Steem Basic Income Giveaway (What did you do when...)

in #newbiegames6 years ago

Hope everyone survived the HF20 experience with most of their faith in the Steem chain still intact! Thanks to everyone who made it to the last Steem Basic Income Giveaway on Words!

In a way, for me it was a nice respite from posting and commenting and all of that stuff. In many ways, the blogging side of Steem (whilst being quite enjoyable) has taken up more of my time than I care to think about. Like much of social media, I start to wonder if that is really what I want to be doing! On the other hand, the start of a new system that allows for a wider range of Dapps to connect up with Steem, that don’t necessarily rely on blogging and writing to be successful, is a promising way to help Steem get a wider adoption.

It really is my firm belief that we need to grow out of the initial blogging platform that we began with, to reach a wider audience, to reach the critical mass of adoption that we need to survive the coming crypto-culling. The time when only the truly useful and widely-adopted chains will survive, and the rest will crash away. I have high hopes that Steem can be one of these survivors, but not in it’s current form as a blogging platform.

Anyway, Steem stuff aside. This week I’m a bit curious about how you enjoyed and spent your time away from Steem during the enforced silence imposed by the lack of Resource Credits! Did you find it enjoyable, or were you suffering from withdrawal? Were you interested by the technical details of the difficulties, or were you running off to other blogging platforms?

My Question

How did you spend your week away from Steem?

My sample answer

I actually enjoyed the time off Steem! I am starting to dislike the idea of writing and posting and commenting and promoting every day, and so with this enforced break, I hope to find a better balance in my time on and off Steem. I’m curious to explore the various Dapps that are coming up, to see if they are a nice alternative to writing every day. This way, I can spend more time on writing a post over several days, rather than feeling the pressure of trying to get a post out each day!
However, the enforced time out from Steem came at a really opportune time anyway for me! I was away on work (music) in Ireland, and the place where I was staying at was beautiful and relatively remote. Which meant there was very little access to mobile internet and NO WIFI! So, even if Steem was up, I wouldn’t have been able to do much anyway!
So, my time was spent just enjoying the countryside and preparing for a concert. Meeting new people and eating lots of good food! Can’t complain really…


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a author starting out on your fresh new Steemit account, Steemit can be a daunting and lonely place to be. OFten, it can feel like you are posting into an abyss with no one listening and with no ability to grow out of the situation. A share of Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but over time cumulative support to your account to help grow you out of your initial wilderness!

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people). OF course, this is not simply an altruistic move, as the sponsor of a Steem Basic Income share also gets a share, so it is a great way to help others whilst helping yourself!

Last week's winners

The last post paid out 2.002 SBD and 0 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 2 shares.

The winners by random draw are:



Upgoats by ryivhnn
Account banner by jimramones

The classical music community at #classical-music and Discord. Follow our community accounts @classical-music and @classical-radio. Community Logo by ivan.atman



Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


This post has been rated by the user-run curation platform CI! In this platform users are able to manually curate content. This is done regardless of Steem Power, for both rewards and vote size calculation.

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This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was given a rating of: 0.7315031494994629
This post was voted: 100%

I... did not have a great time. I spent more time on discord worrying about hf20. I lost some faith in the team behind Steem, though gained some in individual witnesses. I spent more time, not less, thinking about Steem. I want this to be a place where I read a couple things, write a couple things, and go on with my life. But when it becomes more of an investment than a past-time, whooooo it gets stressful.

Agreed there, when there is money invested, then it is really a different experience. I was lurking around on Discord and I have to wonder which witnesses were really doing good things. I suspect it was not the people that were running around making the most noise... But I can't know for sure....

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

I played a video game. Dumped about 30 hours into an old favorite of mine, Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber. Got about halfway through the game. Now I have to decide if I want to keep it up or go back to Steeming, becuase I can't do both, hah!

Ha ha, don't you have a new kid to watch?

I only have had one experience with an Ogres game... I think it was on PSP. I seem to remember enjoying it quite a bit, even though I'm not really into the Jrpg thing... But it is so long ago, I can't be sure if I'm remembering the same game...

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

I didn't do much on STEEM, not only because the Mana and the RC issues knocked me out, but also because work kept me busy most of the time during the day. Then, after work, I did my violin homework as usual...

But when I had some free time, I'd take a look to see how my Mana and RC were doing. First negative RC, then they fixed the RC and one upvote at 100% VP dropped my Mana to 22%, then there was the 10X patch a few days later and the RC increased a bit. Usually at night, I'd read some posts to check what was going on and how others were taking the HF20 aftermath (at least reading didn't consume RC :P ), and people had been complaining about the high RC costs as though it were the end of the world and those costs were definitive (according to Steemd, in the beginning, with 38 SP and around 70% RC, I could only post 3 comments! It was crazy :D ). I'm glad those costs weren't definitive, though, and seem to have settled down by now.

