This is an Experiment to Help Take Over the World and it's called Socialism

in #news6 years ago (edited)

In the US as far back as 1902, through the General Education-Rockefeller Education board generations of Americans students have been soft feed Socialism and without anyone catching on. (1)This is called Demoralizing a Nation.

"Imagine that our perception of reality has been changed so much people now lack the capability of processing the information they receive." Yuri Brezhnev
(2)That is Called Demoralizing a Person.
Do both 1&2 and now you "Took Over" or "Took Down" a Nation.

I will tell the tale of a Rothschild and a British experiment called Marxism or Socialism. Both were created to bring down nations. With thousands of years of Politics don’t you think this way of ruling has been already ruled out? I’m laughing it’s so ridiculous. But there is some important things to know when looking into the start of Communism.

In 1877, Cecil Rhodes was strong-armed into leaving his vastly huge fortune to Nathan Rothschild. His decendents in 1917, funded the Bolshevik Revolution using Cecil Rhodes gold and diamond money. Rothschild aka Bauer was an Ashkenazi Jew ( a Ashkenazi Jew is diaspora population who coalesced in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium. A Black Pope Puppet but now his Banker) used his power to help Control the world with the Vatican.

Nathan Rothschild set up the Rhodes Scholarship Program at Oxford and establishes a secret society, The Royal Institute of International Affairs or RIIA. This branched into the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Tri-lateral commission just to name a few. These businesses and banking leaders began the Socialist movement that has slowly grabbed them by the throat.

Especially RIGHT NOW you see this, its everywhere especially college education.

So by 1917 the major subsidies and funding for the Bolshevik Revolution were already in place. All arranged by George Buchanan and Alfred Milner. They used the money that Cecil Rhodes earned in South Africa as a gold and diamond Kingpin.

The Communist system in Russia was a “Jesuit and British experiment.” All designed ultimately to bring in the Fabian Socialist model for the Nwo’s takeover of the World. They would attempt this later through the UN and EU.
The plan to take over the World and bring in a “New World Order” had help from the teachings of John Ruskin and who else Cecil Rhodes. This all happened at good ole Oxford University and has traveled to Yale, Harvard and Colombia University. Max (photo below) went to Colombia.

This Jesuit infection, if they cannot influence you with God they try something else, maybe something with the word FREE in it. So they have all the Money, Power and most will go, "what can i do?"
When we say that, we've lost and gave up before even trying. That is the real message that is being programmed into us. Run away don’t talk about it and don’t pay attention to it esp if it is important. Rash thinking and if you do not agree with ones views they are the enemy. Losing but saving face isn’t a noble thing. We Win Hard or Lose Hard. We don’t try to go in-between.

Please Check out the Truth about Freedom.
And a world in Need .

This is for you to do your own research, all the facts are laid out for you.
Have a great Memorial Day.
God Bless.

All photos used are from google search images to highlight my facts and opinions.
If it is put on google and google gives us the option to save the image then it is on google not us, Right? If I like a photo i save it. I could have done that 10 years ago, so why is point of orgin never brought up? Or is this just another way to control and censor us and blame us instead of the people who gave us the option to do so.
I should not have to put this message up. What does my right to free speech include?
I like to start a research topic by first picking some key words to search Google. After that I click the images section. I find things to research from pics. This way I find endless ways to go. I apologize if i have used something you dont think I should have used.
Videos are from My Youtube Channel.


socialism is a true egalitarian concept. But it is very difficult to implement. this is because the implementers are human beings. they have their own narrow prejudices and eventually it just becomes wealth centralization all over again.

the progress of the state vs progress of the people! There is one undeniable aspect of all governments and that is control. whether you are a democracy, socialism, communism, capitalism or monarchy, it is control that is desired.

Control and anarchy are supposedly for the welfare of the people but in reality they are two sides of the same coin

Oh and also this help always and history has told us this.

Thanks for that. I like when people reply.

Excellent publication. In Venezuela, the rulers have another meaning of socialism. We are going through a very difficult situation for which we pray that it ends soon.

Im praying for you now for sure. If you are willing to tell whats really going on please do so. If you have video of things that helps too but your safety comes first. Always good to learn there trade. And learn from what gou are going through.
God bless & Good luck
keep in touch.

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Thanks for the love

Wonderful writing sir.
Thanks for sharing this.
God Bless

Took me all morning but I got it all out. I am grateful for your kind words my friend, thank you. Any part that stood out to you?

YES!!!!! Just as an additional aside...

Both the Russian Revolution and the NAZI takeover of Germany were financed by Rockefeller money, Wall Street, and the global PTB. Stalin proved he could not be "handled" in the same ways that Lenin could/was. Hitler was supported and groomed to be the counterweigth and firebreak between Russian and the West, but the global PTB lost controlof him, as well, and the whole world paid the price for their errors. EXCELLENT POST!

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Socialism, A Method Of Control
Our Purpose

This post has received a 69.48 % upvote from @boomerang.

Hope alls well usually get over 100% for 40 sbd

Talk about socialism to my way of thinking, is fairness and justice, however that can be applied depends on the people practice primarily the value of honesty, as well as the responsibility. In Venezuela this model had its failure mainly because they understood that socialism is, that the government should give you all, without stopping to think that work is necessary and you will get as much as you and others think only of himself, are the responsibility of checking that everything is as it should be, but for the money are diverted the process and are a minority who enjoy what people deserve. sometimes i think that it is very difficult to change to the people who are accustomed to get everything easy, to win without work and in extreme cases to obtain by corruption, money speaks to you in another language.

It is a very personal opinion. I congratulate you for your work, God bless you

I dont get it. Here is my example. Im a Chef who can get tips from the waiters at work. Now I cook the food. I take it to the customer and then I take the plate away and wash it and i do this all night. At the end of the night i receive 5 dollars when they make well over 500 dollars. Is this far since i am doing all the work? No, and thats were the problem lies. People will always work harder then most and not be taken care of. This creates a lack of empathy and then the work begins to decrease. This becomes a revolving door. The human mind will always turn to this because of Adam and Eve and Sin. You take God away the nation will always fall. It is fact and history doesnt lie just its teachers.
God bless and good luck
Please watch my follow up to this post.

Congratulation johnbcheffin12! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 63min with 14 votes.
Thanks to @souldelas.

Great post. It doesn't seem like you are getting the likes it deserves though. Have you checked out the upvote communities? You should check out steemengine. or

Thanks i dont know why either. I will keep trying God will bless me if he wants to.

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