Aggroed's Antidote: Treating your News Feed 10/18/16 edition

in #news8 years ago

  Sharing reports of current events and perspectives that the Mainstream Media simply won't touch.  Better news feeds can create better worlds!  Sometimes these feature strong language or an image or two that's risque.  It's a sign of the times rather than an attempt to be NSFW.  I'll make mention if anything too naughty is coming up.     

News they are distracting you from

10 most horrible HRC emails


Trump will bring Obama's half brother to the next debate

Obama chimes in 

wikileaks deniers

Paul Ryan scared of Bernie Sanders

Clinton's reaction to wikileaks



this is the day before he died


Trump invested in Dakota Access Pipeline project

Media Manipulation

CNN says reading Wikileaks is illegal

Jill Stein and John Oliver clash over student loan debts



Humans are the "fuck it hold my beer species"

starwars kids costume

football punch mid game

wine condom 

where are all the girl super heros at

leg sleds


Thai Basil meals

Yoga standing splits


There a lot of good content here. Perhaps it would be better received if you took each item and put out your thoughts about them individually as separate articles.

120 votes seems like enough to me given I have 170 followers. It takes a lot of time to put these together. Adding thoughts is more. I have done some talk overs and put that on youtube and then back into the article. Tough to know if it's worth it. I'm still working on the right approach there.

Also, as for better received, I just like truth. I've spent a few articles calling the people that made this place oligarchs and their economic scheme a ponzi scheme. I'm not here to be liked, I'm here to present data the world is rigged against the common man and to spread peace, abundance, and liberty. Hopefully the message resonates and people learn about it.

Oki doki! 😄

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