Well, enough resource credits or not, I can't release a blog post every day anyway. It's usually two posts per week (sometimes three), and that's about it...

Yes, I think there was a bit of overreacting to the initial rc costs and the VP bug. Well, it is a social media chain after all, and if it is popular to pile on and comparing them I guess will do it... Anyway, it had all passed and we are all back on track again!

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

I spent most my time away on discord and I also played a little poker and Black Jack with mixed results.

Whilst I was on my steem vacation, I did get taught how to play poker. I knew the hands and all of that, but the different types of games and the betting was all new to me!

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

What did I do?

I read. I had started a novel the previous weeks but dropped it at some point. I picked up the novel and finished it that same day.

The following day, I picked up another novel. Basically, I kept on reading stories. It was an awesome experience. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I also spent time with my sister. We went out at evenings and we talked about real stuff. I also make a new friend.

Thinking about it, it was cool. Only issue was the lost daily revenue. It's all good though

Glad you enjoyed the time off! Apart from the lost income, it sounds like you had a great time! Reading is something to I really should make more time for...

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

Thanks for the prompt

I'll check it out now!

For me I got more sleep. I try to post each day and this leads me to staying up later. Without a need t post here I didn't have to do that. I also had more energy during the day. That was nice for the weekend as we set up my house with decorations for Halloween. I do see now that getting as into SBI and other daily voting bots puts some pressure on me to post each day. I might try to ignore that more often as it is filling my blog will a lot of smaller post I don't really like as much and then I do a good one and it is hidden in that stuff. I did get pulled into a few other sites like steem it though but might walk away from those haha.

I've avoided the other sites as they don't have such en established market on exchanges, and until then, they are not going to survive. Then again, I could be wrong

Getting more sleep is great, I find I'm doing the same... And losing a bit of extra sleep as well...

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

First of all I have to comment on this statement:

Survive the coming crypto-culling. The time when only the truly useful and widely-adopted chains will survive, and the rest will crash away. I have high hopes that Steem can be one of these survivors, but not in it’s current form as a blogging platform.

Totally agree with this. In 5 years most of the shitcoins won't even exist and will have fallen away due to not having any use. There are only a few viable coins in existence at the moment and i believe that STEEM is one of the front runners. Hopefully with the hardfork we will see some of the potential this year and new apps to work with it. I love to interact but not really a blogger so looking forward to new ways of earning steem in the future.

How did you spend your week away from Steem?

For the main point of the post. I really didn't enjoy it. When i had time off or busy so that i didn't go online it wasn't an issue. When i wanted to go onto steemit and couldn't is when i found the going tough. The weather was really bad here so i was slightly restricted anyway making it an ideal week for blogging and interacting. If the weather had been a bit nicer i would have spend time outdoors and maybe even a game of golf along the way.

I didn't find the weather too terrible in Ireland! Sure, it wasn't great but it wasn't pouring down! On the other hand, I live in Netherlands, so we often have similar weather....

I am hopeful for Steem to be one of the longer lasting chains... Although, I still firmly believe that we need to move outwards from a blogging platform... Not everyone wants to write... And the rewards for reading are not going to attract people to join up. Likewise, the quality of dsound and dtube posts are not that good at the moment (in general), so if an established creator comes in, and essentially gets overlooked, then it is going to drive people away...

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

The first thing I did was test upvoting and commenting to see what it was going to cost me. I was not impressed. My RCs were very low starting out. My VP was fairly high. But one upvote took my VP down below 20%. So I posted that I was taking the weekend off from Steem. And I did.

What did I do? Enjoyed some extra time with my wife and grandkids.

My two grandsons both play baseball. My wife and I are their sponsors. So I took them to practice, and games, and simply enjoyed the time. I would have done this anyways, but I did it without thinking about what I was going to write on Steemit when I got back home. lol

My wife and I watched a couple of movies together. She told me she likes it better when we are in bed together snuggled up instead of me on my computer. I must confess: I liked that too. :-)

Ha ha, I think a lot of us enjoyed the time off of Steem... I think that in the end, we need to find a balance, just like with any other social media platform...

Very true. :-)

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

I finally found time to do some things I never have gime for... and more.
Not only did I spend more time in the garden, I actually found myself doing household chores at one point. Boy, was I glad that everything turned back go normal pretty quickly :0)

Ha ha! Exciting, household chores! I'm lucky I was away from home, or I might have found myself also entranced by toilet cleaning and grass cutting...

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