Jean-Claude Juncker Declares He Talked With Extraterrestrials About Brexit

in #news7 years ago (edited)

 European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker sensationally claimed that he talked with Extra-terrestrials about Brexit. The statement was made during an emergency meeting at the European Parliament.

“We  must be aware that those who observe us from afar are worried. We have  seen and heard many leaders of other planets are very worried because  they ask questions concerning the way in which the EU will follow. So we  must insure Europeans as well as those who observe us from afar.”  – Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission President.

Did Juncker misspeak, or is he actually trying to make Europeans aware of the care that Aliens have for the Earth? Juncker may be correct that some aliens do care about the earth. There have been several reports that aliens prevented humanity from destroying  itself by disabling nuclear weapons around the world according to several military personnel and Astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Further reports claim that aliens intervened in various nuclear plant meltdowns, including Chernobyl and Fukushima, and prevented a second Ice Age by destroying multiple meteors over Russia.

Scientists allegedly found technical device remains of a UFO  in the 1908 Tunguska Meteor’s rubble.  Then in 2013, a meteor flew over Russia and appeared to self-combust in midair when a UFO was later analyzed and seen zipping through it. The images below of some other famous UFO sightings is the same shape that destroyed that meteor.

This isn’t the first time that a world leader has sensationally claimed that extra-terrestrial contact has already occurred. Two officials – Rep.  Henry McElroy and Timothy Good, a Pentagon consultant, have previously claimed over the years that Eisenhower had a meeting with ETs at Edwards Air force Base. 

An anonymous CIA whistle-blower also came forward in 2013 on his deathbed to corroborate claims that Eisenhower had a meeting with extra-terrestrials. Even ex-NATO official Lord Admiral Hill-Norton has come out and said that we have been visited for many years by people from outer space and other civilizations.

“There  is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been  visited for many years by people from outer space, by other  civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want  should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be  the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”  – Lord Admiral  Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal  Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

It's not only the U.S. back in 2012, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in an alleged off the record conversation that ended up being broadcast “aliens walk among us.” He then inferred that the reporter can get more information by watching the documentary film Men in Black. The mainstream media then said he was joking  referring to earlier jokes he made but he wasn’t at all, remember he didn’t know he was being recorded.  What Medvedev was actually telling the reporter was to watch the Russian documentary film of the same convenient name “Men in Black.” Which you can watch for yourself below  with English Subtitles. In this documentary several high ranking Russian officials talk about the cover up and mysterious Russian black book of ET classifications.

Wikileaks also has released various cables talking about UFO’s/ETs from Several different leaders including –
Dushanbe Mayor Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev ,  Albinas Januska,  Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan Nobutaka Machimura. There is also the UN memo of Grenada Prime Minister Eric Gairy’s efforts to organize a United Nations-based committee to research and investigate global UFO reports released by Wikileaks in the Plus-D cables.

Another cable posted on WikiLeaks,  from Nov. 24, 1978, refers to Ambassador Richard Petree’s meeting with  Grenada representatives “to discuss their UFO resolution. Ambassador  Petree acknowledged the high level of interest in UFOs among some  elements of the private sector and scientific community and pointed to the budgetary impact as a major concern of the U.S. and other  countries.” 

So world leaders interest in UFOs is well documented this all shows how the subject of UFOs wasn’t merely officially ridiculed.

Then there is former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer who has been quite vocal about  the subject stating in 2014 to RT “Alien’s exist.” 

RT who is no stranger  to UFO’s as several time’s now various RT programs have been caught  filming a UFO flying in the background including Max Keiser’s show the Keiser Report. Hellyer also said at the Citizen’s hearing for Disclosure a conference for Extra-terrestrial disclosure to end the truth embargo lead by Steven  Basset, that Tall white ET’s work with the U.S. Government. 

These tall white ETs are also described by a NASA engineer Clark C. McClelland and by a retired command Sergeant Major Robert O Dean. Lastly, these same beings are described by a nuclear physicist Charles Hall who claims he worked with them at an Air-force base.

In 2010, the Mexican Government released military surveillance  video showing eleven separate similar objects hovering. Homeland Security has  also had leaked security camera footage in 2013, showing several UFO’s  flying around in Puerto Rico. In fact in the 1980’s the First Director of the CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter  admitted UFO’s existed and that the truth needed to come out in a  New York times article. The full archived article is available at

[RELATED: Shocking UFO Footage Released By Chilean Navy Matches Several Other Well Known Sightings]

“Behind  the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about  UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense”
~1st Former Director of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1980, NYTimes.

Even Walt Disney was set to give Extra-terrestrial Disclosure in March of 1995, in a documentary called “Alien Encounters from New Tomorrowland”  which aired only once.

