CES 2017 Opened Today; Here's A Few Cool Things I SawsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news8 years ago (edited)

I'm spending a couple of days at CES 2017 (formerly called the Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas.

Last year, more than 170,000 people from all over the world attended CES, making it one of the largest trade shows in the world. It's hard to imagine so many people in one (rather scattered) place, at the same time. If at all possible, you should experience CES for yourself. However, only industry professionals, news media, and celebrity invitees are permitted to attend.

Las Vegas at Night....

Las Vegas at Night...
Photo courtesy of Paul Bergmeir and http://unsplash.com

CES comprises three large exhibit venues,

each engaging multiple buildings as well as many custom exterior buildings and trailers that have been erected for the occasion. A mind-boggling panoply of electronic and mechanical devices are on display. Today, I'm going to share a sampling of snapshots with a few captions and comments. Later, I may write up a story or two about the things I personally found most interesting.

CES Crowd in South Hall Stretches as Far As the Eye Can See

CES Crowd in South Hall Stretches as Far As the Eye Can See - Original Photo

The view above greeted us

when we passed through the doors to the South Hall. The size of the crowd boggles the mind. There is frenetic activity everywhere, and large and intricate exhibits from thousands of commercial vendors.

The show features multi-copter drones of all sizes; drones as small as 3-1/2 inches, all the way up to an autonomous passenger drone capable of carrying two people across town. Autel Robotics showed the "Kestrel," a dual-mode drone that takes off like a quadcopter and converts in the air to a high-speed (70Kph) survey aircraft. The Kestrel, capable of two hour flights, will begin shipping sometime this year.

High-Speed Concept Drone

High-Speed Concept Drone - Original Photo

The company also had this high-speed concept drone on display. Similar to the Kestrel, it takes off and lands like a quadcopter, but two of the motors then tilt forward for higher-speed operation.

Drone Submarines

Drone Submarines - Original Photo

In addition to airborne drones of all sizes, there were even a few remotely controlled and autonomous submarines. One vendor went so far as to set up this sizable swimming pool in which to demonstrate their submersibles.

Unicycle Hoverboard

Unicycle Hoverboard - Original Photo

Another vendor from Asia was demonstrating an interesting variation on the "hoverboard" concept, called the "Trotter." The Trotter has only one, large, apparently pneumatic tire right in the center. I saw this gentleman guide it smoothly around the booth, and watched an amazing video featuring another skilled rider. One advantage obvious in the video was the ability of the device to negotiate rough and varied terrain quite easily due to the broad contact area of the tire.

Mentioning to them that I was an experienced surfer, I persuaded the booth crew to allow me to try the Trotter. I guess surfing skills don't quite transfer directly; I was rather jittery, and had to stabilize myself by holding hands with two of the helpful vendors. Dismounting was also a problem; I ultimately had to jump off.

Booth Babes on Hoverboards

Booth Babes on Hoverboards - Original Photo

Of course, no industry trade show would be complete without at least a few Booth Babes. This year's CES is no exception. These lovely ladies were spinning around in choreographed routines in front of a very long, wall-height video display. The number of utterly huge, full color displays at this years show was remarkable.

Believe it or not,

it can be quite exhausting to merely walk around a show this size for even six hours. We only covered the South Hall today, and that not very thoroughly. Knowing how tiring the show can be, there are a number of vendors of electromechanical massage chairs demonstrating them to weary and appreciative customers. I was going to try one out, but alas, they were all filled.

"Steak Out" Special Deal Dinner - Only $6.99

"Steak Out" Special Deal Dinner - Only $6.99 - Original Photo

After my exhausting day, back at the hotel I had a delicious and filling meal of grilled steak, baked potato with butter and sour cream, steemed vegetables, and buttered dinner roll for a very reasonable $6.99 US. Add to that a bottle of beer for another $1 dollar, and I was more than satisfied. Only in Las Vegas!

CES Show Swag of All Varieties

CES Show Swag of All Varieties - Original Photo

No industry trade show would be complete, either, without a wide assortment of "SWAG." What is SWAG? Those ubiquitous goodies and freebies, given out by vendors to ingratiate and remind you of them later at home. Here's a sampling of my "loot" from today; candy, pens, flashlights, eyeglass cleaning cloth, lip balm, keychains, and etc.

