
Just to clarify, Dave isn't taking any time off, but definitely is fine with the group above restructuring the groups mentioned. Dave doesn't ever want to stand in the way of people doing a better job than him and he completely supports @prettydorky @bifilarcoil @anika @afolwalex @charisma777 @terminallyill joining with you and taking control of @newbieresteemday and @greetersguild... And once you get the approval of the group member from @newbiegames, then you can focus on that group too.

I wish you all the best and love the people that we have served... Building a community from scratch takes effort and I am happy to see the efforts involved with everyone to do it better than its ever done before!

God speed everyone and kick some major ass!

Great words, @davemccoy.
I will never be half the man you are (mainly because I’m a woman, of course), so I couldn’t leave a reply as civilized as yours. Still got to learn a lot from the big chief. Lol, but I’m trying. ;0)

I commented on this 3 days ago, before I knew what was going on.
I can see there is some structure, but I feel like democracy has taken a big hit.
Some of the people that were involved from the start, haven’t even received a question whether they still wanted to participate or not.
Nevertheless, congrats on the new team. I honestly believe in you.
It’s good to see the newbies from before have grown enough to to pay it forward.
They wouldn’t be able to do that if they hadn’t received the support you seem to be minimalizing in this post, daz

How about the newbiegames team, @deliberator? Not structured enough to be listed?

Anyway, I’m curious to see how this will turn out - and I’ll always be a cheerleader where I can. ‘Cos I’m proud of what we achieved so far, even if you don’t seem to be.
I truly hope you can make things better. If I see the names of the team members, I’m pretty sure there’s a chance to make this work. They have my full support.
And - alhough I was not asked for my participation - I will keep on doing everything I can to support the initiative. But for that, I have my own reasons. So if any of you ‘official team members’ need a hand, feel free to reach out

Mudcat36 thought the whole idea up in the first place, he pitched it to Davemccoy and it was born, dave in turn pitched it to me, and I jumped in head first, I spent all last weekend trying to restructure the resteem part with mudcat, and we got there, the newbiegames etc are Davemccoys babies, and I had no intention of messing with what I was not invited to mess with, what we wanted to do was get resteems back on the go, and that is what we did, the rest runs as it did before, without requiring my input in any way, As they say if it is not broken do not fix it, the resteem was the only part broken, Dave does a fantastic job of joining the rest up like sgg and newbiegames, I hope this clears up any confusion.? (And if you want to join in with resteems etc you KNOW you are more than welcome)

Oh I’m just stopping by again to tag @simplymike, @coolguy123, and @doomsdaychassis. There wouldn’t be a @newbieresteemday account without their delegations.

Thank you @beeyou for mentioning me, nice to know about the team restructure. Good day and good week ahead :)

Thanks for stopping by @coolguy123! Have a great weekend and week ahead to you as well. :)

Superb thank you, and just a thought from me, who were we going to upvote without the resteem service?

Thank you @deliberator for taking up this responsibility and restructuring the team by assigning specific tasks to specific people. Happy to be part of this great team as a silent member :)

Have a good day :)

Thanks for that my silent partner :-) it was all getting a little off track, it is full steem ahead now pun intended.

I have now left, sorry, I thought it best.

Hey @deliberator. I only saw superb, thank you..when I first stopped by. You must have added the second half of the comment. Or I might have missed it!

I follow the #newbieresteemday tag to look for accounts to upvote on @newbieresteemday. I also go out looking for newbies when I have the time and show our support to them, even if they don't use the tag. If they want to in the future, great. If not, that is a personal decision.

Getting back to the resteem service roots is commendable! Hope the newly formed team can help take it off the ground. Best!

Oh-I should also add that I send any good posts I see to @curie for review. Many newbies have received their support as a result of us showcasing the members on the @newbieresteemday account or sending it to a Curator for review. (I don't receive any finders fee for anyone I helped, just an FYI)

Somethings shift, somethings change, somethings remain the same. I will continue to post my Sunday newbieresteemday post. I will continue to use the post promotion drop boxes to find post to comment and vote on, and offer advice if needed, in other words to try and give a leg up to new users. I think I have learned a good lesson this last two weeks in overextending myself with commitments. I will primarily be working with Newbieresteemday, and with IFC, as time and vote power allow I will help out in other groups but no long term commitments for votes on post or game participation.

