Exposing The International Banking Cabal - A Four Part Expose' By Liberty Academy

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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This well researched extensive expose' on the organizations involved in the global banking system was recently presented on Steemit by Dan @libertyacademy and I found it quite timely (considering all that is now occurring globally) as well as impressively researched and well put together. Thus, I felt it deserved much more attention than it received during the initial uploads of the 4 part series. Therefore, I asked Dan if I could additionally present it on his behalf and help direct more people that are interested in this subject to his well researched and presented material. Any and all cryptocurrency derived from this post will be given by myself to Dan per a gentleman's agreement which is shown in a screenshot at the end of this post. I simply hope to help more people set eyes on this important research that is quite timely in its nature and covers many important aspects related to the current global crisis, new global awakening and revelations related to the New World Order and the use of international banking to further enrich corrupt parties within the global elite and carry out regime change agenda's through their financing of proxy militant groups.

Title: The International Banking Cabal Exposed (4 Part Series) -by @libertyacademy


In the next several days, I will be exposing the inner-workings and modus operandi of what many refer to as The International Banking Cabal (or Banking Cabal for short).

When looking at countless ills which plague the precious world in which we all live in and strive for peace and prosperity, the evil agents of the Cabal want something much more sinister for our existence. They are the epitome of greed and selfishness and nothing is ever enough for them. They want it ALL: all the money, all the power, and complete control.

Here is how the four part exposé will be structured and posted on Steemit:

Author Note: I was going to keep this material under wraps for a book that I am currently writing, but since it won’t be out until sometime in 2019 and due to the very high probability that the Cartel will soon crash the markets and consequently reset monetary system (possibly this year) thereafter imposing a new cashless system of financial slavery and bondage, I figured I’d better get this out now so we can better inform humanity and be ready to counter their plans.


In Truth and Liberty,

  • Dan

The International Banking Cabal Exposed: Part I - The Cabal

International Banking Cabal

As you will discover in the next sections of this chapter, the web of today’s international banking system is not only deliberately complex in its design, but also very sinister and nefarious in nature.

The best way to describe some of these aspects is to examine some of the statements of a previous insider of this banking cabal – namely a former Dutch banker called Ronald Bernard – from an April 2017 interview which was disseminated on YouTube (1).

Since we know that money rules the world, we need first to know who creates money. Evidently, it is the banks and their owners who issue and control money; consequently, we can easily argue that it is they who rule the world. The famous banker Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild once said: “Give me control over a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws.” which serves as an accurate testament to how the world really works.

According to the whistleblower Mr. Bernard, there are about 8,000 to 8,500 of these banker elites who run the entire world. After years of service in the banking cabal along with his dedication and bidding for the banking elite, Mr. Bernard climbed the ranks and engaged in their highest circles for a period of about five years before his moral conscience got the best of him.


Ronald Bernard, former elite banker

In this heartfelt interview he explained the moment he could no longer partake in the heinous devilry of his peers. He began by explaining what type of activities he was invited to participate in at this stage of his career.

Additional extensive excerpt's from the full interview with Ronald Bernard can be found at the @libertyacademy Steemit blog page.


The International Banking Cabal Exposed: PART II - The BIS

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This is the 2nd of a 4-part series entitled The International Banking Cabal Exposed brought to you by @libertyacademy.

The International Banking Cabal Exposed: Part II - The BIS

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

In the previous section, the former banker Ronald Bernard described that 8,000 to 8,500 banker elites are the ones responsible for running the world’s financial monetary system. In a second follow-up interview (2) he goes on to describe how these banker elites comprise the top echelon of the pyramid banking system. The next echelon, or layer, immediately under it is the institution called The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) with its headquarters located in Basel, Switzerland. The BIS is the headquarters of the central banks and, inherently, of the global financial system. In simple terms, the BIS is the central bank of central banks. And it is these member central banks who own the BIS.

Importantly, it is specifically these elites at the top of the pyramid who give orders to the BIS wherefrom they propagate downward through the system. From their own website, we can see that the BIS has 60 member central banks, representing countries from around the world that together make up about 95% of world GDP (3) . Thus, it goes without saying that this is unquestionably the most important financial institution in the world affecting and determining the fate of over seven and a half billion people despite very few people knowing about its existence.

