Vegas mass shooting HOAX - a Freemasonic NWO show

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

"illuminati" Pyramid, Obelisk & Sphinx (like the masonic buildings in Washington DC), 33 coded everywhere, G (50 dead 200 injured=7=G), and blatant crisis actors.

A truck arrives on the scene with the number 33 and you already know it is freemasonic bullshit (33 highest degree in Freemasonry and the number of Illumination)

These "eyewitnesses", just after a supposed massacre, having a jolly good time infront of the 33 microphone.

The NWO Agenda

This "eyewitness" spells out the NWO agenda point by point:
EDIT: added screenshot as they keep deleting the video from YT

"As an immigrant I say we need to come together"
CR (1).jpg

"We need to increase our Security system in every aspect of our lives"

And he says it at 11:33 (not by chance not by coincidence)
Morals_and_Dogma_eagle (3).jpg

Plus, as it is always the case with these fake mass shootings, there is the anti-2nd Amendment gun-grabbing agenda in play.

How is it possible that Freemasonry which was so instrumental in bringing about the Bill of Rights (several Founding Fathers were Freemasons) is now working to dismantle it?
At the time Freemasonry was White "Christian" (Gnostic), now it has become multicultural and it is run mostly by Jews (or Fake Jews or Zionists as some call them). May be unpopular to say it, but I believe it is one of the reasons Freemasonry deteriorated to the point of going against its own founding principles. Also the Masonic "Vow of Silence" (originally a necessity where there was no free speech) was inevitably going to be exploited by powerful groups for nefarious reasons. The Mafia arose thanks to the Masonic Vow of Silence (Omerta'), and that's what Freemasonry is today...a Global Mafia.

And Donald Trump? Wasn't he in favour of the 2nd amendment? Why is he allowing these PsyOps?
Donald Trump, a Freemason himself, has to go along with whatever the Supreme Councils decide:


Unfortunately videos exposing crisis actors get quickly deleted from YT.
I have screenshots and saved copies which I will reupload to Dtube as a compilation.
This was the guy pedalling the NWO agenda:

And these the crisis actors, straight after a supposed massacre, exhibiting duping delight and cracking up smiles: (1).jpeg
The last one was interesting cos he had been given some tearing eye drops and some reptilian contact lenses (to play with "conspiracy theorists") infact he kept blinking very unconfortably.
Anyway do these look like the faces of people who witnessed a massacre? Clearly not, just frauds happy for their 2 minutes of fame and for the cheque they'll be collecting.

Saw a video earlier of two girls smiling about ones birthday and then describing a dead woman with a hole in her head. They were smiling in the first part of the video, which I found quite odd. Link to the Tweet containing that video:

as found by @laststand
one of the crisis actors pedalling Police State & Anti-2nd Amendment agendas had been previously on Dr Phil.

lots Skull&bones 322 coded in this PsyOp.

As Alesiter Crowley taught occult numbers can be used backwards:
the shooting occured at 22:30
used .223 ammo

Founding year of Skull & Bones 1832
checked in at 9:23 9=1+8 and 23 reversed 32
shot from 32nd floor
Brother interviewed at address 320.

also 32 could be a reference to the 23/9 (23+9) date I've been talking about in previous posts.

more phony evidence:
hollywood rejects on a taxi and this is what you get:!/v/clarityofsignal/sta4gkhv
the beginning was almost convincing (though inspired by the movie Drive ) and the taxi driver is a damn good actor, but the passengers were blatant fakers.

as spotted by @spellbreaker
Another masonic clue:
One of the "victims" goes to the ground, lays down....then remembers he has to roll up one side of his trousers (as per masonic initiation) and then lays down again:

I just found this video, an article came online the day BEFORE the shooting took place:

Hi. yeah I've already seen that but not had yet time to analyse it properly.
The guy in the original video was using Google Australia so it does get tricky to estabilish date, though it seem to be off by a day even taking the time difference into account:

Found this post by chance but glad I did. Excellent post and some excellent, informative comments too.

I think the psyop hoaxes started only in the last 10 years, with production companies specializing in live drills (Crisis Cast, Crisis Solutions etc) and thanks to the passing of legislation which allow the CIA to propagandize its own citizens. These hoaxes are completely legal now, while before it was all clandestine operations.

I remember when the legislation was passed but I never really thought of it in this way. Legal false flags !

Upvoted/Resteemed and following.

It's a small world:
Brother of Stephen Paddock connection to Orlando Pulse nightclub.
which as we know was a giant hoax with crisis actors

WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC (but still fake!)
It is well done and produced, but it is just an Horror foundfootage style flick.
They spent a lot of $$$ on this hoax to make it as realistic as possible, but still you can't fake real:

sure it is better than the fake wounds they have in exercise drills...

but they are still not the real thing.
and they only went for hyper realistic in that small area of the concert...for example in the Hopsital the wounds and scenes were clearly fake:

oh look they deleted the video how most of the comments were calling it fake!
"removed for harassment and bullying" bullshit! it was just the raw unedited video. they simply wasn't happy with the comment section. too many people awake calling it for what it is!! FAKE!

Man on the scene can be heard repeating with absolute confidence that they are NOT real gunshots:

Video by @vl1

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