MacGyver Challenge: The Most Challenging Contest on Steemit

in #newbiegames6 years ago (edited)

OK Steemians - I have a real treat for you today and depending on how it goes - this could end up as a regular series.


I thought of a contest a while back that I have been wanting to try out - It's a contest that requires you to really think and reach deep into your imagination to come up with a solution. I would go so far as to say that this could be one the most difficult challenges you will find on Steemit.

This idea stems from the fact that I HATE waste - as a landlord and property investor, I come across a lot of items on a regular basis that I need to get rid of - but sometimes - I look at these things and wonder if they could be put to better user instead throwing it away. Some items are very simple - a broken rake -leftover pieces of insulation, used brackets - others are more complicated - with several parts - such as a broken dishwasher. I want you to help me come up with an idea so that I can re-use these items without wasting them by throwing them away. I really look forward to seeing what ideas come out of this.

Today I announce:

The MacGyver Challenge


Why MacGyver?

He is popular TV character known for taking everyday items and turning them into something useful - usually to save himself or his team from eminent danger - well the planet is in danger of having too much garbage - so let's find a way to turn everyday items into something useful or fun.

The Challenge

Your challenge is to channel your inner MacGyver to come up with some ideas on how I can re-use the parts in this object to make something else - it doesn't matter how big or small it is - just that it is something different made out the parts from the chosen object.

Today's object, should you choose to accept ( I know .. a different series.. ) is a Dishwasher. Let's assume that we have an entire workshop that we can use to tape, cut, weld, splice, hammer, drill, press, forge or whatever - we have unlimited workshop resources -


Now - what else could we make out of this?


Here are the pics

Here we can see all sorts of useful things like a motor and some wire


Here we can see some aluminum rails, springs, brackets, and washtub


In this picture you can see a rubber hose, and plastic elbow pieces


All sorts of fun stuff here....probably some ball bearings in there, and an axis


Some baskets, and holding racks


Small wheels attached to the trays

OK Steemians! You have your challenge!

Get out your duct tape, swiss army knife, and paperclips - put your thinking caps on and see what you can come up with. All entries will be featured in a second post 7 days from today. Winner will be selected by upvote process - whoever's idea gets the most upvotes is the winner-

The prize will be the earnings from this post and the featured post that will be voted on. Please resteem to build up this post as much as possible to increase the prize pool.



Thank god we don't have to figure out how to do it, but I bet you could turn that into a mobile pet washing machines (for the small and furry pets only)?

I think it must have been that goat milking machine post I saw that made me think of it:

So I am sure @mamam-pepper could come up with something interesting :)

Also I am hoping someone from @steemmakers might also be able to come up with some interesting ideas... @drmake, @pbock and anyone else? Could definitely make for an interesting post :)

lol.... I don't know too many pets that would appreciate that - but your spot on with a great idea. and your right - we don't need to how how we would actually make it all work - just that we would theoretically put these pieces into the hands of someone who DID know how to make it all work out my sword example - I don't know how to forge a sword... I just know that the right person knows how to to bang it into one.. so it can be done.

lets see ... remove the dish racks and rewire the hoses to make a light spray - maybe put a screen over the spinning water jets so there is less moving parts to come into contact with the animal...add a hose attachment with a hand held spray nozzle - allow a second side to open up so the animal doesn't feel trapped inside a box - and you may just have your self a mobile pet washing station....

You could create washing programs for animals of different size and hair types too :)

I would not put my pets into this machine :-) no way!

This is a big metal box that sprays water onto the pets to wash them, so what's the difference? :D

look at this dog! he hates it :)

You're probably right, there is no wagging of the tail to be seen :D

You should put plants in it and modify the water jets so they lightly water the plants. You can also close it up when it's night so they're protected. Ha ha.

Yes, put a bit of light in and you have your own propagator!

