📷 News: Heavy rain storm chaos in Berlin - The Century Rain! (English/German)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians, yesterday there was a heavy rain storm in here Berlin and many streets were flooded. I have watched videos where buses and subway stations were flooded with water over 1m meter. Today the rain stopped moderately, but according to the weather preview, it could rain again until sunday. Yesterday it rained all day long and it has just stopped today in the morning. The rain storm yesterday was so heavy for Berlin conditions, that the media is calling it "The century rain" and there are many photos and videos of yesterday.

[German] Hi Steemianer, gestern gab es hier in Berlin ein heftiges Regen-Unwetter und viele Straßen waren überflutet. Ich habe Videos gesehen, wo Busse und U-Bahn Stationen mit über 1 Meter Wasser überflutet waren. Heute hat der Regen einigermaßen aufgehört, aber laut des Wetterberichtes könnte es noch bis Sonntag weiter regnen. Gestern hat es den ganzen Tag geregnet und es hat erst heute Morgen aufgehört. Das Regen-Unwetter gestern war so heftig für Berliner Verhältnisse, dass die Medien vom "Jahrhundert-Regen" sprechen und es gibt viele Fotos und Videos von gestern.

Here are some of the best impressions of the century rain yesterday in Berlin:

[German] Hier sind ein paar der besten Eindrücke vom Jahrhundert-Regen von gestern in Berlin:

Rain storm Berlin
The Kudamm Berlin yesterday
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Rain storm Berlin 2
U-Bahnhof Spichernstraße Berlin
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Rain storm Berlin 3

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Rain storm Berlin 4
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Rain storm Berlin 5
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Here you can watch the best videos of yesterday, shared in the internet:

[German] Hier kannst du die besten Videos von gestern sehen, die im Internet gepostet wurden:

German article with many videos: https://www.morgenpost.de/berlin/article211083111/Das-sind-die-besten-Regen-Videos-aus-Berlin.html

Best regards and hear you in my next article!
[German] Beste Grüße und wir hören uns in meinem nächsten Artikel!

 Jonas Ahrens


Jonas Ahrens

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Wow, unbelievable! We've been having very heavy rain here in Ontario, Canada where I live as well. The last few summers have been very dry and then this year, it's like we're making up for lots of lost time. In the country, farmers are experiencing flooding, which is very bad for their crops. It's crazy how weather can have drastic changes like this. Great post!

Hi i am born in Berlin and was living there for 33 years i am living now in Mauritius because my wife is from there. I was on skype with my parents yesterday when the rain hit Berlin so i could see it live later i checked some videos in the internet and i can tell you i have never seen that in my 33 years living in Berlin i was shocked. The weather is extremely changed in the last couple years. Thanks for your post i hope nobody god bad harmed yesterday in Berlin.

Yes, we have never seen something like this in Berlin, it´s really heavy. I saw a video, where a guy was SWIMMING across the street...! :)

Wow i am still shocked my dad told me there was like 50 liter on 1 square meter. Are you from Berlin i am going to Berlin in august.

It was 155 liter on 1 square meter in Berlin and 230 liter on 1 square meter in parts of Brandenburg.

I was like wow too. Never know it could flood like that in Berlin. Unheard of.

In just 18 hours it rained about as much as usually in a whole quarter.

That's a lot of rain for a day.

Wow - That looks like a Water fun park city!! Floating cars and submerging subways !! Reminds me of the monsoon in Bombay every year.


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It looks scary. I hope it will not repeat.

It's really notable when places that have been developed for centuries, like in Europe, experience floods. I hope there's a quick recovery for all affected. Keep your pepper plants from flooding out on your balcony!

Yes, I was on Skype with a friend who lives in Berlin and he told me at the time it was raining really hard.
I'm curious, does it normally rain like that in Berlin?

No, this wasn´t a normal rain for Berlin, that´s why the media is calling it "The rain of the century". We have never seen something like this in Berlin. We already had heavy wind storms in the last summers, but never something like this rain storm yesterday

Yes my dad told me about the heavy wind storms from the last summers but never rain like this. Man what is going on with plant earth? But like i said before i hope nobody got hurt.

No i have never seen that much rain in 33 years that was the first time.

I think only in indonesian @future24

Yes it´s like a rain storm in indonesia. :)

Wow you know indonesia @future24?

Yes a little bit, but I never visited it so far. It looks like a beautiful country.

Wow, how do you to work?

No, fortunately Im independent and Im working from home, so I don´t have to drive in the rain chaos.

So you are very luck then.

thank you for sharing information @future24

I hear it's moving towards Moscow, problem is - Latvia is in the way too :(
No flood yet, fingers crossed

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