Examining the Currently Available Videos and Information From The October 1st, 2017 Las Vegas Terror Attack

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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[This post is submitted on Steemit for posterity and to aid concerned citizens in the attainment of information as a public service and to help keep citizens vigilant in the face of all that is going on.]

Below is a compiled listing of the earliest and currently most important videos of the October 1st, 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas at the Jason Aldean concert at the Mandolay Bay Hotel. Over 50 people were killed and more than 400 injured in the shooting. Sheriff Joseph Michael Lombardo confirmed shortly after the shooting that the suspect was killed by police.

This post provides quick access to currently online videos of the tragic event in order to allow researchers and watchful citizens an opportunity to find important info related to the mass shooting in one helpful Steemit resource. The items provided at the bottom of the post provide speculation that doesn't necessarily fit the 'official' story. (Caveat: I consider myself a conspiracy analyst and thus the speculation is simply to provide warning to be vigilant and alert.)

Main footage: Shooting in Las Vegas Resort Mandalay Bay - October 1, 2017

People Crouching in Attempt to Hide from Gunfire

Concert Footage with ensuing chaos

Close to stage shooting footage -

People being shot at while running for cover (ricochet rounds)-

Victims on fence stretchers/Attempts to get people to hospital -

Side street scenes/Various chaos

Live leak #1 - Las Vegas Mandaly Bay active shooter at festival

Live Leak #2 - Dramatic Footage Shows Gunfire Interrupting Las Vegas Concert

Live Leak #3 - People using fences as stretchers for the injured

Live Leak #4 - Looking down from hotel room over concert field

Current and earliest official police statement provided mid morning on October 2nd, 2017 -

Graphic warning: Photos of the alleged shooter deceased in the hotel room.

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Link to Vidme video of victims being tended to, graphic warning:

Link to Live Leak video showing suite 32-135 where shooting was conducted from:

Video of image showing lower floor and upper floor windows open. Just my speculation but its likely possible by use of a special tool.


2nd image of windows open :

windows open .jpg

3rd image of windows open:

3 windows open.jpg

Commentary and footage from NBC3 and retired detective Phil Ramos, including speculation of multiple shooters due to amount of gun fire, plus discussion of high vantage point of shooter and that shooter(s) were well trained for such a mass shooting event.

Las Vegas Shooting Prior Warning? "You're All Going To Die Tonight"

Las Vegas shooting: 'YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE' – SHOCK WARNING 45 minutes before attack

MSNBC airs audio from Las Vegas police scanners -
LISTEN: Las Vegas PD Breach Shooter Stephen Paddock’s Hotel Room

Full length police recordings:

More on the alleged shooter from his family: http://heavy.com/news/2017/10/eric-paddock-stephen-c-paddock-brother-shooter-las-vegas-shooting-identified/

CBS Tweet provide brothers statement- “Not an avid gun guy at all...where the hell did he get automatic weapons? He has no military background,” gunman’s brother says

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Poker, Instagram and Internet star Dan Bilzerian uploaded footage where he states "a girl just got shot in the head".

Description page on Dan Bilzerian - http://www.whatnetworth.com/dan-bilzerian/

CNN and Fox News combined witness testimonies - 2 ladies -

Eyewitness Amy Lipman states on Twitter that there were multiple shooters, fire coming from multiple directions. This would match the fact that daylight revealed that two sets of windows were broken out at the Mandalay Bay on the night of the shooting.

Link to Tweet -

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Police have confirmed that they have found the lone gunman suspect they were looking for. Daylight has shown that at least two windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel were destroyed.

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Link to video uploaded to Instagram that speculates on shooter firing from a 4th floor window. https://www.instagram.com/p/BZwcg_hDpNP/

Video of shots fired from the 4th floor Facebook upload (full version) - https://www.facebook.com/thepeoplesvoicetv/videos/vb.219195584894557/988094561337985/?type=2&theater

Mandalay Bay more evidence of possible 4th story shooter - Cab driver video of gun barrel flashes close to ground

Full version of cab driver video with her statements to dispatcher regarding 10th floor shooter: Posted at Steemit for Posterity: Versions of this video are already being reported as being removed by You Tube.



Video taken by female taxi driver who was under the shooter in the front taxi staging area of the Mandalay Bay hotel at the time of the Las Vegas massacre. The taxi driver looks up at the window where the firing appears to be coming from at the 4:57 mark and states "it seems like its coming from up there" as the camera clearly shows rapid bursts of light emanating from a window in perfect syncopation with the sound of machine gun fire. She then proclaims "oh shit". She films the building for a few more seconds before stating "alright, I'm outta here".

At the 6:00 mark the radio controller states " Can you guys clear that up and let us know what is happening?" The taxi driver then states " alright, well I was up at the Mandalay Bay and.....oh my god now there are stops everywhere..........it seems like its coming from like the 10th floor of the Mandalay Bay. I don't know. God this is insane".

Her statement to the taxi dispatcher, in regards to the 10th floor, highlights that she personally believes that she saw the shooter as shown in the earlier portion of the video.

Photos of typical Mandalay Bay Hotel suite from official hotel website:

The Outerlight channel covers various interesting aspects of the event and the alleged shooter, including Stephen Paddock's earlier employment for Lockheed Martin as an accountant/auditor, and the fact that the alleged shooter was a multi-millionaire real estate investor, gambler and pilot:

My personal opinion (Caveat: pure speculation) from looking and listening to whats available thus far: the police audio sounds somewhat contrived and emotionless. The amount of gunfire could be from multiple shooters. Its odd that ten weapons were stated as found but all the gunfire appears to have come from primarily one or two high powered automatic weapons. Its curious as to why the shooter didn't use all the weapons before taking his own life. The attack looks well coordinated and planned.

