Russian FM: US Tried to Topple Assad Regime in Syria but Failed, Planned Chemical Provocation Last Ditch Effort to Keep al-Nusra Terrorists in Syria

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Russian Foreign Minister dropping truth bombs today!

Lavrov warns upcoming staged chemical attack in Syria & US airstrikes are aimed at protecting Jihadi terrorists in Idlib, highlights US history of prioritizing regime change over eradication of terrorism in Iraq and Libya


For the past several days, the Russian MoD has been warning that the US is preparing to launch a large-scale airstrike attack against Syria, and that the US is expected to use an upcoming planned chemical attack provocation in the Idlib province, staged by the White Helmet terrorists to frame Assad, as a pretext for the strikes. Russian MoD spokesman cited as evidence for its claims the recent buildup of a US strike group in the Mediterranean and recent threats made by US officials, as well as reports by Idlib residents that poisonous chemicals have already been delivered to the terrorists in a town in Idlib for this purpose, and that civilians have already been brought into the area to assist in the filming of the fake rescue of the fake victims of the fake attack.

US Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon denounced the Russian claims of US destroyers entering the Mediterranean as "nothing more than propaganda" that is simply "not true," however Pahon, along with John Bolton, a joint US/UK/France statement issued last week, and others including the White Helmets themselves, have all voiced concern over the potential for Syrian government forces to use chemical weapons in the upcoming offensive against the terrorists occupying Idlib, and the US has made clear their intent to respond stronger than ever if such allegations arise.

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On Wednesday, in statements following a meeting with his Saudi counterpart, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reiterated that Moscow continues to cite more and more evidence for its claims regarding an upcoming staged chemical attack provocation and planned US airstrikes, and said that US officials "say that this is not true, but they cannot bring any facts to the basis of their position."

As for the most recent evidence, just yesterday (Tuesday) the Russian MoD issued a new statement citing "several sources in Idlib," warning that "a large supply of poisonous agents" had already been delivered to Jihadi fighters in Idlib Province with the help of the White Helmets. Some of the chemicals were then "put in unmarked plastic barrels and transported to another militant base in the southern Idlib in order to stage the use of chemical weapons and subsequently blame the government forces of employing poisonous substances against civilians," the statement read, according to RT.

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(Screenshot: RT headline, 8/28)

In this article from Tuesday, RT reported that:

The Russian military has received information from several sources in Idlib Province that “a large supply of poisonous agents has been brought to the city of Saraqib on two trucks from the village of Afs,” Major-General Aleksey Tsygankov, head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the opposing sides in Syria, said in a statement.

The chemicals were delivered to an arms depot, used by the militant group Ahrar al-Sham, “accompanied by the eight members of the White Helmets organization,” Tsygankov said, adding that the cargo was met by two high-ranked Ahrar al-Sham commanders.

It appears that by now, quite a few Idlib residents have noticed the White Helmet preparations for yet another staged false flag chemical attack, including the possession of poisonous chemical agents by Jihadi terrorist groups, while the US has yet to provide even one shred of evidence that the Assad government and SAA even have the capability to carry out any chemical attack since 2014, when all of Syria's chemical weapons were destroyed.

The Foreign Minister on Wednesday also pointed out how the recent threats by US officials directed towards the Assad 'regime' mirror statements made by western officials leading up to the US coalition airstrikes against Syria in April of this year, which also followed a chemical attack hoax staged by the White Helmets in early April, and noted how the terrorists in Idlib have been sabotaging the peace talks initiated by Damascus, making a violent battle for the province inevitable.

“Idlib is now the last remaining hotbed of the terrorists, who try to speculate on the area’s status of de-escalation zone; try using the population as a human shield and try repressing the armed groups that are ready for talks with the government,” he said. - RT

Lavrov said that both the upcoming staged chemical provocation and planned US airstrikes aim to keep the Jihadi terrorists in Syria, prevent their swift removal by the Syrian-Russian alliance, and noted how the ongoing destabilizing situation in Syria is not the first time the US has prioritized regime change over fighting radical terrorists in the region.


"Now when the US is stirring up the situation around Idlib, we want to know, how can Damascus have chemical weapons if US, France and Great Britain destroyed them last year?" the FM asked, obviously referring to airstrikes in April of this and last year which the US claimed were directed at destroying Assad's chemical weapons capabilities. And I think also that the whole world would really like to know just how could Damascus have had any chemical weapons in 2017 and 2018 if they were all destroyed under the supervision of the OPCW all the way back in 2014? That's not a question typically raised by anyone in the entire corporate fakestream media cabal, for good reason...

"We have the impression that US threats against Damascus are aimed at preventing terrorists from being expelled there. ... The chemical weapons provocation which is being prepared is aimed at keeping al-Nusra there," Lavrov explained. "We believe these egotistical, unilateral, political games are counterproductive. We believe that all the conflicts should be solved multilaterally and with open contact between the countries, including regional countries," he said. - video source below:

"There is an impression that this issue and the threats in this connection, which are made against the Syrian government, are being used for the sole purpose of preventing the expulsion of terrorists from the Idlib de-escalation zone. Probably, there is a certain desire behind it – it has been visible for several years already, starting with the Obama administration, when the United States wanted to get the Nusra Front off the hook by any means, hoping to use it in the fight against, as they say, the regime," Lavrov told a press conference after talks with Saudi counterpart Adel Jubeir. - Sputnik International

“It’s not the first time the US – no matter the administration – has prioritized the task of changing dissident regimes above the common goals of eradicating terrorism and extremism. It happened in Iraq and Libya. Now they’re trying to do the same in Syria. To phrase it more correctly – they tried to do it in Syria, but failed,” Lavrov said. - RT


Whether or not you think this is a massive Russian propaganda psyop as the US government would have us believe, the Russian Foreign Minister was dropping plenty of truth bombs in his statements today, and the Russian narrative in this Syrian propaganda war sure seems to align much closer to reality than the US narrative, and has recent history on its side too. Why exactly should we trust or believe US officials over Russian officials now, considering US leaders have lied their way into nearly every American war throughout history, while Russian leaders accurately predicted the last staged false flag chemical attack provocation in April?

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It's a good question, but don't expect US government officials to give us a straight answer any time soon, for they spin their narratives as if they were immune to reason and logic, and they act as if they expect the whole world to buy their hypocritical nonsense. Surely though, considering the vast amount of widespread damning evidence available surrounding the Syrian conflict from the past 7 years, these talking heads can't possibly expect all of us to believe them. This must be why they have kept ramping up the social media censorship recently, because the government and MSM are no longer capable of convincing people to accept their official narratives in the face of the opposing evidence presented by the independent media.

And that, my friends, is a sign that we as independent voices are slowly winning the information war, and this likely attempt to use another staged chemical provocation as a pretext for attacking Syria indicates desperation on the part of the US and their proxy terrorist armies, just another sign the US Empire and global elite who pull the strings are losing their grip on the minds and souls of humanity.

(Photo: @tlavagabond - source
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