The introduceyourself tag is not easy to find new people on, and it can be hard to find "real" people, but I still try, not as much the last two weeks, but like I said, working on prioritizing, we'll see how that works.

You my friend have always been a leading light and superb example to others, you are highly thought of within the team and the respect you have was earned. You deserve that respect, so just keep on doing what you do my friend, and thanks for doing it.

I'll keep doing my Minnow Mondays post. I usually spread out my resteems over the week but perhaps I'll go back to just one day a week, if it's needed.. if not I'll keep doing what I been doing lol
Thanks for helping to keep us on track @deliberator !
Resteemed !!.png

Hey good lady, you could have the Monday resteems if you like :-) as it is the only day left to fill, that would of course be entirely up to you.

Oh sure! that works for me :) Thanks!

I will continue to help with the @newbieresteemday account when I can, but that’s the best I can do. I don’t resteem much since this is a group account. As I told @davemccoy when he first asked me about joining, I will cheer for the initiative. I started by writing a weekly recap for the initiative but haven’t found time lately to write a recent one. Anyone can take over if they have the time and inclination to write one.

Btw, the upvote from the @newbieresteemday account was mistakenly made by me. Didn’t realize I was still logged on there.

Okay your efforts are very much appreciated, and every little helps, I know life gets busy, I take enough time outs myself, and fully understand, stay cool good lady.

You are all superstars, thank you @deliberator @charisma777 @prettydorky @davemccoy @mudcat36 @simplymike @bashadow @terminallyill @coolguy123 @doomsdaychassis @manwithnoname (where've you been?) and others I've yet to have the privilege of engaging.
I've also been sticking my nose in sometimes if that's okay and resteem with the newbieresteemday logo thingy. I've just done that to one of @losthippie's posts which I really liked. I also put it into the discord promoteotherpeople's - okay?
If I could give up one of my real life jobs I would love to help, as I've always wanted to. Give me some time, I'm working on it! I'm finally getting another post done tonight, after being in the blog desert! But at least during this week I've made some new steemit friends and found some common ground with a few people. Have a great week, love and blessings.

Sure thing, I was going to ask you if you would be interested in doing a weekly round
up post?

I'm honoured, but I can't properly commit to a regular round up right now. I'm not even managing my feed properly. I'll resteem and encourage as much as I can though. Thanks :) :)

Superb, that will do for me, just glad to have you around the group.

Update: after requiring more info, I’m not so sure I can fully stand behind the words I posted in this comment. Made a new one below.

Great to hear the @newbieresteemday is evolving, just like it should be.
From the beginning, I decided to keep my place at the sidelines, because I don’t like forms of commitment - I am aways afraid I won’t be able to live up to the promises I make.
I’m happy with my role of the cheerleader. I help newbies where and when I can, in own way. I will always recommend them to drop by at the @newbieresteemday Discord channel, because I know they will be in good hands there. I will keep doing that.

But my concerns also go out to the people that were newcomers once, and have outgrown the starus of newbies.
I’ve been trying to figure out a way to set up a ‘phase 2’ of @newbieresteemday, which will make sure people that have reached the reputation of 45 or higher are not just left out on their own. Some people have proved to be able to
Outgrow the ‘newbie’ status in only 7 days. It’s not because they’ve got a rep of 45+, they won’t need our help anymore...

Maybe it is time to start thinking about ‘newbieresteemday - phase 2’
Anyone who has ideas on the topic, feel free to contact me so we can brainstom together..,

I was also thinking of that today, and have some ideas, though I need for now to concentrate fully on getting both wheels back on track with this, which I almost have now. I will gladly throw you some ideas in the week if you want to take on nrd2 or whatever it may be called. Thanks for stopping by, you legend you.

Lol, @deliberator, you’re giving me a lot more credit than I deserve. :0)
I agree, first things first. Ex-newcomers won’t be going anywhere soon, so we’ll have plenty of time to figure something out ;0)

lol. I will gladly help you sort out part two of this, I spent a good 2 hours trying to explain all this to my good lady today, her eyes glazed over after 3 minutes lol, it did help me clear my mind though, I have a million ideas ready to roll out, 1 step at a time though.

I know all about those glazing eyes, lol. I have no specific ideas yet, but it was a seed that was planted in my head by one of the girls earlier this week, and it has bedn tvere ever since. Guess I’ll have to water it a bit, so it will start growing...

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