Additional speculation: Stephen Paddock could have been a targeted patsy who was killed answering his door before the mass shooting and scapegoated in accordance to a pre-planned mass casualty event. The weapons could have been left to frame the dead man before the police arrived. Personally, I am always skeptical of what the media is 'reporting' as they have previously shown that they are complicit and willing to lie to cover up Deep State crimes in relation to wars and mass casualty events in other countries, for example Ukraine and Syria. The thing that stands out to me as the most odd is that the gunman is reported to have brought ten weapons but killed himself before he used 9 of them. That begs the simple question "why?"

Examples of evidence of media deception in collusion with authoritative entities and organizations:

Syria - https://steemit.com/news/@clarityofsignal/white-helmets-fully-exposed-as-hollywoods-favorite-terrorists-over-200-revealing-facebook-images-in-5-massive-files

Ukraine - https://steemit.com/news/@clarityofsignal/now-playing-on-dtube-rarely-seen-video-ukrainian-general-ukraine-is-under-zionist-occupation-reveals-cia-agents-and-mason

Iraq - https://clarityofsignal.com/2017/01/10/video-proof-of-staged-false-flag-bombing-in-mosul-iraq-used-by-associated-press-and-daily-mail-uk/

Syria - https://steemit.com/news/@clarityofsignal/father-of-invention-media-portrayed-grief-stricken-dad-turns-out-to-be-al-nusra-front-terrorist

I will add more video as they become available. Final note: Be mindful of the divisive agenda that is currently being carried out. The way to defeat the Deep State and the elite that rule over us is through unity of all sides, not division. Mass casualty events are often used by nefarious entities to carry out coups and wars overseas, as well as enact draconian laws and strip away citizens rights. Be vigilant.


I'm not sure what to think yet in that regard. Hence the reason I wanted to gather as much info as I could in one solid place so we have at least a place to start and assess information. These mass casualty events are always immediately pushed out with the establishment narrative at the forefront, and sometimes the establishment media is caught intentionally misleading the public, as in the case with events in Ukraine and the White Helmets terrorists in Syria. Thus, I simply try to stay vigilant and want to increase our ability to properly analyze what is really going on politically and geopolitically. In this case, I am leaning more towards things currently not making proper sense regarding what we are being told in regards to the shooter and what took place in the hotel room. According to Bloomberg news the suspected shooter was in the room for 4 days prior to the shooting spree. Paddock checked in on Thursday. The room was registered under his girlfriend's name. His profile doesn't match what I would expect a cold blooded psychopathic mass murderer to be. His history shows he was apparently a responsible businessman and homeowner. MSM reports are focusing on his fathers criminal mindset in order to explain the son's motivations. It is odd that he has no criminal record of his own if he had a similar mindset as his father. All told, its still a mystery in my mind.....hence the reason I believe we need to conduct extensive research and remain vigilant in regards to such. I should state that I am always wary of what the police and authorities provide information wise when it comes to these events as freemasons were fully behind the overthrow of Ukraine and they play a lead role in all aspects of authoritative American organizations/government. I recently put together a post on the subject of the role of freemasons in the overthrow of the former Ukrainian government: https://steemit.com/news/@clarityofsignal/now-playing-on-dtube-rarely-seen-video-ukrainian-general-ukraine-is-under-zionist-occupation-reveals-cia-agents-and-mason

From listening to the videos it sounds likes at least 2 weapons were involved.
And I agree with you. If he had 10 weapons why didn't he use all 10 of them. He had the time.

It is odd. Why plan all that out, go to such lengths, bring all those weapons, having a clear (literal) window of opportunity, then only use 1/10th of your arsenal if your conducting such a mass casualty killing spree? I imagine it would have taken the police and hotel security 10 to 15 minutes at least to get to the room, for SWAT it would have taken at least 10 to 15 minutes longer. Thus, he technically had about 30 minutes before the SWAT team would breach the door. Then one would have to ask also "if he was already planning to die anyway, wouldn't he have taken some cops with him in a gun fight to the death after his killing spree?"

Thanks for the response. I know a lot of people don't want to speculate on aspects of terror attacks that may not fit the 'official' narratives. I think its quite important that we look at everything now with skeptical eyes as there has been so many shady things going on politically and geopolitics wise.

Today is October 8th, 2017 - I'm gonna put up a few other posts that show some evidence related to the Las Vegas shooting that the FBI and MSM seem to be ignoring.

Rifle fire is in this video:
Las Vegas Massacre Lengthy Machine Gun Firing Vid - Single Rifle Shots Recorded on Cam


Outer Light channels shows that the police and media are ignoring evidence in relation to who Paddock ate with.

Additionally police and media ignore the parking valet evidence showing Paddock check in earlier than reported.

Ongoing discussion of multiple witnesses having reported other shooters at other hotels, yet the police and media won't acknowledge it.


Here are some additional links related to witnesses who state that shooters were at other hotels.




One thing I am left curious about is why did he bother setting up cameras on room service carts to see cops coming if he was planning to kill himself anyway? Wouldn't it make more sense to use the cameras to conduct an ambush on the cops or as an advantage in a shootout? If he wanted to kill himself then the cameras would not really have been necessary as he could easily do such without them or commit suicide by cop and take a few more people with him. Just wondering about that one.

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