Yet what is particularly remarkable is the fact that the BIS is a private organization (not a governmental one) that is completely autonomous. In other words, it needn’t abide by the laws of Switzerland or any other nation, as it is considered its own sovereign entity, exactly like the City of London or Vatican City. As such, it abides solely by its own charter and statutes (4) enjoying complete immunity from any prosecution, government, or legal authority. They are untouchable. Or as Ronald Bernard puts it:

“… they are above all worldly rules, nobody can touch them, they have complete immunity. So they have a complete immunity for everything on earth.”

He then goes on to elaborate further:

“Furthermore they have their own police service, so you can’t just go in yelling ‘You bastards!’ or something of the sort, because you won’t get away with it. To be concise, it’s a fully recognized, immune state, beyond the grasp of any rules. Inviolable. ”

A lot of what the former elite Dutch banker Ronald Bernard said about the secretive BIS can also be substantiated in Adam LeBor’s 2014 book entitled ‘Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World’; here are some excerpts from an article entitled ‘Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World’ which cites directly from the book (5):

“The Swiss authorities have no juridisdiction over the BIS premises. Founded by an international treaty, and further protected by the 1987 Headquarters Agreement with the Swiss government, the BIS enjoys similar protections to those granted to the headquarters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and diplomatic embassies. The Swiss authorities need the permission of the BIS management to enter the bank’s buildings, which are described as “inviolable.”

Another book of interest that refers to the ills of international finance as well as this highly secretive organization was written by renowned American historian Carrol Quigley was ‘Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time’ (published in 1966) (6). In that book, Quigley stated that the powers of financial capitalism (i.e., the BIS) had a far-reaching aim and was part of a plan to:

“create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations.”

Additional extensive research on Part 2 - The BIS can be found at the following link:


The International Banking Cabal Exposed: Part III - The IMF & World Bank

The IMF (International Monetary Fund)

The previous section on the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) would not be complete without mentioning the rest of the financial pyramid that was outlined by former elite banker Ronald Bernard earlier in this chapter. To recap, he had mention that at the top of the pyramid there were 8,000 to 8,500 elite members who were pulling the strings of those in the section immediately under the top – the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). But under the BIS, he mentions two other supranational banking entities, namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank – which I will briefly describe below. And under that tier lies the Central Banks which is covered in the next section.

According to its website, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created in 1945 and is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world (10).

What we will see, however, is that the IMF has actually contributed the exact opposite of what they claim in the purpose statement above.

One can easily research the history of the IMF’s interventions in countries around the world only to find a trail of disaster and looting which have left the countries with poorer economic growth, higher unemployment rates, and increased poverty.

The main modus operandi (the way of operating) of the IMF is to target and lend very large sums of money to countries – most often underdeveloped ones – that are experiencing serious financial difficulties. The IMF’s lending terms will frequently require the borrowing country’s government to impose harsh austerity measures. Austerity measures include things the government does to cut costs and save money such as reducing benefits, pensions, and the like. At first glance, this seems like a sound thing to do; however, economic history has shown time and time again that austerity simply doesn’t work, as it reduces the amount of employment and economic activity which is essential to stimulate growth.


Christine Lagarde, Managing Director (Looter-in-Chief) of the IMF

Additional extensive research related to Part 3 can be found @libertyacademy page here:


The International Banking Cabal Exposed: Part IV - Central Banks & Conclusion

Central Banks


What is perhaps the greatest deception of all is that most nations’ central banks are actually private institutions that are independent from government who have a monopoly on issuing the nation’s money supply – by printing notes and creating digital currency in the banking system.

When a government needs money it (usually through its Treasury) issues bonds which are actually bought by the central bank (and/or commercial banks); this is essentially a loan to the government for which the central bank will charge interest. This interest expense usually accounts for a large percentage of a government’s annual budget and it is mostly the citizens of the country who pay for this through income tax and other forms of taxation. This process essentially turns countries into debtors (to the private central banks) and its citizens into tax slaves. The system is designed to be deceivingly complex so that the majority of citizens are unable to understand it for if they did, they would certainly not stand for it.

Financial author Mike Maloney has created an outstanding video series called ‘The Hidden Secrets of Money’ (30) in which he beautifully explains this process (of currency creation) in the fourth episode entitled ‘The Biggest Scam In The History of Mankind’ (31).

To illustrate the extent of this indebtedness one needs only consult the stated figures in its country’s financial books, or via the various ‘debt clocks’ found online which simplify and summarize the damage.

For example, most countries’ debt burdens range from the hundreds of billions to trillions of U.S. dollar equivalent (32).

