Diving deep into the buttonland

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

Some month ago I told you about Randolph Carter , about the crazy dreamlands of H.P. Lovecraft. I described you some of the gruesome tales Lovecraft spun for his readers: rats in the walls, alien entities in the sea, strange scribblings in old and musty books. But the biggest horrors of all - Lovecraft probably never encountered – the angst of choosing the wrong button.
And exactly at this point I am, the button dilemma. I travelled deep into the planes of tentacled monsters, battled with the weird geometry of a non-Euclidian world and came back with these four options:

diving deep into buttonland 1.png

black buttons with little, hardly visible snowflakes, dark brown buttons with a star, silver buttons which are very heavy and plain brown buttons

diving deep into buttonland 2.png

But this is not all, your help is needed on multiple levels. To explain the next problem, we must step back in time again. As you perhaps remember I knitted the famous Miette cardigan from Andi Satterlund. And I knitted it a tad big around the bust see this old post. So, I started again and made another one. This beast jacket is now finished. It is too small. I blocked it. Now it is too big.
Ok not really. But the sentences sounded so nice :-D Only the sleeves of the cardigan are to big, the rest is still too small. You can see the misery on these very informal photos.

diving deep into buttonland 3.png

Now the different lines of my tale will come together.
First: should I shorten the sleeves?
Second: which buttons should I use?
Third: why do I always find my handmade items ugly on myself?

Ahhh and I forgot, I do not like the wobbly neckline and I am thinking about crocheting one row of single crochet or slip stitches around to make it smaller and more even (it seems to be a problem of the pattern as I read on an old gravestone in the Dreamlands ravelry.) Shall I? Do you have a better advice?

Thank you all for your help (you will help or !!!???) 😅 😅 😅

Thank you @crosheille and @crystalize for hosting the #needleworkmonday. If you want to see more beautiful projects with yarn, fabric and most of all needles follow @needleworkmonday. Or even better grab your needles and pen keyboard and join the #needleworkmonday community.


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First: Yes to shortening the sleeves. Even if it hurts to unravel something, a quarter of a sleeve is a fast reknit and thus nearly instant gratification :)

Second: Either the silver ones - which have a nice traditional feeling which is even nicer if how you dress isn't that tradional at all. Or the black with the tiny snow flakes. Even if noone but you can really see them, you know that they are there and they make the button "not plain black" and lend a playful edge to the cardigan.

Third: Why do you think I primarily knit socks or mitts or shawls ;)

1: unraveling... sewing again... lazy me... :-D No you are right. Everyone is telling me to shorten the sleeves, so this is the thing to do, but again me lazyyyyyyy
2: with the buttons, the silver ones are my first choice, but they are to heavy, they pull down the whole buttonband. Right now I am also mostly convinced to use the black ones with the snowflakes.
3: I had to laugh, valid strategy. But my brain always convinces me, that I will look as cute in the knitted item, as the model on the photo (yes I know, delusional) I do not seem to learn fast :-D
Thank you for your button and sleeve support :-D <3

Well done for finishing it, @neumannsalva. I will answer your questions below ... they're just my opinion and I'm often a bit odd :D

First: should I shorten the sleeves?
Personally, I would. I think if it was me I would feel happier about it. I sense that you feel they're too long.
I normally just fold the cuffs as I'm so short I'm used to doing that ...

Second: which buttons should I use?
I like the ones with the stars actually or the metals ones :D

Third: why do I always find my handmade items ugly on myself?
I think that's because you may be too self-critical. It is good to be able to reflect and not just accept things, but you've done a good job with it so 'celebrate' :D

I feel it is a lovely cardigan and I like the lace motif on the front. It is also a good colour because you can combine it; perhaps you just need to wear it with a brighter colour top, eg mustard, lilac or a seasonal orange to make yourself feel happier about it.

** Did you use a smaller set of needles to make the neckline ? Perhaps it just needed a tighter tension that's all.

A row of crochet may be fine too but check the tension...

ugh... it seems I have to shorten the sleeves (my lazy I tells me 'no just put the sweater in the box and forget about it' :-D) Everyone thinks they are too long, and you are right, if I don't like them, then I will not wear it.
Buttons: The silve rones are my first choice....but they are too heavy. I already tried it out and the whole buttonband collapses under their weight :-D The stars are also beautiful, but right now I think they are distracting from the lace panels, so I think i will use the unobtrusive black ones.
Am I ugly... wait, this wasn't the third question or was it :-DDD? Here you are also right (as with the sleeves) I somtimes always (ahhh I am doing it right now) have the tendency to criticise/destroy things I made. And the black things were perhaps not the best choice to cheer me up about the sweater :-D And although I like to take photos and in the moment of making the shots, I am not selfconscious, afterwards is always another question. And besides from the photos I often find it hard to combine clothes so that they look good together (not only handmade items).
Tension: check - you are right again... I used the same needle as for the rest. But in my defence, the pattern called for it. Now I know better. But as buttonband and neckline are worked together, anravelling is no option.
Thank you so much for your button and sleeve support and for cheering me up <3 <3

