Workers Need. A World in Need of Help

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Click video below for what's Important.

The Cabal, the Vatican, the Jesuit order or just call them the Elite, want socialism. They want Socialism in place to keep Slavery alive but Hidden.
image (1).png
The spread of free anything is Jesuit concept and has been used over and over throughout time.
USSR's Mikhail Gorbachev was supposedly a descendent of Ignatius Loyola the Jesuit Orders so called founder.

Check out the link below for more on the tactics used by Russia during the cold war and now Americans to American through social media and MSM.
The link to it all.
This is all my opinion and my Constitutional Right to Use because this is is for educational purposes.
Have a great Memorial Day. Thanks to all and Love Everything.

▶️ DTube

Please watch the Video. It is scary.

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