You also could use it as a spray paint cabin for small items

that's very creative... I never thought of that - another great use for it!

propagating plants is especially important to me - I can totally see a use case for doing such a thing. It would be a closed in climate controlled system to get plants started before being into the ground -

A friend of mine uses an old dishwasher and some growing lights to start his marihuana plants. That’s because this idea was the first one that came up. Unfortunately, you beat me to it ;0)

Uh huh... A friend? 🤔

Jep, a friend 😜😂

I LOVE that idea!! that's such a cool use for it. I never thought of reusing the water jets that way. Big time creativity points! - if we flipped it upside down the water jets would be at the top and could water it from the top down...


OMG! I already can imagine using virtually all of those parts and metal/plastic frame housings to make a killer water-cooled, Raspberry Pi cluster supercomputer - for dirt cheap!

Estimated cost: >$100 USD.



I like it!!! Good way to make people think about everyday things!!! :) I like'd MacGyver too!

When I look at this dishwasher I see the most powerful transformer ever!
The Holding Rack is his shield! The propeller is his main weapon. And in case he needs someone to get wet he has the rubber hose as the secondary weapon. The different sides of the cube just unfold to get him to max size...similar then the Folding Robot I just posted about. Just the other way around. The transformer hides everything inside the machine and is in full size when it is unfolded :)

well..... I suppose if you had a bunch of extra parts you could pull it off- might also be the worlds SHORTEST transformer too ;)

Well SHORTEST transformer is also a title :-D

I'm terrible with making stuff like this. But I am really curious what people can do with it!

don't sell yourself short - I'm not looking for engineers to build me a time machine ... just imagine you had all these pieces on a workbench in front of you and you just wanted to piece together something doesn't need to be real useful - it can be simply decorative - or something your dog could play with , or something you can use in the garden or something....just have fun with it and let your imagination run wild.

How about dog house or house for pets that can fit in there? :)

Yes - and because it is insulated - it could be warm in the winter and cool in the summer - very low tech outside of the box thinking - I love it. Thanks for your contribution. oooh.......just thought of this..... along the same lines... it could be a small chicken coop... just slide the drawers open to get the eggs... I'm starting to think that I might not actually throw this thing away

I was about to say chicken coop at first lol!

OK .. I cant help myself - here's a freebie - and this is to just give you an idea of the fact that NOTHING is off the table with this's goes nothing:

You take all the metal parts of dishwasher - melt them all down - then pour them into a mold and let it harden.Then take the newly formed piece of metal and bang the hell out of it until it becomes a sword...

Your welcome.

Maybe you're not the only one that has been watching episodes of Men at Arms :D That might be an interesting challenge for them - forging a sword from a washing machine!

I got to thinking about it later and realized that 99 % of the metal in that thing is aluminum,.. I'm just waiting for someone to call me out on my aluminum sword!

This was an example of an aluminum sword:

Or maybe make a baseball bat instead?

very cool... thanks for sharing .. I watched the whole video

I doubt that the water pump is self starting, but if it is you maybe could use it in a fish pond, or to water the garden from a well or a stream.

The dish rack. what about mounting it to the wall to hold newspapers and magazines?

the rotating water spayer, try to attach the garden hose, when there are kids playing outside on a hot summer day. :-D wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

the little basket i would maybe use to store paint brushes or other light tools

If the pump idea above doesn't work, then maybe you can use the motor as a generator? Windmill watermill or attach it to a bicycle and generate some electricity when you do a workout?

I gotta admit - one of my favorite ideas so far ... I love that the parts all go to something different - great way way to recycle them - and practical uses too! Rotating water spray for the kids .. great idea .. also good for watering the grass...I may actually recover that basket to hold paint brushes - another great idea

I tried to find if i could make it explode but thats more a task for Angus himself. :-)

This is awesome. You've done it again. Another creative contest to make people think and participate. I love it.

I didn't not catch if we submit our answers in the reply of this post or do we write a post and reply with the link to the post here?

Thanks mellofello! I honestly thought this would be one of the lowest interaction posts that I've done - but I was hoping to get at least a couple of good ideas out of it - the fact that so many Steemians have stepped up and put forth some great ideas is very encouraging.

You're more than welcome to write up a post about it, but its not a requirement of the contest - just go ahead and drop your answer in the comments - in a few days, I will create a second post with all of the ideas in it and allow people to vote on the idea they like best.

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