I'm looking forward to seeing an update on your lovely cardigan, @neumannsalva :D

sigh... the cardigan is looking reproachful at me 😅

Ja, definitiv würde ich die Ärmel kürzen. Deine Einschätzung ist in allen Dingen richtig. Auch den Kragen verstärken, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe.

Dass du deine Sachen nicht richtig zu schätzen weißt bzw. an dir selbst nicht so gerne magst, liegt vielleicht nur daran, dass du mittlerweile gewöhnt bist, dir deine eigenen Anziehsachen zu fertigen? Vieles, was für einen in Fleisch und Blut übergeht, wird quasi gewöhnlich. Ich bin mir aber sicher, dass du immer ein gutes Feedback bekommst oder Leute erstaunt gucken, wenn du ihnen sagst, dass deine Strickjacke selbst gemacht ist.

Mein Mann sagt immer, das, worin wir gut geworden sind, haben wir irgendwie aufgehört, als etwas Besonderes zu sehen. Was es aber ist.

Du bist mittlerweile eine Expertin im Stricken und Häkeln. Locker könntest du sogar einen Laden haben und mit Kunden fachsimpeln.

Ich hege große Bewunderung für dein Handwerk.

Lange war ich nicht mehr hier und dachte, es wird mal wieder Zeit dafür.

Bei den Knöpfen: da würd ich ne Münze werfen, denn die sehen doch alle ganz gut aus. Kopf = schlicht , Zahl = verspielt


Liebe Grüße!

Ohhh wie schön von dir zu hören! Ich habe zwar gesehn, dass du fleißig geschrieben hast, aber bin nicht richtig zum lesen/kommentieren gekommen, was ich aber unbedingt nachholen muss (entschuldige). Ich hoffe es geht dir gut und du bist schon ein bisschen in Herbsstimmung.
Und zu der Jacke
Auschnitt verstärkt: check
Knöpfe angenäht (würg... mache ich nicht gerne): check
Ärmel gekürzt: öhähhhhfaulfaulfaulääähhhh nicht so richtig :-D Mir fällt es sehr schwer an etwas weiter zu arbeiten, dass ich im Kopf schon für fertig befunden habe. Mache ich meistens nur wenn es wirklich richtig richtig schlecht ist. Die Ärmel sind mehr so: "naja.... kürzer wäre nett... aber naja". Ich befürchte, das Ärmelkürzen muss noch warten, bis es mich wirklich packt.
Ich habe sie heute das erstemal ausgeführt und gewöhne mich ein bisschen an die Jacke :-D Und mit dem "gut finden" ... ich befürchte es liegt mehr an meiner Selbstwahrnehmung, denn an der Jacke oder dem nicht Wertschätzen meiner Strickfähigkeit. Wenn sie liegt finde ich sie nämlich ganz hübsch (muss sehr lachen, wen ich das schreibe) Das Thema "Körper/akzeptanz" (zusammen mit "Kleidung kombinieren")... das wäre bestimmt einige Posts wert.
So hier noch ein lustiges Umkleidenbild als Beweis für meinen Knopf/Auschnitt/ichziehdieJackean Fleiß
Und schäääääm... hab ein Kleid gekauft :-D
Liebste und wollige Grüße

Wow! Danke für das Foto! Ich finde, dass die Veränderung jetzt deutlich besser Jacke und dich zur Geltung bringt.

Deinen Lidstrich mag ich übrigens sehr. Wie kriegst du den so gekonnt hin? Ich brach mir immer einen dabei ab.

Das mit dem Verbessern, wenn man etwas für fertig befindet, kenne ich. Geht mir so mit Bildern oder Texten. Wobei die Texte nun wirklich nicht so viel Arbeit sind, wie Gestricktes wieder aufzuribbeln.