This is just scratching the surface of the UFO/ET Phenomenon.I’ll  leave you with some quotes from former NASA Employee’s Astronaut Dr.  Brian O`Leary, NASA Space Shuttle Program Manager Wayne Hale, Gordon Cooper and Neil Armstrong. Who made a very cryptic speech during the 25th anniversary of  Apollo 11’s landing on the moon about “future aspiring astronauts  removing truths protective layers.”Understand that there are way  more astronauts and NASA employee’s that have come out and made similar  claims that NASA is involved in a cover up of UFOs/ET life.

In conclusion either all these officials are lying and involved in a global disinformation campaign to spread the existence of alien life or there is a "truth protective layer" and they are trying to expose it. The truth is stranger then fiction. The  evidence is piling up — videos of UFOs and credible testimonies, the constant NASA STS/ISS feed cuts  — the secrecy is ending. I assure you we are not alone and disclosure is on the horizon.

“There  is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations  have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is  bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of  view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they  use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion  systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” –  Dr. Brian O’leary, former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics  Professor.

“Over  the years we have chased many many of these things maybe not with the  visibility that this one has gotten but rarely have we been able to  pinpoint exactly where they came from and always finding out that it  didn’t pose us any hazard.”
~Wayne Hale, Former NASA Space Shuttle Program Manager said.

"There were a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around flying the same type of formation we fly in our fighters they didn't have wings they were saucer shaped and we could never get as high or fast as they were. But they were metallic and saucer shaped."

“Today  we have with us a group of students, among America’s best. To you we  say we have only completed a beginning. We leave you much that is  undone. There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to  those who can remove one of the truth’s protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief…”
~Neil Armstrong, during 25th anniversary of Apollo 11’s landing on the moon. 


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I have been saying for at least a decade that with or without evidence. Believing or not believing in these testimonies logic concludes that aliens are real.
Logic undoubtedly concludes that in an infinite multi verse that to think humans are the only "sentient" beings is not only illogical but blatant denial.
Just shows you how un evolved humans are as a whole.

There is way more than testimonies that proves it. 1908 Tunguska meteor is evidence and nukes aren't being disabled by no one. It's not just the same shapes over and over again these are either extraterrestrial or military I personally believe both.

Well my point is we don't need proof to come to the same conclusion haha and while Im not going to argue with any of your proof many will. Thats why if I ever talk about it I do as I do.
Best Regards~*~

Well, most of people belive in god whatever it is, without any evidence,but do not belive in ETs without evidence.

What is all this if not an abundant amount of evidence?

haHA! Like talking to an onion.
Hey @marenos, UFOs and Alien Life are real enough for this thread.
If you feel different, how about you DISAPPEAR instead of making Stupid comments?
Seriously... the pointlessness of your responses brings the IQ down around here.
Move along... don't be a pest. You're NEW here and this isn't the way to get good exposure.

Believe what you want!

This was an Awesome report AK. Great connections.

Hmm,nott yet until we can see ETs face to face.

It's the way other countries handle this information that provides the most evidence.

I've seen all of this evidence before, but so scattered around that it took a long time to see it all. This is a great consolidation.

This is the kind of link I can pass along to a UFO author friend who I've wanted to bring to Steemit.

Check out the last article on this topic too the information all adds up people can't remain blind for much longer.

I think you'd be surprised just how long a human can maintain self induced ignorance.

good job dear

thank you very much. :)

Upvoted and also resteemed!

I think his little fiends, the devils he is possessed by - talk to him often and at length.

Satanic in word and deed.

Good stuff as always my friend. Nice to see all this evidence in one place.

Hope you are well.

Shared/Voted etc



Thank you my friend disappointed this post isn't doing very good since I put so much into it but I am well and working on some major things. :)

It's all good. Don't be disappointed. You are doing great. Don't worry about the numbers. Just keep doing what you're doing pal. It all deserves a place on the blockchain.

If this wasn't a full time gig for me I wouldn't care about the numbers but its a matter of me living I write for a living in general working with Activist Post, Natural Blaze and right now Steemit.

From my point of view Juncker is really funny. If this type of ETs are worried, great. There are others that aren't: Bashar, Abraham, Adronis etc.
Of course, it's your choice to decide if they are real.
Thanks for sharing!

He is a crazy drunk but i used him as a stepping stone to put out the information I do this a lot. :)

I heard them all laughing when he said it. My French is quite bad, so I cannot decide if he intended a joke there. But it fits so very well. In his position, he should not have the time to dig into conspiracy theories. But maybe he was just confronted with this one? Or, on the other hand, he just doesn't care to tell the truth.
It's so perfectly balanced. Everyone has to decide for him/herself in which reality he/she wants to live. I took the one that is the most fun :)

interesting article as usual AK! great work

Great information. I was unaware of Junker's claims. Thanks for sharing

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