heard the self proclaimed anarchists there were acting like douchebags with vandalizations, theft and reported violence.

It is still no excuse for the government to impede on the views of a group of people though

nor to declare a symbol to be a speech crime

also its important to point out there are many different stripes of anarchists, and I am not affilated with the ones that break windows lol

I have no idea how they think this will stand up against the first amendment. Regardless my personal views on government and whether they should exist or not (not), we still currently have the constitution which is supposedly supposed to be abided by. So much good that's done.

Hey how do you get powered by the Free Thought Project? I always like the material put out that is powered by them and hopefully some day can write for them. Any steps I could take or any hints you could through my way in terms of research I can do @johnvibes?

The way it will stand up to the first Amendment is by being in Canada where they don't have the right to free speech due to so called "hate speech" laws.

oh dang man, that's what I get for only taking the time to read the title. Lesson learned hah. Yea that's messed up. And they're trying to make those so called "hate speach" lies legal here too. California specifically among others.

Hopefully Trump's next two Supreme Court justices will ensure that does not happen any time soon. The court has been pretty clear thus far that what other's call hate speech is the only sort of speech that needs to be protected.

Very well put. Couldn't be more true zi shi and so on hahahah. (Referencing made up words sjw's call "pronouns" of that wasn't clear)

I have been writing with The Free Thought Project for many years, but unfortunately they arent taking on any more writers at this time, maybe in the future though as things grow :-)

That would be awesome. I'll just have to keep practicing my writing, putting material out and paying attention. Any advice for mere minnow on how to grab their attention when they do start looking?

Duh, why else would you completely do away with free speech by creating hate speech laws if you weren't going to go ahead and silence all political speech you disagree with by declaring it to be hate speech?

For the most part, (and I don't know about Canada, they are a bit odd) the application of hate speech laws usually center around the circumstances under to which they apply. In this instance this particular group brought attention upon themselves by creating problems, then it sounds as if they became a target of the people they targeted...when these situations arise the best solution is intervention to keep the peace. If they had peacefully coexisted chances are they'd been left alone but that's not what was happening in this particular event(s).

I don't know, hate speech does not exist here.

Where's here? Your town, your state or your neighborhood? Most states have hate speech laws on the books, it definitely does exist in America. Under our state's law a hate speech crime would have to be one where someone is spieling racist comments while doing physical damage to someone or defacing or damaging property motivated out of hate.

The United States has no hate speech laws, it is not a concept that exists in our laws. We have hate crime laws, doing physical damage to someone and defacing property are not speech. While hate crime laws are stupid they are not hate speech laws.

They don't call it hate speech crime here it's ethnic intimidation, depending upon the severity it can just consist of words. I guess it's a mixed bag. A crime can become a hate crime by means of words use while engaging in an assault, otherwise it's just assault. Weird.

can you please direct me to the specific statute you are referring to?
It's actually more vague than you describe, you can actually use a racial epithet while assaulting someone and it is not a hate crime unless hate was what was motivating you to do the assault so a judge or jury has to know what was in the offenders heart at the time of the crime and that somehow determines the severity of the crime. I suppose its not much different than how Hillary was innocent of all her crimes because she had no intent to commit crimes.

Michigan Penal Code

750.147b Ethnic intimidation.
Sec. 147b.

(1) A person is guilty of ethnic intimidation if that person maliciously, and with specific intent to intimidate or harass another person because of that person's race, color, religion, gender, or national origin, does any of the following:

(a) Causes physical contact with another person.

(b) Damages, destroys, or defaces any real or personal property of another person.

(c) Threatens, by word or act, to do an act described in subdivision (a) or (b), if there is reasonable cause to believe that an act described in subdivision (a) or (b) will occur.

(2) Ethnic intimidation is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or by a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.

(3) Regardless of the existence or outcome of any criminal prosecution, a person who suffers injury to his or her person or damage to his or her property as a result of ethnic intimidation may bring a civil cause of action against the person who commits the offense to secure an injunction, actual damages, including damages for emotional distress, or other appropriate relief. A plaintiff who prevails in a civil action brought pursuant to this section may recover both of the following:

(a) Damages in the amount of 3 times the actual damages described in this subsection or $2,000.00, whichever is greater.

(b) Reasonable attorney fees and costs.

Scary they are spreading the definition of hate speech. Soon it will cover speaking against the government !!! We having the same issues here not as bad yet but I can see it coming. We have complete freedom of speech as long as your saying the right things 💯🐒

In time, many more of Canada's municipalities and cities will enact more laws or by-laws like this. In each juristiction, you can count the number of people on council who decide this stuff on one hand. The number of people who attend council meetings is miniscule compared to the rest of the uncaring populus so this kind of bullshit gets passed all the time. A council meeting is like a freak show. Attending one makes you realize the extent of corruption and indoctrination that exists in society.

The “black-bloc” anarchists who are famous for rioting actually represent a very small percentage of the people in the world who identify as anarchists.

That seemed to be the whole problem here. If they weren't causing problems in the first place they'd never been signaled out. They were creating havoc that led to havoc being created upon them.

As we have seen recently with the racist New York lawyer who lost his office space after a public outburst or the woman who became a meme after calling the police on a family having a picnic, the court of public opinion handles these types of social issues far better than the court of law.

I have to admit that meme of that woman was quite funny. On the other hand just the reverse can happen to people as I have experienced in a mix bag of issues pertaining to some local youths. I called police on more than one occasion after watching groups taking it upon themselves to decipher by means of force if minorities would be allowed to frequent their watering holes. (bar) They were deliberately forcing minorities out by use of violence. Which made them all turn on me and try and force me out. The current system in place is by far more able to handle these types of actions even though it has taken them years to get my situation under control. When people are persistent they have a right to be in the wrong they will end up just ganging up on each other with no end in site without some sort of law or court enforcement to bring peace back into out of control situations.

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