Ja, das mit der Akzeptanz, wie man sich und seinen Körper findet: Oje. Wir leben in einer Bilder-Welt. Ich muss selbst auch aufpassen, dass ich nicht schön finde, was allgemein als schön gilt und mich davor bewahren. Klappt nur bedingt, aber ich sage es mir jedenfalls öfter vor. Hilft auch, dass ich aus dem Alter raus bin, wo man sich noch auf den Markt schmeißt und die Blicke von Männern gleiten längst an mir vorbei. Ganz anders noch, als ich jünger war und total gewöhnt (verwöhnt eigentlich), dass man mir hinterher schaut und ich (gespielt) genervt davon sein kann. Haha!! Mein Mann mag mich immer noch und ich ihn obwohl wir nun Bäuche haben. Grins.

Also wie wohl du dich fühlst, so füllst du auch deine Kleidung aus bzw. du führst sie aus. Lass deinen Körper stolz die Dinge tragen.

Danke schön (die Jacke freut sich sehr über das Kompliment und ich natürlich auch :-D)
Mit dem Lidstrich... ich benutze so einen filzstiftartigen Eyeliner, damit geht es (für mich) ziemlich einfach. Links gelingt mir jedoch besser als rechts :-) Mit einem Pinsel finde ich es auch sehr schwierig eine Linie zu ziehen. Ich mache aber eh nur die hintere Ecke des Liedes dunkel, kein ganzer Strich
Und mit der Bilder Welt: da kann ich eigentlich alles nur untersteichen. Ich merke auch immer wie ich mich von Körpernormen einnehmen lasse, wie ich konsumiere, um meinen vermeintlich makelbelasteten (alten) Frauenkörper zu tunen etc. Ich versuche dem manchmal mit Body Positivity Blogs/Bildern entgegen zuwirken. Gerade im Bereich des Handarbeitens, vor allem Nähen, gibt es da einiges schönes mit einem inklusiveren Körperbildern.

Hehe you are funny @neumannsalva.

Ok first, yah I think you should shorten the sleeves and crocheting the neckline to make it smaller so that you will feel happier with it and actually bring yourself to wear it, else all is wasted effort, kept away and forgotten?

Second, i actually like the black buttons with little, hardly visible snowflakes on the cardigan, they blend well with the colour.

Third, hehe I ask myself that same question all the time. That is why I have not really attempted making serious wearables apart from scarves hehe.

You’ll do good @neumannsalva whichever you decide. I am sure of it 🙃

Posted using Partiko iOS

Naturally you are right... if I already question if the sleeves and the neckline are ok, I should do something, if not it will sleep forever in my wardrobe. Still I am so lazyyyyy :-D
And with the buttons, I am with you. I now also tend to the black ones, because they do not distract to much from the lace panels.
And with the third question... this is perhaps a never-ending story for the most of us. But it really helps (me) to write it down and hear, that other may have the same struggles. I am sure I would love your handmade garments (and you in them) <3
Thank you so much for your decision help and your support <3

Ooooh! I understand you!!! I, too, while I knit a thing, I like it. and when I finish the work and dress it, I have the same question that you wrote at number 3 :))) Buttons: I prefer the two upper versions. I wonder what you choose. With the neckline I would also do what you think to do. it aligns her form. but with sleeves: if you are lazy to shorten them (as often happens with me :)))) it is possible to sew the elastic band on the wrong side between the cuff and the sleeve. it will slightly pull up the sleeve and lift it up

Ohhh the elastic idea is completely new, I will search for such a yarn, good hint. (Because you are right, I am not highly motivated to work on this sweater) And with the buttons, I think I will follow your choice and use the lack ones. They blend better into the grey color.
And it is really strange, that many of us have problems to like oneself. If I see photos of you with your lovely creations (I especially loved your dress with the crochet border) I see so much beauty. <3 But it is so hard to see this in oneself.
Thank you so much for your button and sleeve help and your support.

Thank you for your kind words, my dear! I wish you success in working on this project!

I like the black buttons best, followed by the silver. Save the brown ones for a warmer color. Just my opinion, though.

THe silver ones are too heavy, I tried them out, so I think it will be the black ones with the snowflakes.
Thank you for your button-help <3

I don't know but any of those buttons looking very lovely and goes well to me @neumansalva 😍😍😍
I would keep the sleeves long for the cold days❄️

Hi @neumannsalva !

Well first, I totally disagree about your 'ugly' comment, definitely too 'self-critical' like someone said here...
... or maybe you've been looking at the cardigan for too long...
The question might be of how you are going to wear it. In this case, I am thinking a knee-length pencil skirt or a skater type skirt/dress.

Buttons. I thought the way you wear the cardigan unbuttoned looks lovely, I was thinking it would look fine if you left it like that or maybe just one statement button on the top.

Sleeves. I agree with most comments here, they would look better if they were shorter.

I love the lace motif, it's really elegant!

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