3 Things to Boost Post Payouts (Part 3)

This is the Third Post in a series teaching you about "Getting Paid to Post"

Step 1: POST
Step 2: Network
Step 3: Gamified Routine

The View is Worth the Climb

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.
-Robert Collier

Small Beginnings

Every great ending has a small beginning. In order to become a whale on Steemit, first you have to be a Red Fish. You have to come up with ideas for posts. You have to write the posts. You have to network and make connections. You have to put in effort. But if you put in the work, you'll reap the rewards.

Alternatively, you could have invested a lot of money in Steemit, but even that started at a small beginning.

Small Steps

Especially when you're starting out, it can seem like each step takes a long time. The amount of time it takes to get your first SBD can seem like an eternity, but once you start getting rewards, they start to snowball.

The key is consistency. You can't just do something once and expect the money to pour in. You have to be determined. If you aren't determined, if you aren't disciplined, you will have difficulty succeeding.

Are You This Intense About Steemit?

Develop Your Routine.

Write a list of things you are going to do every day, and then do them. Set aside time to complete your list and don't let other things distract you from it. If succeeding on Steemit is important to you, then make it a priority.

You list could look something like this:

  1. Reply to previous comments on your posts
  2. 30 comments on others' articles
  3. Post Article
  4. Research something new on Steemit

As you can tell from some of the more seasoned authors, they use a template for their posts. They already have a routine for what they're going to post. This allows them to cut down on the amount of time it takes to create the post, AND it provides a consistent experience for the reader. This is something that you could do with your "research something new" time.

Gamify the Routine

Have fun with your routine. Don't let the routine be boring. You can make money on Steemit, sure. But you're here for fun too! Have competitions with yourself. How many articles can you write today? You don't have to post all of them now.

How many comments can you make? You did 30 yesterday, can you do 35? Read Step 2 again if you need reminders about posting quality content.

Give Yourself a Break

Yes, it seems like an oxymoron. First I say you need to be intense. Then I say to give yourself a break. BOTH are needed. Try hard! If you fail, give yourself grace. You're going to have plenty of opportunities. Some of them won't work out. That's ok. You're trying. If you stop when you fail, it's a failure. If you keep going, it's a stepping stone.

If you set goals, follow your routine to get there, and don't let setbacks keep you from moving forward...then who knows how far you can go!

No Limits

What are you waiting for? Get out there and make it happen!

Before you go, do leave a comment in the section below. Networking, right?



What's your routine?

What are some ways you have FUN on Steemit?


I like the idea of gamifying the process, set goals, aim to beat those goals, be excited as you do. How many posts can I make today? How many followers can I gain this week? How many replies can I solicit? How much steem or sbd can I earn?

Quality over quantity has to be the motto though, real sustained success wont come from trite insignificant blurbs. Sure not every post needs to be a novel, but quality over quantity is in my view the best approach.

Also the networking, gotta do it. ;)

That's exactly it! You've got it. And those are great ideas for gamifying the process!

Quality over quantity has to be the motto though, real sustained success wont come from trite insignificant blurbs

So true. Like we talked about in the first article of this series, if you're just posting garbage, it's going to cost you. You can't get quality followers by feeding them junk.

Thanks for networking with me. :)

these are ambitious goals and i think there is no doubt that they would lead to success!! great tips!

for us, we are in the swing of posting every day and so i think a huge part of it is also momentum. we don't necessarily have a form, but also just see what comes up in our lives to document.

i would love to see a lot more inspiring documentation of steemians lives with great pics. what is an average day for some, may be exciting for others.

You do a great job of consistently getting content out. If you have a process that works, that's the most important part. There's always room to grow the efficiency later.

You're right. A lot of the homesteading things that you all do are pretty exciting to me. :)

Thanks @themanwithnoname. you have given me a much needed kick up the behind! My life is so busy, and I tend to nod off sitting in front of my laptop within minutes of logging on. I read the replies to my comments, start checking my feed, and ...... wake up half an hour later having fallen asleep! I haven't written in ages, and now it's almost midnight and I have to try. Tomorrow is going to be another busy day.

As your homework, I'd like you to reread the last section:

Give Yourself a Break
Yes, it seems like an oxymoron. First I say you need to be intense. Then I say to give yourself a break. BOTH are needed. Try hard! If you fail, give yourself grace. You're going to have plenty of opportunities. Some of them won't work out. That's ok. You're trying. If you stop when you fail, it's a failure. If you keep going, it's a stepping stone.

It sounds like you have a lot going on. If you're sleeping at the computer, you probably need it. If you're determined to get a post out every day, maybe you can write on the weekends using Word (or have drafts on Busy.org) and post them during the week.

Either way, give yourself some grace! :D

Being a teacher, it's quite refreshing for someone to give me homework! You are right of course, thanks for caring.

Making useful comments on posts that I find interesting. This is tricky, it takes a lot of time to find things to comment on. But when I find something, I guess it is ready to write...

Maybe I'll put together a random series so you'll have a wide array of things on which to use those comments. If you keep them inside too long, they go stale. :)

Or maybe I'll just start randomly commenting with no relevance to the article!

good advice - templates are great .. I use them with contests and top 5 lists - just like with everything, systems are important - I am trying to create better systems for myself to save time and can spend more time creating content - not recreating the wheel.

Templates are one of the next things I need to work on. I also need a nice footer and divider. All things that are going to be part of the process. Life has been taking too much of my attention though, so I just do what I can and move on!

trust me - I know where your coming from - same thing going on in my life right now ...

Hang in there! It'll get better. :)

You got a 8.33% upvote from @inciter courtesy of @themanwithnoname!

You got a 0.37% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @themanwithnoname!

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