Of course, I've said nothing about my "real reasons" to visit CES.

In a nutshell, the real reason for my frequent attendance (I've lost track of how many times I've been here during the last fifteen years) is to see what everyone else is up to. I not only garner ideas, but I also make many useful industry contacts, sourcing materials and services for my agorist activities.

Thanks for your time and attention.

I'm here on Steemit because of you, my readers. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you!

This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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What, if any, product got you the most excited?

I am (generally speaking) most excited about the prospect of man-carrying drones. I plan to write one or more articles about that alone before long.

Thank you, @fiveboringgames, for visiting and reading!

wow reread your article, missed that nugget. Now that would be cool, imagine the speed and the reduction in the space roads take up in our cities, could be replaced with parks.

Absolutely spot on. I've been saying for thirty years or more that, had we (as a society) spent 10% of what we've spent on roads with the goal of developing flying cars, we'd all be flying around by now and roads would be obsolete. ;)

liked the idea of parks instead of roads, so wrote a quick post about it, here's the link. Linked to your article in the post

a friend of mine in the security business used to go every year - I lost touch with him over the years, but I still manage to keep up and guard my premises with security cams, lights, motion sensors and alarms. My wife rolls her eyes, but I've prevented several thefts on the streets and alerted police who now regularly patrol

I'm looking forward to a new universe in which the only use for locks will be surprises, fun, and games... :)

me too, but for now we live in a Fort Lauderdale world :(

Fort Lauderdale world


yeah...I got caught up in a culture war over the 2nd amendment with a steemian, but I'm Canadian and there are differences. I don't think Stephen King would like it here despite the fact that he's opposed to Trump

Very interesting post! There's so much going on, crazy to think about how large this event is, you walked around for 6 hours and still only managed to see a tiny part of the whole exhibition!

Hi, friend, thanks for dropping by to check out my story! ;) Yeah, it is crazy to think about how big this show is...

Seeing CES is a funny balance of "hurry up and wait," because you do stop to look at things that are interesting - if there isn't too long of a line!

Most of my stops were to ask technical questions about things I might be working on in the future, and when that happens, I can end up talking to one vendor for half an hour or more... Then I have to force myself to speed by other things that might be interesting, if I only had more time...

Commenting here because Steemit doesn't have a PM system. Since you dropped me a line via my prompts system (I'm also on Tumblr) I have to use that as a prompt, now. It's gonna be fun :D

Hey, my friend! Thank you for stopping by to say 'Hi!' I've enjoyed reading a few of your Sci-Fi shorts so far. Did you happen to see this, of mine, BTW?:

    "Numbers Game"

I had never seen a "Prompts" system like yours before... it took me a bit to even figure out what was going on. Yes, Steemit could use a "built-in" PM system, IMHO... But, hey, I'm sure the gurus who are coding Steemit are peddling as fast as they can!

Take care, and Steem on!

Saw yours. Haven't had time to get into it. It's the weekend, so Beloved was taking me off to the markets and all.

Shall get a-reading during the week. Promise.

Hey, no worries! Enjoy! ;)

How dare you not post my favorite picture!!!! It may be an imposter.... but he's still lovely ;)

Famous actors love it when they're not recognized... ;)

I always recognize RDJ, Sir. Costume, Camouflage, Covered up. I know his style. I know his ways. I know him. LOL
stop trying to pawn off that impostor on me. I'll have none of it! hahahaha

Alright then, your loss... :)

LOLOL without the helmet.... then we can talk ;)

That steak dinner looks great! And wow, what a fair price!

Actually, a very good deal - although, I must say, so good that I had it two nights in a row - and the second night, the piece of meat was considerably more gristly... Still good, however. ;)

Oh wow, I know it isn't anything special to you since you have been there over a dozen times, but it is really cool to me. Plus I am jealous of that $6.99 steak dinner!

The show is actually something I look forward to. I don't go every year, although I've had good reason to lately. And, (urrrrp!), the dinner was good! ;)

I'll pipe in too about the dinner....can't believe the price.....cheaper than McD's!!

Yah, not bad, not bad at all... :)

The casinos use what are probably "break-even" deals like this to get people to show up and to stay and gamble.

wonderful posting !!
i want to be in Las Vegas someday... ^^

Thank you, @abdullar! I hope you get there soon! ;)

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