While the United States has the largest nominal debt – around $20 trillion (33), or over $61,000 per citizen, Japan has the largest in terms of debt related to its GDP (Gross Domestic Product – the annual amount of goods and services produced by the nation) which figures at 250%; in other words, Japans spends and owes 2.5 times more than it produces on a yearly basis.

A nation’s commercial banks (the ones from which individuals and companies hold accounts with and borrow money from) often hold some of its cash holdings with the central bank and also have the ability to borrow money from it.

In addition, central banks are usually in charge of dictating a nation’s monetary policy (through interest rate adjustments on deposits and loans). That means, it can decide to increase or decrease the money supply, increase or decrease interest rates, and so on. By increasing the money supply – which is often referred to as “money printing” it creates what we call inflation. The term inflation is often mistakenly taken to infer that the cost of goods and services are increasing. But in actuality, inflation means that the purchasing power of the currency is decreased due to its increase in supply.

Central Banks often set ‘inflation targets’ – something like 2% for instance. In reality, by purposely creating inflation (by means of increasing the money supply) it is in fact decreasing the value of the currency. Most citizens don’t seem to realize that this is a form of theft since the purchasing power of their money is decreased as is the value of their savings. In the short term, the theft is not so noticeable; but over many years it amounts to a lot. That is why the “cost of living” seems to become more and more burdensome.

Another function of Central Banks is to provide ‘liquidity’ to commercial banks in case they get in short supply of funds as in the case of a financial crisis or a “run on the bank” for instance. Liquidity simply refers to cash (either in paper or digital form). A prime example of this is when the central bank of the United States – the Federal Reserve – provided an infusion of cash (also called a “bail out”) to some big commercial banks (such as Bank of America and Citibank) during the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis so they wouldn’t run out of cash for their operations and to ensure that depositors’ funds were intact and accounted for. In other words, central banks act as an insurance mechanism to ensure that the banking system doesn’t fail.

While central banks disguise themselves as government institutions and purport to act in the best interest of their respective nations, the fact remains that the majority of them are private institutions that are completely independent and are mainly focused on funneling profits to their shareholders – whom, unfortunately, are obscured in a veil of extreme secrecy. Since central banks are set up as private corporations, they are under no legal requirement to disclose their true owners or shareholders. In this respect, they are highly secretive and nefarious.

Over the years many have attempted to research exactly who their shareholders are and have found them to include both individuals of prominent families as well as banking and other corporations.

Additional extensive research related to Part 4 can be found here:


My sole purpose with this post is to draw more attention to this important material and help raise global consciousness related to such. What I have presented here on my page is just a small portion of the work that Dan @libertyacademy has presented. There are some really fantastic videos, links and graphics within the full posts. I highly recommend people check them out. As per my agreement with Dan, all cryptocurrency provided for this post will be transferred to his account @libertyacademy. I appreciate him being so kind as to let me share this valuable well presented information. I hope more people follow him, up vote and resteem the educational material he presents.

Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 4.50.16 PM.pnghttps://steemit.com/money/@libertyacademy/the-international-banking-cabal-exposed-part-iv-central-banks-and-conclusion

At my own Clarity of Signal Wordpress site I have also covered crimes and manipulations of the global elite (past and present), as well as the recent highly revealing confessions of international banker Ronald Bernard. Those links are here for those further interested in these important subjects:

Connecting the dots on the global elite…not a conspiracy theory


The Rothschild’s representative at 1913 Federal Reserve, the CFR,+ I.G. Farben


Newly Released Video: On-Camera Confessions of Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Reveals Terrible Crimes of the Global Elite

Post includes all 4 video confessions -



Beautiful little package you have put together with @libertyacademy . I hope my work to someday be of the calibre that your reporting is at. Grateful I found your profile from the @corbettreport re: White Helmets. The topic very similar to a project I was working on called "Monopoly Money" which is now going to be a section in a larger work called the Power of the Mined.
Thus, I Will most likely be resharing some of this material - will make sure to properly reference. If anyone wants to upvote it on the original post CLICK HERE. Below is a related meme I put together the other day that I would like to share with you. Thanks again, you inspire me. @Iwanttruth-Give-Man-A-Bank-then-he-rule-the-world.png

Thanks very much. I'll happily check out your material. I appreciate the kind words and James Corbett rocks, as does @libertyacademy. The great thing these days is that we now have the tools where we can all help inform each other and share each others work. For that, I for one, am thankful for Steemit. Kind regards.


The international banking system is very complicated, in fact not only complicated but also in Milan by certain parties

news that we know pathetically

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