Nuclear war- Donald Trump & Kim Jong-un

in #news7 years ago

Donald Trump & Kim Jong-un – Is Nuclear War Imminent?

North Korea, a state that decided to shut itself off from the rest of world, has been developing its nuclear arsenal in relative secrecy in recent years. But, the global society is unapproving of the regime, and Kim Jong-un, the state’s powerful figurehead, has been issued with sanctions repeatedly. However, North Korea continue to test intercontinental ballistic missiles, and no leader has taken further action.

That is, until, Donald Trump rose to power in the United States. North Korea’s – Kim Jong-un specifically is reluctant to cease their nuclear testing. Although Trump claims he wants a peaceful, political ending to the saga, that is far from likely, with both leaders standing their ground.

The Donald has repeatedly taunted, warned and threatened Kim throughout the media, particularly on twitter. Not too long ago, Kim Jong-un stated that he had a ‘nuclear button on his desk at all times’, to which Trump responded…
“Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”

He’s adamant that until North Korea puts the brakes on their mission to become a nuclear force, the US will continue to put the pressure on. But, what does that mean for the residents of both countries, as well as the rest of the world?

Considering both men have frequently talked up the idea of a nuclear war, it could signal the end of civilization as we know it. Although, how likely is that to happen?
North Korea views the US joint operation with South Korea as provocative, with both regions carrying out regular war exercises. Kim feels it is practice for a relentless invasion and labelled it as an ‘act of war’. So, the South Korean situation, plus the animosity and aggressive comments from Trump, is why North Korea could be tipped into executing an attack.

On the flip side, the US view the continuation of the nuclear program as a preparation for war. “Little Rocket Man”, as Trump nicknamed him, stated that the most recent ballistic missile testing displayed an ability to reach anywhere in mainland US, and cause absolute devastation. So, while the US are looking for a political resolution, the constant mentioning of war is not helping.

Furthermore, members of the US congress have uttered concerns about Trump being an unstable president, and that his rash decision-making could lead to a catastrophic outcome.

Ultimately, animosity between the pair is real, and both states possess the ability to cause mayhem with nuclear missiles. But, there is no winner in a nuclear war, and the two powers surely realize that. Let’s just hope the threats are just a façade, and behind the scenes genuine discussions are taking place to end the dispute in a way where the whole world doesn’t suffer.


This is too funny😂👌


😁 i am laughing too

they will make it and destroys eart

Let us cross our fingers

Hmm, when two elephants fight, who will suffer? The grass, the downtrodden, the innocent are those that pays for the ego of just two men. Such a power! I fear the day they will leave power

Indeed as do many of us!

"Ultimately, animosity between the pair is real,"

Is it in though? NK seems to start their saber rattling as soon as people begin to shine a light onto things certain unnamed powers would rather remain in darkness. It causes one to think.

I like your article though. I just can't help but notice abnormalities within the official narrative. If you don't mind me asking, during your ct days did you play for the blue or the gold team?

Blue or gold? Hehe I processed message traffic and maintaned cryptographic & communication equipment. Thanks good comment, upvoted!

As in working vs ruling class. I would guess blue, and based on your response I recon t-bird?

Yes working class, tbird?

As in technician, I can't decrypt further than that.

👍 yes i work on projectors, cameras etc... My view working last night20180129_134206.jpg

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Just 55 stories above this in news trending! 😂

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